POUND SCOTS, worth about 1s. 8d. English money.

PRACTIQUES, practices of the profession.

PRECOGNITION, examination prior to prosecution.

PRECOGNOSCED, to take precognition of.

PRETERMIT, omit, pass by.

PURSUIVANTS, an officer-at-arms, in rank below a herald.

QUAERE, query, a question.

QUEAN, a young woman, a wench.

QUI VIVE, alert, cautious.

QUID, piece of tobacco to chew.

QUID TIBI CUM LYRA, what hast thou to do with the lyre?

QUORUM, the body of justices, so called from a word used in the commission appointing them.

RANT, a noisy dance-tune.

RAPPAREE, an Irish plunderer; a worthless fellow,

RATIONE OFFICII, by virtue of his position.

RATTLING, lively, brisk.

RAX, stretch.

REAMING, frothing, foaming.

REDD, clear up, tidy.

REGIAM MAJESTATEM, a collection of Scotch laws.

REIVER, robber.

REMEDIUM JURIS, legal remedy.

RIGDUM-FUNNIDOS, a courtier in H. Carey's burlesque,


RIPE, search.

RUDAS, a scold, a virago.

RUG, a share, a good mouthful.

SANCTA WINIFREDA, ORA PRO NOBIS, Saint Winifred, pray for us.

SARTUM ATQUE TECTUM, repaired and covered.

SAT EST, it is enough.

SAWNEY, a nickname for a Scotchman.

SCARBOROUGH WARNING, the blow before the threat.

SCOWP, quaff.

SCRUB, the name of a footman in the BEAUX' STRATAGEM (Geo.

Farquhar, 1704).

SCULDUDDERY, loose, immoral.

SEALGH, seal,

SEA-MAWS, sea-mews.

SECUNDUM ARTEM, according to the rules of his art.

SEDERUNT, a sitting of the courts.

SEMPLE, simple, not of gentle birth,

SHILPIT, weak; poor, shabby.

SHINGLES, thin boards used for roofs.

SI NON CASTE, CAUTE TAMEN, if not for virtue's sake, yet for caution.

SIB, kin.

SIGMA, the Greek S.

SINE DIE, without a date, indefinitely.

SIS MEMOR MEI, be mindful of me.

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