Moscow summit and, 277–78

1976 presidential bid of, 47–49

convention preparations, 49–51

Republican Convention, 51–53

1980 presidential campaign of

arms race, 64–65

Republican Convention, 65–66

restoring morale objective in, 61–64 slogan for, 62

vision for, 59–61

1984 presidential campaign of, 200–202 Ted Kennedy factor and, 205–10 reelection of, 212–13, 217

Soviet Union and, 202–4

unintended statements during, 211–12 opposition to construction of pipeline in Soviet Union by, 122–23, 146–55 opposition to Helsinki Accords by, 48 Poland and, 290–91

Polish crisis and, 267–68

Moscow’s anti-Reagan campaign, 109–10

possible use of U.S. force to invade Poland and, 93–94

request to light a candle to show support for Poland, 99–103

response to martial law in Poland by, 97–99

RR’s letter to Brezhnev, 104–5

sanctions on Poland and Soviet Union by, 107–9

recollections of childhood friends of, 306, 324n6

rejection of Cold War policies by, 41–45 containment, 42–43

detente, 43–44

moral equivalency, 44–45

Sadat, Anwar, 113, 231

SAG. See Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Santa Fe Trail (1940), 11

Saudi Arabia, 251–55

Schecter, Jerrold, 92

Schecter, Leona, 92

Schindler, Rabbi Alexander, 108

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 149

Schmidt, Helmut, 109, 205

Schram, Martin, 258

Schwartz, Fred, 19

Schweizer, Peter, 74–75, 210–11, 221–22, 232–33, 234–35, 252

Scott, James M., 233

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 10–15

black actors and, 20

RR’s second term as president of, 25–27

SDI. See Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Senior Interdepartmental Group

International Economic Policy (SIG- IEP), 156–58, 162

Serov, Vladimir, 165

Shakhnovich, Aleksandr, 309

Shaw, Artie, 13

Shcherbitsky, M. Vladimir, 88

Sheridan, Ann, 68

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 241, 261, 274, 295 Shultz, George, 156, 176, 178, 185, 301 SDI and, 246

Sidey, Hugh, 201

SIG-IEP. See Senior Interdepartmental Group-International Economic Policy (SIG-IEP)

Sikorski, Radek, 102–3, 293

Simpson, Christopher, 157

Sinatra, Frank, 76

Six Day War, 37

Smith, Richard H., 247–48

Solidarity, 287–88. See also Poland

crackdown on, 91–93

declaration of martial law and, 84–87 Reagan’s aid to, 288–91

rise of, 90

RR’s opinion of, 291–92

Taiwan, 46

Talbott, Strobe, 301

Tarasenko, Sergei, 274

tax cuts, 80–81

Taylor, Robert, 16, 28

Teller, Edward, 176, 301

Thatcher, Margaret, 44, 122, 152, 185, 193, 205–6, 221, 246, 307

Thomas, Helen, 182–83

Thomas, J. Parnell, 16, 17

Thorn, Gaston, 185

Tikhonov, Nikolai, 217

Trofimenko, Genrikh, 46, 301

Trudeau, Pierre, 110, 185

Truman, Harry S., 67, 159

Trumbo, Dalton, 15

Tunney, John V., 206–9

Tyminski, Stanislaw, 287 Uhler, Lew, 29 ul-Haq, Zia, 276

Vasilyev, Gennady, 286

Velikhov, Yevgeny, 183

Vetrov, Vladimir I., 124, 156

Vietnam War, Kennedy-Reagan debate on, 33–35

Voice of America, 172

Volcker, Paul, 80

Volovets, S., 143

Weigel, George, 139

Weinberger, Caspar, 42–43, 121, 192,

Walesa, Lech, 84, 90, 91, 97, 149, 187, 279, 287, 289, 290–91, 308

Wallace, Chris, 183

Wallace, MIke, 201

Walsh, Lawrence, 270

Walters, Vernon, 136, 137

Waring, Fred, 23

Warner, Jack, 19

Watson, Russell, 275

Wayne, John, 11, 67, 68

Weaver, J. V. O., 57

194–95, 210, 242, 256, 259, 309 on arms race, 238

possible use of U.S. force to invade

Poland and, 94–95

Weiner, Tom, 210

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