Her chin lifted, her eyelids dropping to half-mast. Female awareness shone through.

He nodded. “You have tonight to decide, and I’d spend some time with the decision.”

“I’ve made up my mind, or I wouldn’t have signed the contract.” Her hands trembled on his legs.

He leaned forward until they were almost nose-to-nose, but he didn’t touch her. “There’s no turning back after tomorrow night. Make sure you want to be mine.” The small part of humanity he still owned wanted her to refuse. To run fast and hard in the other direction.

At his order, her eyes dilated. Courage and strength lifted her chin. “Per the contract, after we mate, you go home and I stay here. I’m not worried about being yours.”

The defiance in the gentle woman prodded the baser nature inside him. “Even so, I wouldn’t push, baby. Ever.” It was only fair to give her warning. Not that the woman seemed to heed it. “Besides, per the contract, I can demand your presence at my home any time during the first decade.” A clause inserted by the vampires probably in reaction to Moira being kept from Conn for a century.

“We both know you won’t be around for a decade, baby.” Temper flashed across her classic face.

His temper pricked the back of his neck. “You’re awfully brave, considering you’re still on your knees.”

The door burst open with a shattering of wood. A man stood there, dressed all in black, feet braced, fury on his face.

Jase leaped over Brenna, planting himself between her and danger. He stilled and shook his head. “Kell?”

Kellach Dunne dropped his leather duster to the floor. “You are not mating my cousin.”

Anticipation flooded Jase’s veins. At six and a half feet, they stood eye-to-eye. More important, Jase had been working out impossibly hard for the last five years. He could handle the witch enforcer. “Apparently, I am mating your cousin.” He settled his own stance and flashed a grin. “Is there something you think you can do about it?”

Kell moved with the speed of a soldier and the fury of a witch. The first punch to Jase’s jaw sent his head to the side. Jase slowly turned back, his smile even feeling dangerous. He pulled back his arm as a decoy and jumped up, slamming both feet into Kell’s face.

The witch flew back against the damaged door. His long black hair escaped its band. Anger glowed deep in his odd black eyes.

With a roar, he shot forward, his fists punching too fast to see.

“Kell!” Brenna yelled and stumbled toward them. “Stop it.”

Jase pivoted to keep her behind him and cracked his elbow up into Kell’s nose. Cartilage broke with a resounding snap. Two bodies rushed through the doorway, and his brother tackled Jase into the wall.

Moira slid between them, her hands on Kell’s chest. Green fire danced up her arms.

Jase struggled and nailed his brother in the cheek with a right cross.

Conn pinned his forearm against Jase’s neck, shoving him harder against the wall. His eyes glowed with a mixture of anger and concern. “What the hell are you doing?” he growled.

Jase struggled, yet kept his legs still. He didn’t want to hurt his brother—he wanted to hurt Kell. “Let go of me.”

“No. Calm down, Jase.” Desperation rode Conn’s tone.

Jase turned his focus on his older brother. The brother who’d taught him to fight. Years ago, before he’d been taken, Conn would’ve cheerfully kicked his ass for that punch in the face. Now, not so much. He showed his teeth. “You want to go, big brother?”

Conn’s eyes narrowed, and his forearm cut off more air. “No, and neither do you. Calm the fuck down.”

“No. Let’s go, asshole. You want a fight? You’ve got one.” Even as the words spewed from Jase, nausea filled his gut. He couldn’t stop the fury.

The desolation in Conn’s expression cut deeper than any knife the demons had used. “I don’t want a fight.” He shoved away from Jase. “I want my brother back.”

Jase straightened and tugged his shirt into place. “Your brother is long gone.” He pivoted to face Kell, who had blood running down his face from the broken nose. “Mind your own business.”

“No. This mating will not happen.” Kell wiped blood off with the back of his hand. “Brenna, pack a bag. We’re out of here.”

Brenna stepped over shards of wood to stand next to Jase. “What in the world are you doing in Dublin? I thought you were fighting in the north.”

“I heard you were attacked.” Kell eyed Jase and clenched his hands into fists.

“She was. Great job protecting her, enforcer,” Jase said.

Kell’s left eyebrow rose. “You are not mating this self-destructive bastard.”

Brenna sighed. “I love you, Kell. But my mind is made up, and you need to respect that.”

“Over my dead body,” the witch hissed.

“That can be arranged,” Jase drawled.

Conn rubbed his head. “Shut the fuck up, Jase.”

Brenna tangled her fingers with Jase’s. “Everyone just calm down.”

Jase kept his gaze on the witch and tried to ignore the sense of comfort he felt from Brenna taking his side. Her small hand felt fragile in his. “In fact, everyone get the hell out. Brenna and I weren’t finished talking.”

Moira held both hands out. Her wild red hair curled around her shoulders, and her eyes were pissed. “Enough testosterone, damn it. Kell, Brenna is a big girl who can make her own decisions. Besides, you should look at her medical records before being such a jackass.”

Kell frowned. “What medical records?”

Brenna’s hand trembled in Jase’s.

Jase growled. “Get out, and go look at them.”

Kell scratched his chin. “Fine. But nothing is happening before the cultural event tomorrow, right?”

“Right,” Brenna said.

“Good.” The enforcer smiled, his gaze on Jase. “Then we’ll discuss this further tomorrow.”

Jase’s shoulders went back. “I look forward to it.” He glanced down at the small woman so bravely facing one of the most dangerous predators on earth. What in the world was he going to do with her? Then he frowned. “What cultural event?”

Chapter 6

Brenna stood in the foyer and patted her pinned-up hair. “I’m not sure ’bout this dress.”

“ ’Tis perfect.” Moira shimmied her blue dress down over the gun strapped to her inner thigh. “You look gorgeous.”

“Hmm.” Brenna glanced down at the beaded mesh halter gown. The sparkly material revealed the tops of her breasts and cut in severely at the waist. It was backless, yet the skirt allowed enough room for her weapon. “Thanks for the new gun.”

“I thought you’d like it.” Her sister smiled, but humor failed to reach her stunning green eyes. “The vampires created the stub-version a couple of months ago. It’s as deadly as a normal laser but fits much better in a smaller hand.”

Brenna sighed. “Stop worrying so. Everything is going to be fine.”

“I’m not worrying.” Moira slipped a knife into her evening bag. “It’s just, well, the Jase who came back from captivity isn’t the same Jase we all knew and loved. We still love him, but I’m not sure he’s safe.”

Of course he wasn’t safe. The guy was dynamite with an already lit fuse. “I need his strength and bloodline. Even with that power, there’s a chance I still won’t recover from the poisoning.”

“Don’t say that.” Panic swept the color from Moira’s face. She clutched her bag. “Why did you wait so

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