
“I don’t know. I guess I figured the doctors would find a cure.” Plus, she hadn’t really had someone in mind to mate. Until now.

Moira nodded. “I get that.”

“Why hasn’t the king gotten Jase some help?” Brenna asked.

Moira snorted. “Have you met Jase? You can’t help someone who doesn’t want it.”

Dread slid through Brenna’s veins. “There’s only one thing he wants. Revenge against the demons.”

“I know.” Moira reached for the damaged front door to tug open. “Just make sure you don’t get caught in that crossfire, little sister. He’ll go through anybody to reach that goal.”

Yeah, he would. “I understand.”

“Oh.” Moira paused halfway into the hallway. “I forgot to tell you. We rounded up all the members of CRAP and will hold them until after the winter solstice. You’re safe.”

“Good.” Frankly, she hadn’t felt much fear after Jase demolished most of their soldiers. But it was a relief to know the group wouldn’t be protesting at the cultural event. Sometimes the protests took a toll on her, although she never let the strain show. “I guess there’s no reason for Jase to attend tonight.” A surprising disappointment slid through her at the thought.

“Yet, here I am.” Jase suddenly loomed in the hallway.

Moira hurried over to the other doorway, where Conn had just emerged.

Brenna smiled at the vampire to mask her racing heart. The black tuxedo emphasized Jase’s long and lean body in a way that totally failed to hide the predator beneath the suit. In fact, the civilized style only enhanced his wildness. His gaze ran over her dress, and her body reacted as if he’d used his hands.

“You look stunning,” he said.

Pleasure bloomed in her chest. “Thank you. You clean up really nice, Kayrs.”

A rare dimple flashed in his right cheek. “Using my last name won’t work to distance yourself from me, baby.” He held out an arm. “Now tell me what exactly this shindig is, will you?”

She slid her hand through his arm, marveling at the hardness. “It’s the Coven Nine’s winter ball. We invite dignitaries from many witch organizations as well as some fairies, vampires, and shifters. Truth be told, it’s our Nine Christmas party, too.” Speaking of which, she had to finish her shopping before all of this mating stuff took place.

He nodded. “I am not sitting on Santa’s lap.”

“Did you just make a joke . . . Kayrs?” She pushed her ever-present glasses up her nose.

“I’m a funny guy . . . Dunne.” He escorted her to the elevator, and once inside, leaned out to where Moira was assisting Conn with cuff links. “We’ll meet you at the car.” Pressing a button, he waited until the door shut.

Brenna frowned. “We could’ve waited.”

“No. We didn’t finish earlier.”

She stepped back. “Finish what?”

One eyebrow rose. Slowly, his fangs dropped low.

Her rear hit the side wall too quickly. There was no escape. “What are you doing?”

He slashed his wrist. “Drink.”

Heated breath rushed out of her lungs. “Oh.”

“Yeah. I bit you, now you bite me. We’ll get your strength up in no time.” He waited, dripping blood onto the floor. “Come here, Brenna.”

One step and he could be in her space. But no. He wanted her to move. She steeled her shoulders. “No.”

His chin lowered while his gaze kept hers. The slightest of curves tightened his lips. “I find I don’t like hearing that word from you.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Watch yourself, Kayrs. You’re sounding like a vampire mate.”

“You’d better hope I’m not feeling like one.” The elevator stopped, and the doors slid open. Smooth as silk, Jase moved in front of the exit, easily blocking any escape. “Now come here and take my blood.”

Fire swept through her. Some anger and a whole lot of desire. The calm, clearly demanding tone of voice he used slid right under her skin to soften her sex. What in the world was wrong with her? One time was safe, but taking more of the vampire’s blood would give him a bigger hold on her. Of course, mating him would pretty much clinch the deal. “I don’t take orders well. Ever.”

“That’s unfortunate.” All of his formidable concentration focused right on her. “We’re not leaving this space until you take some blood.”

The elevator doors tried to close, and he blocked them with his body. An alarm began to buzz. Bollocks.

“Fine.” She moved toward him, grabbed his wrist, and bit. Hard.

“I was already bleeding,” he murmured.

She sucked in the life-giving liquid and stepped back, dropping his hand. Energy rippled down her throat, igniting her blood. “My bad.”

He lifted his arm to lick the wound closed. Lucky vampire spit. “As the youngest, I have a feeling you’ve gotten away with quite the bit in the Dunne family.”

True. Since a good part of the world was against her, the entire family had banded around her for protection. Yet sometimes, they’d stifled her. “Your point?”

“I’m not part of your family. You push me, and I’ll pull you exactly where I want you.”

The damn man couldn’t even deliver a predictable cliche. Even so, a shiver of awareness tickled down her spine. “I will keep that in mind.” She’d been raised by volatile, plasma-throwing, stubborn witches. Did he really think a vampire scared her? “Though you should probably remember that the second I regain my strength, I could blow up your entire world.”

He pivoted and held out an arm. “I look forward to your attempt.”

Sliding her hand along his arm, she moved from the elevator and tried to ignore the voice in her head laughing hysterically. Of course Jase Kayrs was a man to be feared. But showing that fear? No bloomin’ way.

The stairwell door opened, and Conn rushed out with an irritated Moira right behind him. “What the hell’s wrong with the elevator?” he asked.

Jase shrugged and headed for the car. “How the hell should I know?”

The McMannis Hotel ballroom glowed with Christmas lights, sparkling trees, and shimmering dresses. Jase tugged on his collar and willed his heart to stop beating so hard. He’d nearly had a panic attack in the damn elevator once the doors had closed. Only messing around with Brenna had kept him from going berserk.

Damn claustrophobia.

But he’d hidden it well. Once again.

He leaned against a pillar by the bar and out of the way of the festivities. Conn and Moira were completing perimeter checks, and Brenna had launched into dignitary mode in a meet-and-greet frenzy that had instantly set his fangs alive. So he’d headed for the bar.

Once again.

His metabolism was such that the five shots of tequila he’d downed would be absorbed and gone within an hour. But for now, he allowed the alcohol to calm him. The room held seven exits, not including the long row of windows showing the river. He could easily jump through the double-paned glass if necessary. Ever since being freed, he sought exits to any habitat.

Though his gaze kept returning to the elegant woman working the room. Her dress hugged her figure and highlighted creamy breasts. In fact, her skin was perfect. Pale and smooth, it tempted his mouth more than he’d like. When she’d turned to reveal a bare back, he’d almost groaned out loud. His hand itched with the need to trace her spine.

The woman was calm in a tumultuous storm. A sense of peace surrounded her, and he found himself oddly put out with the group of Scottish businessmen she was currently conversing with. Damn lucky Scots. Her friend Deb chatted, as well, every once in a while sending him a hard glance. Apparently the witch didn’t like him much.

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