Ellman, Michael, 202

Emmert, Lloyd, 306

Eureka College, 6, 23, 127

Evans, Colleen, 76

Evans, Louis H., 75, 76–77

Evans, M. Stanton, 46

Darman, Richard, 190

Davis, Bette, 11, 22

Day, Doris, 11, 68

Dean, James, 22

Deaver, Michael, 51, 67, 76, 81, 100, 190, 305

deGraffeinreid, Ken, 116, 190

de Haviland, Olivia, 11

Delchamps, Ollie, 68–69

DeMille, Cecil B., 12

democracies, 307

Democratic Party, RR’s views of, 28

deregulation, 80

Desert One operation, 56–58

Detente, 159

Brezhnev on, 47

RR’s rejection of, 43–44

Soviet view of, 46–47

Devine, Jack, 274

Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia, 251, 254, 256

Falin, Valentin, 183–84, 222–23, 264–65

Fanfani, Amintore, 185

Farewell Dossier, 123–25, 154–55

First Christian Church, Dixon, Illinois, 8 Fleming, Rhonda, 68

Flynn, Errol, 11, 68

Ford, Gerald R., 48–49, 53

1976 Republican Convention and, 51–53

Foster, Marion Emmert, 306,

324n6 France, construction of Soviet pipeline and, 122, 153–55

Gaddis, John Lewis, 221, 301, 313

Gamble, Doug, 201–2 Garland, Judy,

23M Garson, Greer, 22

Garthoff, Raymond, 302

Gaulle, Charles de, 154

Gelb, Leslie, 233

General Electric, RR as spokesman for, 22–25

Geneva summit, 246–49

Genscher, Hans Dietrich, 109

Gergen, David, 175, 180, 190

Gierek, Edward, 90

Gilder, Josh, 268

Glemp, Jozef (primate of Poland), 97 Goldwater, Barry, 28, 29, 278

Gone with the Wind (1939), 11

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 170, 227

Afghanistan and, 228–30, 275–77

Andropov’s grooming of, 220, 221

arms race and, 237–42

early career of, 218

on effect of declining oil revenues, 253

election of, 217–18

on free elections in Poland, 286–88

Geneva summit and, 246–49

historic changes of, 297–99

letter to Nancy Reagan on death of RR, 307

Moscow summit and, 277–78

perestroika and, 223–26

reaction of, to RR’s arms race, 242–46

resignation of, 299–300

Reykjavik summit and, 260–62 on RR, 302–4

RR’s challenge to tear down Berlin Wall and, 263–67

RR’s role in selection of, 219–23

Soviet breakup and, 294–97

withdrawal from Afghanistan by, 273–75

Gorbachev, Raisa, 218

Graham, Rev. Billy, 76

Graybill, Ed, 3, 5

Graybill, Ruth, 6

Greenfield, Jeff, 61

Greenspan, Alan, 80

Grenada, invasion of, 191–96

Soviet Union’s reaction to, 196–98 Grinevsky, Oleg, 222, 243

Grishin, Viktor, 217

Gromyko, Andrei, 151, 212, 217, 222 Gurov, A., 204

Haig, Alexander M., Jr., 74, 99, 129, 147, 150

Halberstam, David, 33–34

Halloran, Richard, 130

Hannaford, Peter, 40

Harper, Ed, 245

Harrison, Earl, 14

Hatfield, Mark, 207

Havel, Vaclav, 103

Hayden, Sterling, 13, 19

Helsinki Accords, 48, 105

Heston, Charlton, 22

Hewitt, Don, 33

Hill, James, 177

Hinckley, John, 75, 76, 77

Hoffman, David E., 308

Holden, William, 11, 13

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