Committee and, 15–18

Screen Actors Guild and, 10–20

second term as president of SAG, 25–27

support for Displaced Persons by, 14–15

influence of lifeguard years on, 305–6

Reagan, Ronald Wilson (continued) peaceful coexistence, 44

Yalta Conference, 42

Reykjavik summit and, 260–62

role of, in selection of Gorbachev, 219–23

Solidarity and, 288–91

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 58–59

Strategic Defense Initiative and, 175–84

switch to Republican Party by, 28 as “Teflon President,” 9

television career of, 22–25 trip to Berlin in 1978 by, 40–41 use of force and, 364n14

views of Democratic Party, 28

visit to Poland by, 292–93

Westminster Address of, 140–45 Williamsburg summit and, 184–86 Realpolitik, 45–46

Red Shield program, 179–80

Reed, Donna, 22

Reed, Thomas C., 32, 116, 118, 124, 130, 155, 159, 166, 298

Regan, Donald T., 118, 185

Republican Convention, 1976, 51–53 Republican Party, switch to, by RR, 28 Reston, James, 183

Reykjavik summit, 260–62

Reynolds, Burrel J., 6–7

Reynolds, Dean, 91

Roach, John R. (archbishop), 108

Robinson, Peter, 264

Robinson, Roger W., 116, 121–22, 148, 157, 160, 162, 166, 190, 250, 251–52

Rockefeller, Nelson, 51

Rodman, Peter W., 67–68, 233, 259 Rogers, Ginger, 11, 68

Rokicki, Rev. S. C., 212–13

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 14, 42

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9, 28, 154, 307 Roosevelt, James, 13

Rostowski, Adam, 110

Rowen, Henry, 118, 160

Russert, Tim, 308

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 49, 50, 90

Sorin, Valentin, 264

Sorrell, Herb, 10

Soviet Union

breakup of, 294–97

construction of pipeline in, 122–23

drop in oil prices and, 251–56

plans to invade Poland and, 93–97

Poland and, 91–93

Polish crisis

RR places sanctions on, 107–9

RR’s economic war against, 118–22 Spasowski, Romuald, 100, 101–3

speeches of Ronald Reagan. See also Reagan, Ronald Wilson “Dutch”

anticommunist, 27–28

Berlin Wall, 263–64

City Upon a Hill in 1977, 59–61

“evil empire,” 173–75

Farewell Address, 285–86

first “State of the Union,” 62–64

liberation speech at Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, in 1987, 271–72

1976 Republican Convention, 51–52

at Notre Dame, May 17, 1981, 77–78

at Royal Institute of International Affairs, 278–79

“Time for Choosing,” 28

Westminster Address, 140–45, 171–72 Spencer, Stuart, 66, 175

Spheres of influence, RR’s rejection of, 44

Stalin, Joseph, 42

Stanislaw, Joseph, 287

Stanwyck, Barbara, 11

Star Wars. See Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Stewart, Jimmy, 22, 68

Stinger antiaircraft missiles, 257–60, 274–75 Stone, George, 108

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 175–84

arms race and, 242–46

deception program for, 210–11

as factor, in fall of Communism, 300–302

Stratton, William G., 14 Stripling, Robert, 16

Rachwald, Arthur R., 92

Radio Free Europe, 288–89

Radio Marti, 172

Raider, James, 5, 9

Rains, Claude, 68

Raphel, Arnold, 276

Rather, Dan, 270

Ravin, Yakob, 314

Reagan, John Edward “Jack” (father), 6 Reagan, (John) Neil (brother), 6

Reagan, Maureen (daughter), 53

Reagan, Michael (son), 53

Reagan, Nancy Davis (second wife), 73, 138, 175, 190

assassination attempt on RR and, 75–77 Gorbachev’s letter to, on death of RR, 307

marriage to RR, 21–22

Reagan, Nelle Clyde Wilson (mother), 6, 8, 73

theology of, 53

Reagan, Ronald Wilson “Dutch.” See also speeches of Ronald Reagan

Afghanistan and, 230–32

anticommunist speeches of, 27–28 anticommunist views of, 25–27

arms race and, 237–42

invasion of Grenada and, 191–98

John Paul II and, 87–89, 133–40, 279, 287

Latin America and, 268–71

management style of, 322n15

morale and, 367n8

morality-driven foreign policy of, 45–47, 50–51

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