182 On May 27, 1934: Brysac, 149.

183 “He was isolated”: Martha Dodd, 84.

183 “He is not happy”: Brysac, 150.

183 “I had had enough” and rest of Martha Dodd’s account and quotes about Russia: Martha Dodd, 169–208.

184 “for the last two weeks” and Wolfe’s arrival in Berlin: A. Scott Berg, Max Perkins: Editor of Genius, 270.

184 “Tom, a huge man” and rest of Dodd’s account of Wolfe: Martha Dodd, 90– 95.

184 “I feel myself”: Berg, 271.

184 “Part of Tom’s”: Martha Dodd, 91.

185 “like a butterfly”: Brysac, 179.

185 “disturbing things”: Berg, 270.

185 “If there were”: Aldo P. Magi and Richard Walser, eds., Thomas Wolfe Interviewed, 1929–1938, 67.

185 “a much soberer person”: Martha Dodd, 94.

185 I Have a Thing to Tell You excerpts: C. Hugh Holman, ed., The Short Novels of Thomas Wolfe.

187 “I came away”: Magi and Walser, eds., 88.



188 “the season of” and other quotes: Thomas Wolfe, You Can’t Go Home Again, 484–486.

188 “Jews, Frenchmen”: David Clay Large, Nazi Games: The Olympics of 1936, 43.

188 “plot of Freemasons and Jews”: Ibid., 49.

189 “a disgrace and”: Ibid., 58.

189 “For us National Socialists”: Ibid, 61.

189 Theodor Lewald background: Susan D. Bachrach, The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936, 13.

189 “enormous propaganda” and rest of Lewald pitch: Large, 63.

189 “My personal”: Bachrach, 45–47.

189 “competitors of all”: Large, 71.

190 “no discrimination” and other details of Brundage visit: Ibid., 79.

190 “the token Negro” and rest of Sherrill account: Ibid., 84–85.

190 “flagrant discrimination” and rest of Dodd’s account: Ibid., 97.

191 “this will be” and rest of Messersmith, Geist accounts: Ibid., 94–96.

191 “A consummate”: Ibid., 98.

191 The daily spectacle: Wolfe, 485.

192 “At last he came”: Ibid., 486.

192 “Berlin is now”: Large, 187.

192 “Everything was free”: Rudi Josten interviewed by Peter Gehrig, Dec. 4, 2004, and Mar. 23, 2005, Oral History Collection, Associated Press Corporate Archives.

192 The Nazis even allowed: Large, 186.

192 “A glittering swirl”: Fromm, 226.

192 “I’m afraid the Nazis”: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 65.

192 Carla de Vries: Large, 225.

192 Swimmer Eleanor Holm Jarrett: Ibid., 180.

193 “an orgasmic” and “It was unfair”: Fromm, 225.

193 “a war whoop” and “Hitler twisted”: Martha Dodd, 212.

193 “Negroes should not”: Bachrach, 96.

193 Cheers went up and invitations to black athletes: Ibid., 95.

193 “Jesse Owens ran”: Oliver Lubrich, ed., Travels in the Reich, 1933–1945: Foreign Authors Report from Germany, 138.

194 “Owens was a quiet”: Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 26.

194 “I have been treated” and rest of DuBois account: Lubrich, ed., 142– 143.

195 “Wearing gray flannel”: Fromm, 225–226.

195 “When Huber presented” and rest of Morris story: Leni Riefenstahl, Leni Riefen-stahl: A Memoir, 196–198.

196 “his sad fate”: Ibid., 200.

196 At an official function and Hitler-Smith exchange: Robert Hessen, ed., Berlin Alert, 47.

196 “Berlin was so familiar” and other Katharine Smith quotes throughout: Katharine Alling Hollister Smith, “My Life: Berlin August 1935–April 1939,” Truman Smith Papers, boxes 4 and 16, Hoover.

197 “Your past relationship”: Hessen, ed., 27.

199 Katchen, who was: Katchen Coley interviewed by author (2010).

199 “of air corps”: Hessen, ed., 78.

199 “their wits alone”: Ibid., 83.

199 “How fast can you”: Katharine Smith’s unpublished memoir.

200 Two months later and origins of proposal to Lindbergh: Hessen, ed., 87– 88.

200 “I need hardly tell you”: Ibid., 89.

200 “extremely interested”: Ibid., 91.

201 “Colonel Smith is” and other diary quotes: Anne Morrow Lindbergh, The Flower and the Nettle: Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1936–1939, 72–76.

202 “We, who are in aviation”: Hessen, ed., 95.

202 “But no more speeches”: Katharine Smith’s unpublished memoir.

202 “Goering showed many facets”: Hessen, ed., 101.

202 “blazoned in”: Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 85.

203 “I find that to laugh” and description of lion encounter: Katharine Smith’s unpublished manuscript, except where Anne is quoted.

203 “I see and say nothing”: Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 86.

203 When Goering’s lion: Katchen Coley interviewed by author (2010).

204 “Smith, there are”: Hessen, ed., 102.

204 At Rostock: Ibid., 96–97.

204 “we have nothing” and “a spirit”: A. Scott Berg, Lindbergh, 357.

204 “obtain technical parity”: Truman Smith, “An American Estimate of the German Air Force” (Nov. 1, 1937), Airpower Historian, April 1963, in Truman Smith

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