within doors, and make my complete approach to the tree of knowledge, which you men-scholars would engross to yourselves, in revenge, I suppose, for our common mother's share in the great original transgression.'
'And Rashleigh indulged your propensity to learning?'
'Why, he wished to have me for his scholar, and he could but teach me that which he knew himself—he was not likely to instruct me in the mysteries of washing lace-ruffles, or hemming cambric handkerchiefs, I suppose.'
'I admit the temptation of getting such a scholar, and have no doubt that it made a weighty consideration on the tutor's part.'
'Oh, if you begin to investigate Rashleigh's motives, my finger touches my chin once more. I can only be frank where my own are inquired into. But to resume—he has resigned the library in my favour, and never enters without leave had and obtained; and so I have taken the liberty to make it the place of deposit for some of my own goods and chattels, as you may see by looking round you.'
'I beg pardon, Miss Vernon, but I really see nothing around these walls which I can distinguish as likely to claim you as mistress.'
'That is, I suppose, because you neither see a shepherd or shepherdess wrought in worsted, and handsomely framed in black ebony, or a stuffed parrot,—or a breeding-cage, full of canary birds,—or a housewife-case, broidered with tarnished silver,—or a toilet-table with a nest of japanned boxes, with as many angles as Christmas minced-pies,—or a broken-backed spinet,—or a lute with three strings,—or rock-work,—or shell-work,—or needle-work, or work of any kind,—or a lap-dog with a litter of blind puppies—None of these treasures do I possess,' she continued, after a pause, in order to recover the breath she had lost in enumerating them—'But there stands the sword of my ancestor Sir Richard Vernon, slain at Shrewsbury, and sorely slandered by a sad fellow called Will Shakspeare, whose Lancastrian partialities, and a certain knack at embodying them, has turned history upside down, or rather inside out;—and by that redoubted weapon hangs the mail of the still older Vernon, squire to the Black Prince, whose fate is the reverse of his descendant's, since he is more indebted to the bard who took the trouble to celebrate him, for good-will than for talents,—
'Then there is a model of a new martingale, which I invented myself—a great improvement on the Duke of Newcastle's; and there are the hood and bells of my falcon Cheviot, who spitted himself on a heron's bill at Horsely-moss—poor Cheviot, there is not a bird on the perches below, but are kites and riflers compared to him; and there is my own light fowling-piece, with an improved firelock; with twenty other treasures, each more valuable than another—And there, that speaks for itself.'
She pointed to the carved oak frame of a full-length portrait by Vandyke, on which were inscribed, in Gothic letters, the words
And do you not know our cognisance, the pipes?' pointing to the armorial bearings sculptured on the oaken scutcheon, around which the legend was displayed.
'Pipes!—they look more like penny-whistles—But, pray, do not be angry with my ignorance,' I continued, observing the colour mount to her cheeks, 'I can mean no affront to your armorial bearings, for I do not even know my own.'
'You an Osbaldistone, and confess so much!' she exclaimed. 'Why, Percie, Thornie, John, Dickon—Wilfred himself, might be your instructor. Even ignorance itself is a plummet over you.'
'With shame I confess it, my dear Miss Vernon, the mysteries couched under the grim hieroglyphics of heraldry are to me as unintelligible as those of the pyramids of Egypt.'
'What! is it possible?—Why, even my uncle reads Gwillym sometimes of a winter night—Not know the figures of heraldry!—of what could your father be thinking?'
'Of the figures of arithmetic,' I answered; 'the most insignificant unit of which he holds more highly than all the blazonry of chivalry. But, though I am ignorant to this inexpressible degree, I have knowledge and taste enough to admire that splendid picture, in which I think I can discover a family likeness to you. What ease and dignity in the attitude!—what richness of colouring—what breadth and depth of shade!'
'Is it really a fine painting?' she asked.
'I have seen many works of the renowned artist,' I replied, 'but never beheld one more to my liking!'
'Well, I know as little of pictures as you do of heraldry,' replied Miss Vernon; 'yet I have the advantage of you, because I have always admired the painting without understanding its value.'
'While I have neglected pipes and tabors, and all the whimsical combinations of chivalry, still I am informed that they floated in the fields of ancient fame. But you will allow their exterior appearance is not so peculiarly interesting to the uninformed spectator as that of a fine painting.—Who is the person here represented?'
'My grandfather. He shared the misfortunes of Charles I., and, I am sorry to add, the excesses of his son. Our patrimonial estate was greatly impaired by his prodigality, and was altogether lost by his successor, my unfortunate father. But peace be with them who have got it!—it was lost in the cause of loyalty.'
'Your father, I presume, suffered in the political dissensions of the period?'
'He did indeed;—he lost his all. And hence is his child a dependent orphan—eating the bread of others— subjected to their caprices, and compelled to study their inclinations; yet prouder of having had such a father, than if, playing a more prudent but less upright part, he had left me possessor of all the rich and fair baronies which his family once possessed.'
As she thus spoke, the entrance of the servants with dinner cut off all conversation but that of a general nature.
When our hasty meal was concluded, and the wine placed on the table, the domestic informed us, 'that Mr. Rashleigh had desired to be told when our dinner was removed.'
'Tell him,' said Miss Vernon, 'we shall be happy to see him if he will step this way—place another wineglass and chair, and leave the room.— You must retire with him when he goes away,' she continued, addressing herself to me; 'even
'The old scythe-man has moved so rapidly,' I answered, 'that I could not count his strides.'
'Hush!' said Miss Vernon, 'here comes Rashleigh;' and she drew off her chair, to which I had approached mine rather closely, so as to place a greater distance between us. A modest tap at the door,—a gentle manner of opening when invited to enter,—a studied softness and humility of step and deportment, announced that the education of Rashleigh Osbaldistone at the College of St. Omers accorded well with the ideas I entertained of the manners of an accomplished Jesuit. I need not add, that, as a sound Protestant, these ideas were not the most favourable. 'Why should you use the ceremony of knocking,' said Miss Vernon, 'when you knew that I was not alone?'
This was spoken with a burst of impatience, as if she had felt that Rashleigh's air of caution and reserve covered some insinuation of impertinent suspicion. 'You have taught me the form of knocking at this door so