“Another?” I knew in the back of my mind that I didn’t need to prove myself to Eric or anyone else, but suddenly I just wanted to fit in, show everyone that I was more than just another groupie.

“Hell, yeah!” Chris poured us all another round. This time when I gulped it down, I kept my poker face on and tried my damnedest not to cry out at the burning pain in my throat.

“Better.” Eric gave me an approving look, and Tucker squeezed me closer to his side.

“You okay?” he whispered quietly in my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. I wondered if my body would ever stop reacting to Tucker that way. I nodded and sat down my glass, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

“I gotta hit the head. Someone set up the next round,” Chris called behind him as he made his way through the crowd toward the bathroom.

I took over filling the glasses, slopping booze everywhere. I heard a few guys behind us greeting the band and turned, finding myself face-to-face with Filth. The five-member band was dressed head to toe in black, their eyes coated in eyeliner. I never would have thought makeup looked good on a man, but it suited them. In the center of the group stood a stunning brunette.

The men shook hands, pulling in to bump shoulders.

“Cass, this is Filth. That’s Sarah. . . .” I recognized her as the lead singer, and she inclined her head toward me, her dyed dark hair falling in her face. “That’s Poppa, Diggy, Derek, and Matt.” He pointed to the other members.

“Nice to meet you. You want a drink?”

“Fuck, yeah!” Derek held out his plastic Solo cup, and the other members followed suit. I filled everyone’s glasses, finishing off the bottle of bourbon we had been using. Sarah didn’t say a word, but I could feel her eyes on me, judging me. I couldn’t help but cower a bit under her gaze as I recalled her powerful presence onstage, the way she commanded the attention of everyone in that stadium with her raw, magnetic confidence. She was intimidating to say the least.

“Cheers,” Derek yelled over the noise of the crowd, pushing his chin-length jet-black hair from his face. We all lifted our glasses before drinking them down. This time it went more smoothly, and my body didn’t try to reject the harsh drink. Probably not a good sign.

“Where’s Chris?” Diggy asked as he handed me his cup for a refill. We all looked at one another for a moment before Terry’s eyes widened and he took off, pushing his way through the crowd.

“Oh, shit!” Tucker was on his heels, pulling me behind him.

“What’s going on?” I asked as Eric pushed past us, yanking his shirt over his head and trying to catch up to Terry.

“Nothing good.” Tucker sighed as we made our way down the narrow hallways. Eric’s broad shoulders grew smaller as he began to jog away from us, yelling out to Terry who wasn’t responding.

We made our way outside in time to see Terry making his way up the steps of the bus.

“Wait outside,” Tucker warned and released my hand as he jogged after the others. I could hear Lizzy scream and then one of the twins was shoved out of the doorway, followed by the other. I put my hands over my mouth as I walked closer. Terry was screaming, nose to nose with Chris who was only wearing a pair of jeans, slung low on his hips like the zipper was undone. The rest of the band tried to work their way between them. As I reached the group, Lizzy stepped into the doorway of the bus, wrapped in a blanket, her hair a wild curly mess as tears streamed down her face.

“You fucked my girl?” Terry sounded more hurt than shocked at his brother’s actions.

“She’s nobody’s girl.” His hand gestured to Lizzy. “She’s just a groupie!” he yelled, and I saw Lizzy flinch.

“I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t know!” she cried out between drunken, heaving sobs. “I thought it was you!”

Terry cocked back and swung at his brother, his fist connecting with Chris’s temple and sending his body spinning backward until he met the pavement. The other members scrambled to pull Terry back before he could punch his brother again.

Lizzy raced to his side, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Chris rubbed the side of his head, groaning in pain.

“She knew, man. She knew it was me. She isn’t any good for you,” Chris said angrily, causing Terry to lurch forward again like he was going to finish what he started.

“Don’t you fucking talk about her. Don’t fucking look at her.” Terry looked like a madman as Eric and Tucker struggled to hold him back. “How could you fucking do this?”

“She isn’t any good for you,” Chris repeated.

I felt helpless watching the band being ripped apart. I felt sorry for Terry. He genuinely cared for Lizzy, and I knew damn well she knew what she was doing . . . who she was doing. What if she went after the other guys? What if she tried to sleep with Tucker? I balled my hands into fists and stalked toward the twins, standing between them.

“He’s telling the truth.” I glanced over my shoulder at Chris on the ground. I had everyone’s complete attention now. I swallowed hard and steadied myself. The alcohol was hitting me full force. “She knows how to tell you guys apart.”

“That’s not true.” Lizzy laughed almost crazily as she shook her head.

“It is. She told me earlier about the freckle . . . the ring that Chris wears.” I looked Terry dead in the eye as Tucker and Eric took a step back.

His eyes flicked from me to Lizzy. He pulled her from his body, and she stood, clasping the blanket to her chest.

“You’re not gonna believe her are you, baby?” Lizzy’s voice took on a sickeningly sweet tone as she placed a hand on his chest. He looped his fingers around her wrist and pushed her hand away.

“Yeah, I am. Get your shit, and get the fuck out.” He turned to walk away, off into the darkness.

Tucker stepped forward, wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me on the top of the head. Chris pushed himself up off the ground and brushed his clothes off.

“Thanks, Cass,” he said as he walked off in the opposite direction of his brother.

“Now this is a fucking party!” Eric yelled drunkenly. That was probably the happiest I had seen him all night. I shook my head against Tucker’s chest. He laughed quietly.

“This is going to be an interesting tour.”

“Is it always like this?” I asked, gripping his T-shirt in my fingers.

“Sort of.” He laughed again, and I pulled back to look at his face. His stormy blue eyes.

“I should have kept my mouth shut.” I sighed, glancing over at Eric who was still shirtless and smiling. His eyes danced between Tucker and me. “Are you guys gonna fuck or . . . do you want to go get another drink?”

Tucker looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

“Not a chance.” I rolled my eyes and took his hand to lead him back into the building. Eric trailed behind us.

We made our way through the crowd that parted for us to pass, stopping once or twice for Tucker to sign autographs.

We settled in next to the refreshment table, the mood considerably lightened. I made my way to the keg to get us each a drink as Tucker and Eric chatted about songs and the next stop on the tour. Apparently, we were headed to Tennessee for a concert tomorrow. I handed the guys their cups as Eric gave his drink a funny look before his eyes landed on me.

“That’s way too much head.”

“That’s what she said!” I yelled as Tucker spit out his beer in laughter.

“No, she didn’t say that. She would never say that.” Eric shook his head and smiled before gulping down his drink. I shrugged, feeling weightless and carefree.

“Fuck,” E yelled, dropping his cup and crushing his hands to the sides of his head while his face scrunched up in pain.

“What’s wrong?” He looked like he was dying.

“You all right, man? You need me to walk you back?” Tucker put his hand on Eric’s shoulder, but he shrugged it off.

Вы читаете White Trash Damaged
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