'Thanks. Happy V-day to you, too.'

'V-day, huh? Are we going into war?' I could hear the smile in her voice.

'Maybe. Want to send this soldier off right?' She laughed outright.

'You’re just so adorable.'

'So, you busy later?' I asked, grabbing a pencil from my desk, and leaning back in my chair as I played with it.

'I am.'

My mood fell like a lead balloon.


'Are you? Busy tonight?'

'Well, maybe.'

'Oh, yeah? Got a hot date?'

'Well, I don’t know. I think my date went and got herself another one.'

'Oh, ouch. Hate it when that happens. Hmm, well then that might throw a wrench in my plans for tonight.'

'And, why’s that?'

'Well, if my date thinks that her date has abandoned her, then that means my date will be staying home. I can’t have her do that, now can I?'

My spirits lifted as though they’d been given a mental dose of Viagra.

'Well, then perhaps my date mislead me?'

'Perhaps. What say you head on over to my place with a bottle of wine at six-thirty?' Haley said. I smiled into the receiver, my hand reached out to the cord, fingers running along it, caressing it.

'Okay. I think I can handle that.'

'Great. Well, as much as I really don’t want to go, but my nine-o’clock is here.'

'Okay. See you later.'

'Bye, gorgeous,' she said, sending chills through me.


* * *

I grabbed the box that was on the passenger side of the Jeep. Careful to balance it on one hand as I closed the door, and pressed the locking mechanism on my key chain. I made my way to the door, seeing the lights on in Haley’s townhouse. How was it possible that one woman, hell, anything belonging to that one woman, could put me at such ease, and make me feel better? I truly believe that anything that was ailing me, she could make it all better with just one look, or one touch.

Taking a deep, contented sigh, I knocked on the door. It didn’t take long before I heard footsteps, and then silence. I could tell I was being watched through the fisheye on her door. I stuck my tongue out, and grinned for my audience. Hearing giggles from the other side, I, too smiled.

The door opened, and Haley smiled at me.

'Hey, you,' she said.

'Howdy.' I reached into the box. 'This is for you,' I handed her the bottle of white wine I’d bought.

'Thank you much.'

'This is for you,' I handed her the bottle of red. 'And this,' a bottle of champagne.

'Are you going to try and get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?' she asked a twinkle in her eyes.

'Maybe. This is for you,' I handed her a heart-shaped box of chocolates, 'And finally, these.' I handed her the bouquet of roses I’d picked up for her.

'Oh, Andi. God, you are so sweet.' She brought them to her nose trying to balance the flowers with the armful she already had. I took the wine from her, and she took a deep breath, inhaling the beautiful scent of the roses. She smiled at me. 'Thank you,' she whispered, then looked to her left down the street, and then to the right, then back to me before giving me a full, loud smack on the lips.

Grinning like an idiot, I followed her inside.

I looked around, stopping where I stood. Haley had moved the couch out of the way, probably in the spare bedroom, I assumed, and had a huge, double-sized air mattress set up, piled with blankets and pillows in front of the TV, and a stack of rented movies next to it on the floor. Behind the mattress was the coffee table loaded with covered dishes that smelled absolutely divine.

'Man, that smells good. What do you have going,' I reached for one of the dishes, only to have my hand smacked.

'You’ll see. It’s actually a new recipe, and I hope you like it. And, um, I hope you like this,' She indicated the blankets and pillows. I grinned, nodding.

'I think it’s great, Haley. Thanks so much. This will be a blast.' I glanced at the movie titles, seeing such greats as ‘When Harry Met Sally’, ‘While You Were Sleeping’, and ‘Sleepless In Seattle’

'I figured all those were appropriate,' Haley said, taking the wine from me and heading into the kitchen to put the roses in water.

'So, what did you make?'

'It’s a Spanish dish called paella. Chicken, pork, shrimp, muscles, rice and tons of veggies. I really hope you like it.' She called as she grabbed a couple of wine glasses.

'It sounds great, and smells even better.'

'I hope so.' Haley gave me a small peck before setting our glasses on the edge of the coffee table, and handing me a plate. 'Load up.'

Soon we both sat cross-legged on the mattress, facing each other. Haley had the heat up to a nice temperature, so we lounged around in sweat shorts, which Haley had provided, and me in a tank, her in a simple tee.

She watched, waiting for me to take the first bite, her face expectant. I wondered if she were even holding her breath.

Slipping the fork inside my mouth, I allowed my tongue to taste the myriad of different tastes, all mingled together to create a wonderful taste sensation. I closed my eyes, chewing slowly as I relished the flavors that course through my mouth.

'You have outdone yourself, Haley,' I finally managed. 'That is certainly worthy of a foodgasm.' She looked at me, taken aback.

'A what?'

'Foodgasm. Come on, you’re a food slut. You should understand such terminology.' She grinned, shaking her head.

'I’ll certainly have to keep that in mind, and I’m glad you like it.' With my seal of approval firmly in place, she began to dig in to her own plate.

Not much was said as we both, famished from a long day with a missed lunch, shoveled forkful after forkful of the paella into our waiting mouths, sipping wine now and then.

Finally dinner was gone, and I was satisfied.

I smiled, as I took a deep breath.

'You really liked that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat a second helping of anything before.' Haley smiled as she gathered our dishes, and we carried them to the kitchen.

'Well, it was absolutely delicious. You’ll have to give me the recipe for that.'

'You’re going to cook?' she asked, looking at me over her shoulder as she loaded the dishwasher.

'Nah, I’ll give it to my mom so she can make if for me the next time I visit.'

'Oh, you’re horrible.' She flicked me with the dishtowel. 'Ready for dessert?'

'Am I ever not?'

'True. Go pick a movie, and get it started. I’ll bring it out.'

Choosing ‘When Harry Met Sally’, I stuck the tape in Haley’s VCR, and pushed play. Soon she joined me, carrying two plates holding generous pieces of black forest cake, topped with raspberries.

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