was completely sure about his decision. “I’m mortal. You’ll be here long after I’m gone.”

A momentary glimpse of pain showed on his face before disappearing. “A wise woman told me none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, let alone eternity, so we should grab on to happiness and enjoy it for however long it lasts.”

Olivia smiled. “She does sound smart, so smart that I’m going to take her advice.”

“Even though the human churches, human authorities won’t recognize the marriage? And we won’t be able to live like normal couples?”

“Yes, and yes.” She nodded toward the floor. “This is the part where you get down on one knee.”

A moment of shock registered on Campbell’s face, as if he’d expected her to finally come to her senses, realize he was a vampire and kick him out of her life. But after it sank in that she was serious, he lowered himself and held up the ring.

“Olivia DaCosta, will you throw common sense to the wind and marry me?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Yes, I will.”

He slid the ring onto her finger and the bracelets onto his wrists. Only then did he rise and pull her into his arms. “No matter what the world throws at us, I think we just might make it.”

“I know we will.” How could they not when they’d already been through so much, defied so many odds and lived to tell the tales?

Campbell pulled her even closer. “Do I have to worry about Mindy staking me for this?”

“I think Colin has more to worry about there. Or really any vampire other than you.”

“Good to know.” Campbell looked outside. “I should get to work.”

“Oh, no. You’re not going anywhere but to bed.”

His wicked grin made an appearance. “I don’t sleep, remember?”

“Sleep’s not exactly what I had in mind.” She ran her hand over a sensitive area to make her point.

Campbell growled in that way that set her body on fire with wanting, and he carried her to bed. She thought they might have set a new speed record for getting naked.

The phone ringing was such a surprise that she jumped.

“Ignore it,” he said as he nuzzled her neck.

“It might be Mindy.”

With a sound of frustration, he stopped nuzzling and rolled away.

She took a moment to appreciate the gorgeousness that was his body.

“Either answer the phone or make good on what your eyes are promising,” he said.

She picked up the phone, though her lips yearned to go exploring. “Hello.”

“Hey, Olivia, it’s Colin. Is Campbell with you? I haven’t seen him since last night.”

“He is.”

“He’s not barbecued again, is he?”

She laughed a little at the morbid humor. “No.”

“Can I talk to him?”

Olivia looked over to where Campbell lay with his arms above his head, his magnificent chest asking for her touch. “Actually, he’s busy right now. And he’s going to be busy for the rest of the night.”

She heard the deep laughter on the other end of the line as she hung up the phone.

Campbell wore the grin of a man very proud of himself. “I’m going to be busy all night, huh?”

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

“Not at all.” He pulled her down beside him. “Not at all.”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from CLAIMED BY THE DEMON by Doranna Durgin.

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Chapter 1

Coulda, shoulda, woulda been in Vegas.

It wasn’t the first time the thought flashed through Gwen Badura’s mind, but this time might have been the loudest. She sat in her tough little VW Beetle along the side of quiet old Route 66, looking west upon the dark bulk of the Sandia Mountains and knowing she’d just about reached destination on this strange walkabout.

“What do you mean, you’re not coming?” Sandy’s voice still rang with wounded disbelief in her mind.

No little wonder. They’d had the vacation trip planned for months. And boy, had Sandy planned. After a year of urging Gwen to lighten up and have some fun before she hit thirty, her friend had targeted Vegas for the big moment—shows and casinos and plenty of role modeling. Time for Gwen to let her hair down.

It had to be said, Gwen had a lot of hair to let down. Unruly, tangled curls that passed as brunette as long as she didn’t take her head out into the direct sun or expose the coppery cast of the freckles on her arms. Stealth redhead, that’s what she was.

Stealth redhead with an attitude.

Stealth redhead looking at the Sandia Mountains and its windward foothills spread out before her, imagining Albuquerque beyond.

“I can’t,” she’d said to Sandy. “I have to do this thing...”

Right. Because there was no real explanation, was there? I have to follow this sudden salmon-swimming-upstream urge to head somewhere else.

She hadn’t even known where. Not until this evening.

Not until she’d pulled over to the side of the road, looked out over the mountains, and suddenly known...this was where she’d been heading. Following the inner voice that had been her companion since the night her father had died—warning her, chivvying her, getting her in trouble.

But never like this, driving her right out of her home and onto the road and here—to the city beyond the mountains. But she’d listened anyway. So yeah, she was here.

She just didn’t know why.

* * *

Michael MacKenzie sat on the hood of his Jeep Wrangler and contemplated the Albuquerque city lights, wondering what the hell he was doing here in the first place.

Restless feet, he was used to. Driven feet? Not so much.

Herded. But by who?

More likely, by what.

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