simply meaning the “two-camp theory” spelled out by Stalin’s first lieutenant in September 1947 at the founding conference of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties (Cominform).43 When referring to the times of Zhdanov
To come back to my earlier argument, the comparison between Communism and Fascism has been fundamentally tainted, intellectually and scholarly, both by the claim of the original innocence of Leninism (or the so-called ultimately humane and positive Communist utopia)49 and by anti-Fascism’s long-standing, resounding failure to denounce the murderousness and illiberality of Communist regimes. Additionally, the experience of the Second World War in various Western countries, with its violence, collaboration, treason, and often limited resistance to the Fascist occupier, left a muddled vision of justice. For example, in the case of postwar France, Tony Judt demonstrated convincingly that “the absence of any consensus about justice—its meaning, its forms, its application—contributed to the confused and inadequate response of French intellectuals to the evidence of injustice elsewhere, in Communist systems especially.”50
Nevertheless, I consider legitimate the questions raised by historian Anson Rabinbach on the legacy of a tradition that is part and parcel of the present European identity: “Is it possible to go beyond a confrontation between antifascism as a state-sponsored myth mobilized to disguise the crimes of the ‘first’ (Soviet) antifascist regime, and antifascism as a necessary and heroic moment in the history of the West’s resistance to totalitarianism in its first phase? Can we come to a different judgment than the mutually exclusive perspectives of 1936 and 1989?”51 My answer, and the discussion that follows serves as an example, is positive, in the sense that the reassessment of the history of the twentieth century’s totalitarianisms provides us with lessons and values for the safeguard of democracy and freedom on both the left and the right. Anti-Fascism and anti- Communism are logical reactions to the experiences and realities of a ravaged century.52
One of the most important moments for the reevaluation of the role played by Communism (as both an ideology and a regime type) was the publication of
The class enemy had to be weeded out and destroyed without any mercy. Andrei Vyshinsky, Stalin’s hysterical prosecutor in the Moscow show trials of the 1930s, carried this macabre logic to its ultimate consequences when he made the defendants’ confessions the main argument for sentencing them to death. In other words, the presumption of innocence was replaced by a universalized presumption of guilt. As for the rhetoric of hatred, comparable to Goebbels’s most insanely inflammatory speeches, this passage is worth quoting:
Shoot these rabid dogs! Death to this gang who hide their ferocious teeth, their eagle claws, from the people! Down with that vulture Trotsky, from whose mouth a bloody venom drips, putrefying the great ideals of Marxism! Let’s put these liars out of harm’s way, these miserable pygmies who dare to dance around rotting carcasses! Down with these abject animals! Let us put an end once and for all to these miserable hybrids of foxes and pigs, these stinking corpses! Let their horrible squeals finally come to an end! Let’s exterminate the mad dogs of capitalism, who want to tear to pieces the flower of our new Soviet nation! Let’s push the bestial hatred they bear to our leaders back down their throats!56
Both totalitarianisms “believed in the ubiquity of maleficent adversaries.” Both defined their enemies on the basis of their potential for blocking the realization of the perfect community. Their obsession with eliminating all “objective enemies” on the road to the promised land led first to the replacement of “the suspected offense by the possible crime” (Hannah Arendt), and then to an all-out fixation on universal conspiracies.57
Utopian ideals were used to legitimize the worst abuses against “objective” enemies, defined only in connection with the interests of a self-appointed revolutionary vanguard and the leader’s fixations. In Nazi Germany, Hitler’s Aryan-centered cosmology hyperbolized the imaginary Jew as simultaneously the organizer of market exploitation and the fomenter of Marxist attempts to overthrow it.58 The mythology of the Judeo-Bolshevik and Judeo-plutocratic plot thrived in the anti-Semitic visions of the East and Central European Far Right (later to reemerge in post-World War II Stalinist anti-Semitism).59 Paranoia regarding infiltrations, subversion, and treason have been enduring features of all Communist political cultures, from Russia and China to Romania and Yugoslavia. Leninist parties officially playing the democratic parliamentary game (in France and Italy after World War II) were no less intolerant of deviation from the orthodox line than similar formations in power (with the difference that they could not physically liquidate alleged spies and agents). Lenin once famously declared that “an organization of real revolutionaries will stop at nothing to rid itself of an unworthy member.”60
Perhaps the best book to read for understanding the nature and meaning of Leninism remains Dostoyevsky’s novel