“Yeah, I know about that. She does equine therapy.” Gaines patted him on the back and smiled. “They’ll probably get her over at the church. She’s going, right?”
It was too weird how much Gaines knew about his life. Not that it would’ve taken a detective. Facebook and Twitter were enough to connect the dots. Still . . . Zack wondered as the group headed to the church just how much Gaines knew. There could be only one reason why he wasn’t in a hurry to get Reese on camera. She was the girlfriend. If Zack were single, more people might tune in to the show. Chandra Olson had warned him about that.
Of all the people connected with the show, Chandra was easily the kindest, the most genuine. Everyone knew her story, the tragedy of it. If she had a faith in God, she didn’t talk about it. But she seemed concerned for Zack.
Yesterday when Chandra heard that he had a girlfriend, she warned him. “They won’t want you to talk about her. Just be aware. It’s easy to feel single when the producers are treating you that way.” Chandra told him something else, too. “They’re talking about you and Zoey. It’s a better story if a relationship develops from the show. Coming in with a girlfriend doesn’t do anything for ratings. Unless she’s sick or famous.” She smiled. “You get it?”
Zack got it. Proof played out through the night when Zack suggested twice that it might be a good time to interview Reese. The moment never happened. Reese stayed in the background while the on-air talent arranged camera time with five of the youth group kids and the pastor. They filmed the worship session, though Zack doubted they would use it. If they didn’t want him talking about his beliefs, they wouldn’t highlight that.
Either way, he used the chance to sing his heart out for the Lord, something he hadn’t felt the freedom to do since he left for Atlanta. He sang “Ten Thousand Reasons” by Matt Redmond and then Chris Tomlin’s “Your Grace Is Enough”. The moment spoke to his soul and a hundred teens sang along, many of them with hands raised.
The song hit a musical break and Zack looked over the beautiful sea of teens to the
Zack wondered if the film crew saw the difference. Here the object of worship was not a celebrity. People were frail and broken and never meant to be worshipped. Here the adoration was geared toward the only One who deserved it. The One who would never leave or change or forsake His people, even those who denied Him. The One who had breathed life into the world and then sent His son to save it. Zack sang with all his heart.
“Bless the Lord, oh my soul . . . Oh my soul . . . worship His Holy Name . . .” The melody of the piano, the full chords from the guitars filled the building. Zack raised both hands to heaven. “You, Lord . . . You are the only One . . . the One who was and is and is to come.”
The teens cheered in response. Zack smiled. He needed this, needed to remember it. This was true worship. Centered on and directed at the only Holy One. God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, Savior and Lord.
The only frustrating part came when Gaines and the production team decided to pack up ten minutes early. Zack and Reese slipped out a back door with the crew and he pulled her off to the side so they’d have at least some privacy. “I’m not ready to leave.” He put his hands around her waist and searched her eyes. “I miss you.”
“Me, too.” Her eyes held an undeniable sadness. But she smiled all the same. “Just keep being a light. God’s in control.”
“It won’t be easy.” He looked over his shoulder at Gaines. “I’ll tell you later. Just keep praying.”
“I won’t stop.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “They’re waiting.” She brought her hand up and touched his hair, his cheek. “Don’t forget your promise.”
Zack looked deep into her eyes, through her. “Never.”
That was it, all the time they had. He caught the back of her head and leaned in to kiss her. “I’ll text you.”
She nodded and smiled again. The tears spilling down her face left her without words. She raised her hand and he did the same, taking backward steps away from her and then finally turning and jogging to catch up to the crew.
As they pulled away, he saw her standing there, watching him. The way she would watch him that week when his
He closed his eyes and sleep came in a rush. Next thing he knew they were at the airport, boarding the
Group rehearsals would start again first thing in the morning.
Kelly Morgan stepped off the private jet at LaGuardia and hurried through the muggy August night air to the waiting Escalade. The whole six-hour flight back from L.A. she couldn’t wait to talk to Michael. They hadn’t had a conversation in three days. Not that worry consumed her. But her heart was anxious about her boyfriend’s tour schedule and crazy fans and the foreign countries where he was spending his time. Tonight his show was somewhere on the coast of South Africa.
Maybe the concerns were a by-product of her exhaustion. She and her fellow judges had just finished a crazy three-day media blitz in anticipation of the first
Which was why she wanted a Skype date with her boyfriend. Now.
She thought about her
Twelve weeks from now.
Kelly sat in the backseat in silence. Her driver was an Irish guy who’d been in New York for two years. He knew to keep to himself. She stared at the stopped traffic ahead of them and felt her frustration double. Twelve weeks? Three months of Michael touring the world and Cal leaving her messages and her father e-mailing her? This morning she’d found another e-mail from her dad. Cal and her father. Two reasons why she would fall asleep tonight with the tapes. A positive inner voice. That’s what she needed. Something to take her back to the way she felt when she was young and love was new and all was right with life. That life no longer existed. With the tapes she could at least feel that way. That was the plan.
Kelly’s driver took her bags to the entrance of her bedroom and quietly left. Finally silence. Kelly let it wash over her. Her rented flat was four thousand square feet with a private entrance for the live-in help. Kelly wouldn’t see them today. They knew her schedule. When she returned from a trip she liked a clean house, a fridge full of fresh kale and chard, blueberries and almond milk. Fresh Atlantic sockeye salmon, baby organic spinach, and bottled organic egg whites. Special soy candles lit. And quiet. Perfect quiet. She checked the fridge and spotted the candles. She breathed in and closed her eyes for a few seconds. Everything would be fine with Michael. They just needed to talk.
She breezed through the entryway down the expansive hall to the kitchen. The air-conditioned spaces felt