17 “A flame of resentment”: Ibid., 100.
17 Major General Henry T. Allen and quotes from his report: “Finds Negro Troops Orderly on Rhine,” New York Times, Feb. 20, 1921.
18 “I am afraid”: Schultz, 101.
18 “Your French friends”: Karl H. von Wiegand Papers, box 6, Hoover Institution Archives.
18 “a fair way” and “A cruel thing to do” and early bio of Wiegand: Ibid., box 47 (notes for outline of an autobiography he never wrote).
18 finding work at the Associated Press and subsequent move to United Press: Ibid., box 30.
19 “Food Shortage Alarms All Germany”: Ibid., box 25 (not marked from which Hearst paper).
19 In one letter from 1921: Ibid., box 6.
19 “I am looking” and Wiegand reply: Ibid., box 7.
20 “Houghton Girls Make Berlin Debut”: Ibid., box 25.
21 “Hitler Styled”: Ibid., box 25.
22 “Something is brewing” and account of Houghton’s concerns: Jeffrey J. Matthews, Alanson B. Houghton: Ambassador of the New Era, 68.
22 “being without” and “seems to have had” and “try to make”: Hessen, ed., 43.
23 a clear-cut set and orders as quoted: Ibid., 44.
23 four hundred visas and “It seemed to us”: Robert Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors, 31.
23 “It was a welcome”: Ibid., 32.
23 Murphy told Smith and Smith’s quotes summarizing Murphy’s views: Hessen, ed., 48–50.
24 “healthy drift away” and rest of General von Kressenstein’s views: Ibid., 53.
24 Friedrich Trefz and his views as quoted by Smith: Ibid., 56.
25 Scheubner-Richter and rest of visit to Nazi headquarters: Ibid., 56–57.
25 General Ludendorff and his remarks: Ibid., 58–59.
26 New York tenement house: Ibid., 46.
26 “A marvelous demagogue”: Ibid., 60.
26 “Parliament and”: Ibid., 61.
26 The question whether: Ibid., 65.
26 “The diary I kept”: Ibid., 18.
27 “some arrangement” and “disquieting”: Matthews, 68.
27 “The most active”: Ibid., 69.
27 “How does this” and rest of exchanges with Drey: Murphy, 38.
28 “Interview with Adolf Hitler” and all quotes from it: State Department (RG 59) microfilm publication #M336: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Germany, 1910–1929, file: 862.00/1228 on roll 18, National Archives. Also in Murphy, 40–41.
29 In a letter to Murphy: Robert D. Murphy Papers, box 43, Hoover Institution Archives (hereafter, Hoover).
29 “No, this is”: Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors, 39.
29 “Look after him” and Fate Fakirs: Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler: The Missing Years, 31.
29 “I was the leading:”Ernst Hanfstaengl, taped interview by John Toland, Library of Congress.
30 “The Hanfstaengls were”: Hanfstaengl, Hitler, 24.
30 Putzi’s grandfather and family background: Peter Conradi, Hitler’s Piano Player, 12; and Hanfstaengl, 23–24.
30 Harvard days and details of time there: Conradi, 19–20; and Hanfstaengl, 26–27.
30 “I hate to say”: Hanfstaengl, taped interview by Toland, Library of Congress.
30 “Some fool” and rest of canoeing incident: Hanfstaengl, 26; and Conradi, 19.
31 “a fellow extrovert,” quotes about FDR and former President Teddy Roosevelt, and early World War I avoiding of internment: Hanfstaengl, 27–28.
31 A Department of Justice report and Nicholas Roosevelt quotes: Conradi, 31– 32.
32 “riven by faction” and “It became evident”: Hanfstaengl, 29–30.
32 “a very pleasant”: Ibid., 31.
32 “A lovely way”: Katharine Smith, Truman Smith Papers, box 14, Hoover.
32 “worked like” and “I met the most remarkable” and rest of Smith-Hanfstaengl conversation: Hanfstaengl, 32.
33 “All that is”: Hanfstaengl, taped interview by Toland, Library of Congress.
34 Kindlkeller description and “In his heavy boots”: Hanfstaengl, 33.
34 police agents: Hanfstaengl interviewed by Toland, Library of Congress.
34 “electric” and “In his early years”: Hanfstaengl, 33.
35 “a charge which” and rest of Hitler speech: Ibid., 35.
35 “especially the ladies”: Hanfstaengl interviewed by Toland, Library of Congress.
35 “Transfixed” and quotes on how Hanfstaengl was impressed and wanted to explain America’s importance: Hanfstaengl, 35–36.
35 “Ah, you are” and rest of exchange with Hitler: Hanfstaengl interviewed by Toland, Library of Congress; and Hanfstaengl, 36–37.
36 “a sallow, untidy”: Hanfstaengl, 32.
36 “The first followers”: Ibid., 37.
36 “the earnest, magnetic” and rest of Helen’s account and quotes: Helene Niemeyer “Notes,” FDR Library; and Helene Niemeyer, taped interview by John Toland, Library of Congress. Ernst Hanfstaengl’s comments in this section are from Hanfstaengl, 38–39.
38 family photos: courtesy of Eric Hanfstaengl, the grandson of Helen and Ernst Hanfstaengl.
38 “He had been so struck” and Kay’s account of visit by Putzi and Helen: Katharine Smith, box 14, Hoover.