He paused. 'I regret that I cannot _quote_ the passage. I must

paraphrase it, I'm afraid. But it is written there that _each_ new year

Pas brings is like a _fleet_. You are familiar with boats, my daughter.

You were upon that _wretched_ little fishing boat with _me_, after all.'


'Each year, as I have indicated, is likened to a fleet of boats that

are its days, _gallant_ craft loaded with the _young men_ of that year.

Each of these day-boats is _obliged_ to pass _Scylla_ on its voyage to

_infinity_. Some sail very near to her, while others remain at a greater

_distance_, their youthful crews crowding the side _most distant_ from

her loving embrace. None of which _signifies_. From each of these

boats, she selects the young men who most _please_ her.'

'I don't see--'

'_But_,' Incus continued impressively, 'how is it that these _boats_

pass her at all? Why do they not remain safe in harbor? Or sail

_someplace else?_ It is because there is a minor goddess whose

function it is to direct them to her. _Thetis_ is that goddess, and thus a

most suitable _tessera_ for us. A _key_, as you said. A _ticket_ or _inscribed

tile_ that will admit _us_ to the Juzgado, and incidentally _release_ us from

the cold and dark of these _horrid_ tunnels.'

'You think we might be close to the Juzgado now, Patera?'

Incus shook his head. 'I do not know, my daughter. We traveled

_some distance_ on that _unfortunate_ talus, and he went

_very_ fast. I dare _hope_ we are beneath the city now.'

'I doubt if we're much past Limna,' Chenille told him.

Auk's head ached. Sometimes it seemed to him that a wedge had

been pounded into it, sometimes it felt more like a spike; in either

case, it hurt so much at times that he could think of nothing else,

forcing himself to take one step forward like an automaton, one

more weary step in a progression of weary steps that would never be

over. When the ache subsided, as it did now and then, he became

aware that he was as sick as he had ever been in his life and might

vomit at any moment.

Hammerstone stalked beside him, his big, rubber-shod feet

making less noise than Auk's boots as they padded over the damp

shiprock of the tunnel floor. Hammerstone had his needler, and

when the pain in his head subsided, Auk schemed to recover it,

illusory schemes that were more like nightmares. He would push

Hammerstone from a cliff into the lake, snatching his needler as

Hammerstone fell, trip him as they scaled a roof, break into

Hammerstone's house, find him asleep, and take his needler from

Hammerstone's strong room... Hammerstone falling headlong,

somersaulting, rolling down the roof as he, Auk, fired needle after

needle at him, viscous black fluid spurting from every wound to

paint the snowy sheets and turn the water of the lake to black blood

in which they drowned.

No, Incus had his needler, had it under his black robe; but

Hammerstone had a slug gun, and even soldiers could be killed with

slugs, which could and often did penetrate the mud-brick walls of

houses, the thick bodies of horses and oxen as well as men, slugs

that left horrible wounds.

Oreb fluttered on his shoulders, climbing with talon and crimson

beak from one to the other. Peering though his ears Oreb glimpsed

his thoughts; but Oreb could not know, no more than he himself

knew, what those thoughts portended. Oreb was only a bird, and

Incus could not take him from him, no more than his hanger, no

more than his knife.

Dace had a knife as well. Under his tunic Dace had the old

thick-bladed spear-pointed knife he had used to gut and fillet the

fish they had caught from his boat, the knife that had worked so

quickly, so surely, though it looked so unsuited to its task. Dace was

not an old man at all, but a flunky and a toady to that old knife, a

thing that carried it as Dace's old boat had carried them all when

there was nothing inside it to make it go, carrying them as they

might have been carried by a child's toy, toys that can shoot or fly

because they are the right shape though hollow and empty as Dace's

boat, as crank as the boat or solid as a potato; but Bustard would see

to Dace.

His brother Bustard had taken his sling because he had slung

stones at cats with it, and had refused to give it back. Nothing about

Bustard had ever been fair, not his being born first though his name

began with _B_ and Auk's with _A_, not his dying first either. Bustard

had cheated to the end and past the end, cheating Auk as he always

did and cheating himself of himself. That was the way life was, the

way death was. A man lived as long as you hated him and died on

you as soon as you began to like him. No one but Bustard had been

able to hurt him when Bustard was around; it was a privilege that

Bustard reserved for himself, and Bustard was back and carrying

him, carrying him in his arms again, though he had forgotten that

Bastard had ever carried him. Bustard was only three years older,

four in winter. Had Bustard himself been the mother that he,

Bustard, professed to remember, that he, Auk, could not? Never

could, never quite, Bustard with this big black bird bobbing on his

head like a bird upon a woman's hat, its eyes jet beads, twitching

and bobbing with every movement of his head, a stuffed bird

mocking life and cheating death.

Bustards were birds, but bustards could fly--that was the Lily

truth, for Bustard's mother had been Auk's mother had been Lily

whose name had meant truth, Lily who had in truth flown away with

Hierax and left them both; therefore he never prayed to Hierax, to

Death or the God of Death, or anyhow very seldom and never in his

heart, though Dace had said that he belonged to Hierax and

therefore Hierax had snatched Bustard, the brother who had been a

father to him, who had cheated him of his sling and of nothing else

that he could remember.

'How you feelin', big feller?'

'Fine. I'm fine,' he told Dace. And then, 'I'm afraid I'm going to


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