DELATE, accuse.

DELICT, misdemeanour, QUASI DELICT, apparent offence.

DEPONE, to testify.

DERNIER RESORT, last resort.

DIABLERIE, sorcery, witchcraft.

DILIGENCE, writ of execution, coach.

DING, to knock, beat down.

DIRDUM, uproar, disturbance.

DITTAY, an indictment.

DIVOT, thin turf used for thatching cottages.

DOCH AN DORROCH, the stirrup cup.

DOMINUS LITIS, one of the principals in a law suit.

DOOL, sorrow, sad consequences.

DOOR-CHEEK, door-post.

DOUCE, respectable.

DRAMATIS PERSONAE, persons of the drama.

DRAPPIT, fried.

DRIBBLE, a drop.

DRIFT, drift-snow.

DULCINEA, Don Quixote's imaginary mistress.

DUNSTABLE, something simple and matter-of-fact.

DYVOUR, bankrupt.

EKE, addition.

EMBONPOINT, plumpness.

EN CROUPE, riding behind one another.

ET PER CONTRA, and on the other side.

EVITE, avoid.

EX COMITATE, out of courtesy.

EX MISERICORDIA, out of pity.

EXCEPTIO FIRMAT REGULAM, the exception proves the rule.

EXOTIC, of foreign origin.

FACTOR LOCO TUTORIS, an agent acting in place of a guardian.

FARDEL, burden.

FASH, FASHERIE, trouble.

FECK, space.

FEMME DE CHAMBRE, chamber-maid.

FIERI, to be made.

FLACON, a smelling bottle.

FLAP, gust.

FLIP, a drink consisting of beer and spirit sweetened.

FLORY, frothy.

FORBY, besides.

FORENSIC, legal.

FORFOUGHEN, out of breath, distressed.

FORPIT, fourth part of a peck.

FORTALICE, a small outwork.

FRIST, to postpone, give credit,

FUGIE, fugitive.

FUNCTUS OFFICIO, having finished my duties, 'out of office'.

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