257 By early summer: Hooker, ed., The Moffat Papers, 251.
257 “Optimistic Poles”: H. R. Knickerbocker, Is Tomorrow Hitler’s? 200 Questions on the Battle of Mankind, 29.
257 “The Polish ambassador”: Hooker, ed., 249.
258 “the death of”: John Gunther, Inside Europe, xxviii.
258 “There is a chance”: Ibid., xxii.
258 “John fairly optimistic”: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 170.
258 “looked clean” and exchange with Captain D: Ibid., 171.
259 “How completely isolated,” German headlines, “For perverse” and “Struck by”: Ibid., 172–173.
259 “completely Nazified”: Ibid., 174.
259 “this powder-keg” and rest of Gdynia broadcast: Shirer, “This Is Berlin,” 53.
259 “We’re ready” and Warsaw visit entries: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 176–178.
260 “bombshell” and “There is no doubt” and odds of war: Hooker, ed., 250–251.
260 “It goes much further” and scene in Die Taverne: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 180–181.
261 “The people in the streets”: Ibid., 183.
261 “From about the middle” and other Beam recollections: Beam, unpublished manuscript.
262 “something was going to” and rest of Thuermer account: Thuermer interviewed by author (2009).
263 “The excitement of” and rest of William Russell’s account of August 31: William Russell, Berlin Embassy, 5–29.
265 Jozef Lipski and his story: Beam, unpublished memoir.
265 “I have once more”: Ibid.
265 “a curious strain” and rest of Shirer’s account of Sept. 1–2: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 197–199.
266 “ After, say, about 1 A.M. ”: Shirer, “This Is Berlin,” 71.
266 “One expected”: Russell, 31.
266 “The people I have met”: Ibid., 33–34.
267 “It begins to” and rest of Shirer’s initial war diary entries: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 204–207.
267 “The war is raging”: Russell, 38.
267 “Drove all day” and rest of Shirer account of Baltic coast fighting: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 212–214.
268 Joseph Grigg and his account, including Hitler at Warsaw airport: Frederick Oechsner, This Is the Enemy, 143–151.
268 The AP’s Lochner and stories from Poland: Louis Lochner, What About Germany?, 124–125.
269 “that Germany is invincible” and “I hope”: Russell, 51.
269 “follow me blindly” and exchange with maid: Schultz, Germany Will Try It Again, 186–187.
270 “squeals and shouts” and rest of reactions to newsreels and massacres: Ibid., 187–189.
270 “Now go to Berlin,” getting to Berlin and early days there: Joseph C. Harsch, At the Hinge of History, A Reporter’s Story, 38–43.
272 “pretty awful” and “I was an American”: Hottelet interviewed by author (2009).
272 “The troops seemed”: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 234.
272 “in the vain hope”: Russell, 128.
273 “the hope of” and “It is better”: Otto D. Tolischus, They Wanted War, 199.
273 “One Breslau daily” and rest of Oct. 8 letter: Louis Lochner, “Round Robins from Berlin,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, Summer 1967.
273 “In the darkness”: Russell, 53.
273 “the groping”: George F. Kennan, Memoirs: 1925– 1950, 107.
274 “Shan’t we go” and rest of encounter with streetwalker: Ibid., 109–112.
274 At the Soviet Embassy’s and exchange between American correspondents and Goering: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 245–246.
275 According to the joke: Harsch, Pattern of Conquest, 59.
275 Russell estimated: Russell, 75.
275 “If the United States”: Ibid., 90–91.
275 “It was hard”: Kennan, 112.
276 “the most intelligent”: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 284.
276 “isolated on our island”: Russell, 84.
276 goods displayed : Ibid., 101.
276 “A hundred or so” and Oechsner dinner: Shirer, Berlin Diary, 252.
277 “embarrassingly large” and follow-up: Russell, 49–50.
277 In January 1940: Ibid., 128.
277 “unmistakable inner detachment”: Kennan, 108–109.
277 “But here Germany was”: Russell, 129.
278 two tin bathtubs: Ibid., 131–132.
278 “I never expected” and rest of Jane Dyer episode: Ibid., 142.