be careful.'

'Yeah,' I said, 'and when micro man is frightened, look out. I wouldn't want to be locked up as a freak, or a national defense resource.'

Carol nodded. 'Micro man does have a tendency to hate anyone who makes him feel inferior. That's why our visits to Micro Island are so dangerous for those who do not have pretty well-developed Macro powers.'

'Speaking of Micro Island,' I said, 'I want to visit there as soon as you feel our combined Macro powers will protect us.'

'All right,' Carol answered as we reached my C.I. room. 'I'll tell you when I think we're ready.'

Then she squeezed my hand affectionately and said, 'See you at lunch,' and was gone down the long corridor.

As soon as I was seated in my favorite C.I. room overlooking the lake, I began asking C.I. questions about the uses of Macro powers to help micro man. Over and over C.I. kept telling me that no one can be helped until they are both willing and ready. This was the same as having sufficient desire and a belief, she said.

When I asked specifically how I could help Neda I learned that PK could be used to affect the seven gland centers of the body and, thereby, cause changes in physical appearance.

I spent the rest of the morning studying diagrams of the glandular system and learning all I could about how to use PK to change Neda's physical appearance to one of greater attractiveness. It seemed overwhelmingly complex and difficult to understand at first, but C.I. was the greatest resource ever, with an unending supply of patience. By noon I felt hopeful about my chances of changing Neda's appearance for the better.

When Carol joined me we took our CN's with water, then walked toward the recreation areas. On the way we practiced our PK with pebbles again and I told Carol about my hopes for Neda back in 1976. She agreed this would be a good application of my growing Macro powers.

As I was about to take my next step I stopped in midstride, for there before me, basking itself in a pool of sunshine, was a snake about six feet long. Carol obviously hadn't seen it, for she was about to walk on. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me.

She looked at me with surprise, then, remembering how new I was at all this, reassured me, saying, 'It's all right, Jon. I'm not afraid; therefore, the snake won't harm me.'

Carol took my hand and I, somewhat reluctantly, permitted her to lead me closer until I had a clear view of the rattles on its tail. I stopped and said, 'Maybe a rattlesnake won't harm you, Carol, because you're not afraid, but I, for one, am damned scared!'

'Then stay here,' Carol suggested, 'and I'll show you something.'

With these words she walked up to what looked to me like a deadly rattlesnake, bent over and, putting her hands underneath it, gently lifted it in her arms and began walking toward me. My mouth was dry, sweat seemed to be spurting out of every pore of my body, my heart pounded under the impact of more adrenaline than my system could handle. There was no doubt in my mind that snakes had always frightened me, and this one in Carol's arms was no exception. Then for the first time I heard the ominous rattle begin and saw the snake's head jerk back in striking position, its eyes fastened with deadly menace upon me.

'No closer, Carol, please,' I stammered, backing away.

She stopped and began talking soothingly to the by now intensely angry snake in her arms. Surprisingly, in a very few seconds the sound of the frantic rattling ceased and I could see the snake's tightly coiled body beginning to relax. As I watched this seeming miracle unfold before me I realized that once Carol had picked the snake up I had been convinced that no harm would come to her even when the deadly reptile was at its angriest. My fear had all been for myself. I was filled with shame and embarrassment.

'I don't blame you for being afraid,' Carol said. 'Obviously you've suffered great pain and anguish, possibly death, from contact with snakes in past lives. The fear generated then was so powerful that it has stayed with you.'

'I can believe that,' I replied, 'because as far back as I can remember I've always been afraid of snakes. Obviously this one recognized my fear and responded to it.'

'That's right, Jon,' she agreed. 'No animal can attack a person who is demonstrating Macro love.'

'Okay,' I acknowledged, 'Macro man isn't afraid, but obviously I'm not very Macro in this area. Is there anything I can do about it?'

'Sure,' Carol answered. 'Since you have already experienced Macro contact you have only to remember it sufficiently to have all fear removed from your mind. You can't be afraid of yourself!'

I was skeptical of this answer, and in the end it was only because of my telepathic contact with Carol that I succeeded in perfecting the recall. Then we maintained a very strong telepathic bond which continued to support our Macro contact memory, as, after almost forty-five minutes, I was finally able to approach the snake, touch it, and even hold it in my hands. It was, of course, my own doubt that caused me to have such difficulty.

We placed the snake back in his sunning spot and continued our walk. I asked Carol if she thought I was cured of my fear of snakes. She laughed and told me that it wasn't all that easy, but having experienced such a successful confrontation with my phobia, the fear would be greatly diminished. If I practiced for a while, dealing with it as we had, it would soon be gone. I had to admit that I had never imagined it would be possible for me to hold a live poisonous snake in my hands without fear. Then I asked Carol about other wild animals.

She told me that during the planetary pollution and overpopulation crisis, many types of animal life had died off. However, the early Macro society had preserved as many species as it could. Now, most animal life had made a remarkable comeback from almost complete extinction, for man had finally ended his relentless destruction of them and their food chain. I was pleased to hear that even the great cats such as the leopard, tiger, and lion had survived.

'But what will you do if they become too numerous?' I asked.

'Oh,' she said, 'we control the total ecological balance of our planet, not by killing, but by maintaining a balance of nature so that no species overbreeds for very long.'

'Speaking of overpopulation,' I said, 'you know, I'm really surprised that I haven't seen more people during our walks to the center and to the recreation areas. Why is this?'

'We don't need to crowd each other,' Carol replied, 'because we're not afraid of being alone. With telepathy we need never be alone, and we need never invade the mental or physical privacy of others without their consent.

Besides, you haven't seen much of our Delta-only the student Gamma area.'

'That's true,' I agreed, 'although on my first visit I wandered for some time through your gardens and woods, yet Lea was the only person I saw.'

'Don't forget,' Carol reminded me, 'each Delta has 100 square miles of living space devoted mostly to wooded parkland. Ten thousand people can live very uncrowded lives in our Deltas if they live them in a Macro fashion.'

'Someday,' I said, 'I must walk all around the lake and see all the other Gamma buildings.'

'Why don't we do it now?' Carol asked.

'Well,' I answered, 'if I remember correctly, the lake is five miles long and two miles wide, so from where we are now it would be a rather long walk-over fifteen miles -and I wanted to join Neal and Jean today.'

'We can do both,' Carol replied. 'We'll just run most of the way using Macro contact energy.'

'You mean,' I asked, 'every time we get tired we recall our last Macro contact and renew our energy supply while at the same time washing away our fatigue?'

'Well, sort of,' she answered. 'What we'll do is maintain a constant Macro contact memory which will allow us to use a little PK to run very lightly and fast. Imagine your body weighing only a few pounds and then imagine that the force of gravity is much less-only about one tenth its usual force.'

At first all this seemed complicated and I had a lot of difficulty believing it was possible. I got off to a mighty funny-looking start, but after we got going I was able, through our telepathic contact, to see how Carol was using her mind. Then by the same telepathic bond that had finally enabled me to overcome my fear of the snake, I learned how to run as I had seen Lea run on my first visit to 2150.

For a person who has always loved running, this experience of almost flying through the air as we bounded along with the stride of a colossus interrupted with occasional leaps of pure delight that must have covered at least fifty feet was the ultimate in physical expression. Our speed varied as we passed such points of interest as the other Gamma buildings, for then we would slow our pace so that we could look around. I was seeing more people

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