James of Rusholme, Lord, 177

Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 53–4; surrender (1945), 54; ‘threat’, 520; defence, 520, 521; economy, 584

Jarrett, Clifford, 123

Jauch, Dr, 26

Jay, Peter, 368

Jellicoe, George, Lord, 202

Jenkin, Patrick, 192, 289, 310

Jenkins, Roy, 213, 331, 395, 407

Jews: Hitler’s treatment of, 26–7, 29; Finchley, 98–9, 230, 374; Arab-Israeli war (1973), 230; role in development of capitalism, 580; Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 602, 605

Joad, C.E.M., 22

Jobseeker’s Allowance, 545

John Paul II, Pope, 345–6, 371–2, 556

Johnson, Frank, 273

Johnson, Nevil, 324

Johnson, Paul, 451

Jordan: ‘Black September’, 198; Palestinian problem, 374

Joseph, Helen, Lady, 266

Joseph, Sir Keith: influence on MT, 50, 135–6; economic policy, 50, 141, 229, 241, 244, 320; MT’s adoption, 98; MT’s Private Member’s Bill, 111; Cabinet reshuffle (1962), 125; leadership election (1965), 135–6; Shadow Cabinet, 144; race relations, 146; Trade and Industry Shadow, 156; Buckingham University, 159–60; quoted, 162; on ‘cycle of deprivation’, 167, 200, 547, 552; Social Services, 180, 200, 547; Heath government, 196; industry policies, 220; Arab-Israeli war (1973), 230; Shadow Cabinet (1974), 242; Centre for Policy Studies, 250–7, 286; Upminster speech, 253–4; Edgbaston speech, 253, 262–3, 266; Leith speech, 254; Preston speech, 255–7; Shadow Home Secretary, 255; relationship with Heath, 255, 260; leadership question, 262, 266–7; MT’s leadership campaign, 274, 278, 279, 282; policy role in MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 285, 286, 288, 290, 292–3, 297– 300; British Leyland rescue, 300; trade union policies, 301; incomes policies, 302–3, 311, 404, 416; The Right Approach, 316; speeches, 317–18; Grunwick dispute, 368, 402; ‘Stepping Stones’, 420–2; trade union policy, 423, 430; manifesto (1979), 436; on ‘centre ground’, 439, 449; general election campaign (1979), 447, 451

Jouvenal, Bertrand de, 48

Kaberry, Donald, 93, 94–5

Kay, Miss (KGGS), 18

Keays, Bill, 446

Keegan, George, 366–7

Kendall, Denis, 29, 33, 43

Kennedy, John F., 117, 118

Kenya: Asians, 145, 212; economy, 588–9

Kerr, Sir John, 386

Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School (KGGS), 9, 17–19

Keynes, John Maynard, 75, 565, 566

Keynesianism, 160, 193, 313, 320, 565

Khalid, Leila, 166, 198

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 365, 382

Khrushchev, Nikita, 90, 117, 118

Kilbrandon Royal Commission, 321

Kinchin-Smith, Michael, 46

Kipling, Rudyard, 17, 37, 196, 455, 601n

Kirk, Peter, 337

Kissinger, Henry, 348, 360, 373

Kitson, Timothy, 240, 274, 277, 283

Klaus, Vaclav, 592

Koestler, Arthur, 57–8

Kohl, Helmut, 344, 347, 481, 482

Korda, Alexander, 14

Krebs, Richard, 29

Kroger, Helen and Peter, 154

Kurds: safe havens, 512; statehood, 523–4

Kuwait, Iraqi invasion, 508, 534

Labour Club, Oxford, 49

Labour Party: Grantham, 21; defence policies, 25, 26, 44; general election (1945), 44, 46; economic failures, 50; Colm Brogan’s view, 52; Indian independence, 55; general election manifesto (1950), 69–70; general election (1950), 73, 74; general election (1951), 75; Suez crisis, 88; attacks on Macmillan, 92; general election (1959), 93; policies (1960s), 114; pensions reform, 124; general election (1964), 132; general election (1966), 137; SET, 138–9; statutory incomes policy, 141; general election (1970), 160–2; trade union reform, 161, 204, 206; education policy, 166; EC contributions, 208; ‘social contract’, 236, 413, 419; general election (February 1974), 238; policies (1974), 241; housing policy, 243, 250; right wing, 259; general election (October 1974), 261; Wilson government, 312–13; Callaghan government, 315; devolution, 322–6, 430–2; Lib-Lab pact, 326–8, 394, 397, 410; Europe referendum, 330–1, 3345 Grunwick dispute, 397–401; extreme left, 400–1, 439; incomes policy, 403, 413, 422; general election (1979), 439–41, 445–6, 454, 455–6; single currency, 479; general election manifesto (1983), 605

Lambert, Constant, 38

Lamont, Norman, 357, 421, 492

Land Commission, 136

Latham, Michael, 242

Latin America, 581–3

law, rule of, 580

law and order: Conservative policy (1960s), 115; penal policy 116–17; debate (1990s), 538; social service, 558

Law Commission, 563

Lawson, Nigel: MT’s housing policy group, 242; EMS policy, 339; Policy Search group, 421; Chancellor of Exchequer, 568; Budgets (1984, 1988), 571; shadows Deutschmark, 596

Lawton, Frederick, 83

Le Marchant, Spencer, 432

League of Nations, 24, 26, 510–11

League of Pity, 16

Lebanon, Islamic fundamentalism, 536

Lee Kuan Yew, 386

Left Book Club, 28

Lenzerheide, 105–6

Lever, Harold, 243, 265

Lewis, C.S., 40–1

Lewis, Russell, 280

Li Hsien-nien, 389

Liberal Party: collectivism, 21; by-election victories, 93, 131, 226, 445; in Finchley, 98–9, 131, 137, 237; general election (February 1974), 238; rejects Heath coalition proposal, 239, 259; Lib-Lab pact, 326–8, 394, 397,

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