I was new to recognizing scents, but I was pretty sure I covered my tracks with a couple puffs of pepper spray in the hall as I came out of my room earlier. Surely that reeked much more than I did. At least I hoped so. I wanted my stalker to find me in the restaurant, but I didn’t want him to know where I was hiding out. I was fairly certain he didn’t want to kill me, but he obviously worked with someone who had an agenda. Either way, I didn’t want him to know where I slept.

I went outside, and the doorman flagged down a cab for me. I wasn’t sure if Sebastian was still nearby. His scent wasn’t lingering in the area, but trusting these animal instincts didn’t come naturally to me, so just in case, I climbed in a cab and told him I’d like to drive down Virginia Street and take a picture of the big Reno arch.

We made the loop, and I was back at the hotel. Glancing around, I didn’t see or smell any sign of Sebastian, so I slipped back through the glass doors and up to my room.

Chapter Fourteen


“Luke called me. He was worried when you weren’t here this morning.” Aren locked his car and turned to face me.

“Yeah, I know.” I hooked my thumb in the pocket of my jeans. “I got caught up in what I was doing. I should’ve called.”

“What were you doing out all night?”

I ground my teeth as I glared at Aren. He was really starting to piss me off for grilling me like I was a guilty little kid. But all I saw was the memory of Gareth’s eyes—the eyes of the remaining twin. My anger fizzled.

“I was looking for Gabe’s killer. I told you that. I found his trail, and I know his scent now, but it was too old for me to track him very far.”

“I’ll go with you next time.”

“I’m capable of handling myself.”

“Dammit, Adam, I won’t lose you, too!” Aren shook his head and sighed. It wasn’t like him to have an emotional outburst. He was the levelheaded one of us. “This isn’t an inexperienced jaguar who wandered into our territory. This is someone who knew who we were, attacked one of our Pack, and then was ballsy enough to dump him right at our feet. This is a trained killer, Adam.”

“And we’re taught from birth how to hunt.”

“But we don’t do it for sport or to send a message. This guy did. He may already know you’re the Pack leader’s eldest son. If so, you might as well have a big target painted on your chest.”

I nodded. I couldn’t tell Aren that the jaguar wasn’t after us. He was after Lana. I didn’t know why yet, but the “message” was definitely meant for her.

“I know. I’ll stay in tonight. Okay?”

Aren nodded and seemed to relax a little. “We’re all wound a little tight over this. Losing Gabe was a blow to all of us.” He started back toward his car but stopped to look back over his shoulder. “Dad’s probably coming by soon.”

“Malcolm?” My brow furrowed. “Oh God, Luke didn’t call him too, did he?”

Aren shrugged with a little grin. “You should’ve called someone to tell them where you were.”

I worked one more horse before my father pulled up in his sleek black Chrysler 300C. Being the Alpha of our Pack made our family relationship complicated. We never had the father-son relationship I’d seen the other Pack members enjoy with their dads. It wasn’t that my father was stern or abusive, but he was more than just my father. He was my leader, and I was his heir. It was difficult for me to see him as my “Dad” rather than Malcolm, our Alpha. It felt too casual to me.

Malcolm got out of his car and straightened up to his full six-foot-three-inch height. Even in jeans and a polo, he turned heads and commanded attention, but attention was the last thing he wanted since my mother died.

I walked over to greet him and shared a firm embrace. Malcolm drew back. “I’m glad you’re all right. Last night was tough. Everyone was worried when you never came back.”

“Aren told me. I’m sorry.” I broke eye contact. The scrutiny of his gaze was too heavy for me. “I should’ve called.”

“That’s not what I wanted to discuss.”

“No?” Puzzled, I glanced back over at him.

“Not really. Can we go inside and speak privately?”

“Yeah, sure. Luke can finish up here.”

I let Luke know what still needed to be done, and then we headed up to the house. Once we were inside, Malcolm sat at the head of the kitchen table. I brought him a glass of water and took a seat.

“So, what’s up?”

“With Gabe’s passing, the elders and I were forced to look at the future of our Pack, and we’re concerned.”

“I’m going to find this guy, and he’ll pay for what he did to Gabe.”

He shook his head. “That’s not what we’re concerned about.”

I frowned. “Then what’s bothering you?”

“We’re getting older, Adam. None of us can conceive children anymore. You’re my eldest son. I know you’re not inclined to take a mate, but it’s your responsibility to keep our bloodline going.”

I rolled my eyes and tried not to crack a smile. “Do you have any idea how…medieval that sounds?”

“Laugh all you want. It won’t change the fact that you are not a rebellious teen anymore. You need to settle down. Find your mate, Adam.” His expression was stern and unreadable.

I stared at my father. What could I say? I wanted to tell him that I’d already found her. I wanted to tell him she was beautiful and brave and funny and intelligent. But then I’d also have to tell him she was a jaguar. I knew my father loved me, but he wouldn’t accept Lana as my mate.

How could we keep the bloodline going anyway? We both needed to be wolves to have children. She was a jaguar—I didn’t know if I could even convert her. Or if she’d let me.

These were all questions I couldn’t face. Not yet.

Malcolm reached across the table and gripped my hand. “I’m not asking you to convert someone tomorrow, Adam. But I need you to stop staying out all night with girls who mean nothing. The rest of your generation looks to you. None of them has found their mate yet either. I want that to change.”

I nodded, but I had no clue what to say.

Malcolm got up. “I’m not asking for miracles, Adam. I’m only asking that you slow down and really look. When I met your mother, I knew from the moment my eyes met hers that she was my other half, and when we touched I felt recognition, like a web binding us together. The wolf inside of me howled, knowing her as my mate. I never doubted it or tried to run from it. Trust your instincts.” He got up. “I’m counting on you, Adam.”

He walked out and left me staring at his empty chair. My head pounded. My instincts were leading me down an unknown path. I didn’t like where I was heading.

Chapter Fifteen


After a few hours on the internet I’d still turned up nothing on the Nero Organization, and all I had was Sebastian’s first name so that didn’t help me pick up any leads either. But there was a little progress somewhere. My contact came through with a PI in San Antonio. After a few emails and a phone call, he’d be sifting through the red tape at Children and Family Services.

I tried to be patient while I waited and started searching through pages of web images for any sign of the Nero emblem. Similar lion heads adorned Roman breastplates, but so far nothing with an “N,” and nothing I could

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