Chapter 2


Jason was acting pretty weird all day. He seemed like he was nervous on the plane ride over so I just listened to music and read my book. I thought maybe he was nervous about being on a plane because his knee kept bouncing up and down and he either had his lower lip in his mouth nibbling on it or he was biting his nails. The first was extremely sexual so I was glad when he started biting his fingernails, because I dried up within a millisecond.

I decided to give him his space but then he went and got ready in Sarah and Gabe’s room for Isabelle’s birthday dinner. As soon as he walked out of the door with his suit my stomach began to rumble and my heart beat quickened.

I started to think about whether I had done anything wrong but in all honesty I had not really talked to him that much lately. When we first started as freshmen Jason was always coming over to hang out with Jade and I. We were either studying and doing homework together or we were going out to the frat parties and getting really drunk and lying around in bed the following day because we were suffering deathly hangovers.

But three years later I was finally deciding to get over my super huge crush on Jason Williams. Jade had always rooted for us because she said that we were perfect together. She said we evened one another out and as much as I hoped that would happen it hadn’t yet and I don’t think it ever would.

When he left my room without looking back to go change in another room I was hurt but decided to take a deep breath and move on.

Going to the restaurant I decided to sit down and I saw Jason look at me with wide eyes. I patted the seat next to me and bobbed my head towards him but he shook his head. I’m not going to lie, because it really hurt but it was fine with me because the only other seat available was the one directly across from me. Even better.

Even though I was pissed because he was acting weird all day he was still the only man that got my heart to skip a beat and beat twice as fast all at the same time. He gave me butterflies and goose bumps. He made me nervous and I wanted to crawl out of my skin even while he made me feel so comfortable in my own skin and being myself.

Derrick walked in right after Jason so he sat next to me during dinner. I was relieved that I had Derrick by my side. He would be able to calm me down and get my mind off of Jason.

Feeling Derrick lean into me he whispered in my ear, “Wipe that frown off your face, Ash.”

I turned to Derrick and attempted to smile but I couldn’t. I was hurt by the way Jason was acting and I didn’t understand what I had done wrong. I went back to looking down at my plate and playing with my food.

I could feel eyes on me so looking in Jason’s direction I saw that he was staring at me. I thought when I looked into his eyes they were going to be filled with anger and rage, but they weren’t. His pupils were dilated and I could see that he was breathing a little bit harder than normal. His eyes were on mine and then I noticed that he took in the rest of my appearance and stopped on my breasts.

My red dress had a deep cut in the front so the girls were on display and ready for some action. The second I saw his eyes stop there my nipples instantly tightened and I got the chills. My arms were covered in goose bumps and I could feel my panties getting moistened. I could feel a throb starting so I attempted to cross my legs to relieve some of the pressure but nothing was working.

I started to get really self-conscious because I just wanted to jump over that table into his lap and kiss him so I wrapped my arms around myself to get him to stop. I knew if he looked at me any longer with that look in his eyes I wouldn’t have cared where we were.

I saw him shake his head and then he looked back up into my eyes and I swear it was almost as if he could hear my thoughts because he winked at me and gave this crooked grin. I couldn’t help it anymore and my face automatically blushed.

I couldn’t help it and I smiled up at him through my eyelashes but then I remembered that Jason would never want me that way. So I shook those thoughts from my mind and was back to a look of disappointment.

I didn’t think anybody else noticed our little whatever it was but Derrick leaned over and said, “You might want to drink some ice cold water because the way you two are looking at each other, well I’m surprised you guys aren’t in the bathroom right this very minute.”

I turned to him and I wanted to slap the smile off his face but then a little part of me wondered if Jason did want me. I was beginning to psych myself out but I turned to look at Jason and he had a huge scowl on his face so I knew that Derrick’s assumptions were wrong.

I turned back to him and shook my head but he leaned in again and whispered, “You didn’t see his reaction earlier to what I said.”

“What did you say?”

Derrick shrugged his shoulders and with a sneaky grin plastered on his face he said, “Well, the guys asked me how I’m doing and I told them that I was in a new relationship. I just wanted to see Jason’s reaction to it and he went bananas. He started screaming at me and defending you. I honestly thought you guys would be attending my funeral but Maddox told him to calm down and then Gabe had a talk with him.”

Derrick started laughing and then continued. “Anyway Gabe walked him away from us and talked to him. I had asked for Maddox’s and Gabe’s help with the whole thing because I wanted to see for my own two eyes whether or not Jason had feelings for you. While Gabe talked to him Maddox and I kept laughing. Then we almost lost it when we heard Jason yelling at the top of his lungs about why am I here on the trip and if I mentioned one more thing about my new relationship he was going to beat my ass.”

I just shrugged and let out a breath. My arms slumped down into my lap and I looked down. Derrick wrapped his arm around me and I said, “Then why won’t he make a move or something?”

Derrick kissed me on the cheek and said, “Ash, that boy really likes you. I mean really likes you but I don’t know why he won’t show you. Maybe he’s like an onion where you have to peel back the layers one at a time for him to open up to you or something.”

I turned to Derrick and just started laughing. “Really? You’re going to use a Shrek analogy right now?”

Derrick’s eyes got huge and then he lightly nudged me. “Hey, come on now Ash! Don’t go judgin’ and hatin’ on my favorite movie of ALL time!”

Again I just laughed. Derrick always knew how to cheer me up.

Poking my dimples he said, “That’s what I like to see. Now come on girlfriend, we are going to make Jason a really jealous man tonight! You with me?”

I peeked at Jason out of the corner of my eye and saw he was looking at me. I turned back to Derrick and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “Most definitely!”

Derrick and I touched and flirted for the remainder of dinner. I swear I could see smoke coming from Jason’s direction but I inwardly giggled and started becoming a little more courageous. Of course the alcohol was also helping with that little part.

After we got to the club and said congratulations and everything we ordered our drinks. As soon as I saw the waitress I wanted to rip her hair out. She was walking up to us and she was checking Jason out.

My stomach instantly tightened and I wanted to throw up but after Derrick and I ordered our drinks he pulled me out onto the dance floor. Derrick wrapped his arms around my waist and we started grinding into one another and just having a good time.

We danced for a few more songs and then Derrick whispered in my ear, “That boy is fuming Ash.” We both started to giggle and I expertly looked behind me and saw Jason was about to crack.

I looked back at Derrick and hugged him. “Thanks Derrick.”

He smiled at me and said, “Anytime chickee. Well, now that my evil plan is done I’m going to go find my man.”

I kissed him on the cheek and said, “I said I’ll see you later.”

Derrick’s back was to me as he was walking away but he cocked his head toward me and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” then blew an air kiss at me.

I stood there for all of two seconds when a cute guy asked me to dance with him. I just smiled and nodded my head because the plan was getting a lot better. I began to wrap my arms around his neck but he put his hands at my waist and spun me around so my back was to his front. I could feel his erection pressed up against me and I

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