new as it is now sometimes presented. As far back as 1942, a Northwestern University astrophysicist named Ralph B. Baldwin had suggested such a possibility in an article in Popular Astronomy magazine. (He published the article there because no academic publisher was prepared to run it.) And at least two well-known scientists, the astronomer Ernst Opik and the chemist and Nobel laureate Harold Urey, had also voiced support for the notion at various times. Even among paleontologists it was not unknown. In 1956 a professor at Oregon State University, M. W. de Laubenfels, writing in the Journal of Paleontology, had actually anticipated the Alvarez theory by suggesting that the dinosaurs may have been dealt a death blow by an impact from space, and in 1970 the president of the American Paleontological Society, Dewey J. McLaren, proposed at the group’s annual conference the possibility that an extraterrestrial impact may have been the cause of an earlier event known as the Frasnian extinction.

As if to underline just how un-novel the idea had become by this time, in 1979 a Hollywood studio actually produced a movie called Meteor (“It’s five miles wide . . . It’s coming at 30,000 m.p.h.- and there’s no place to hide!”) starring Henry Fonda, Natalie Wood, Karl Malden, and a very large rock.

So when, in the first week of 1980, at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Alvarezes announced their belief that the dinosaur extinction had not taken place over millions of years as part of some slow inexorable process, but suddenly in a single explosive event, it shouldn’t have come as a shock.

But it did. It was received everywhere, but particularly in the paleontological community, as an outrageous heresy.

“Well, you have to remember,” Asaro recalls, “that we were amateurs in this field. Walter was a geologist specializing in paleomagnetism, Luis was a physicist and I was a nuclear chemist. And now here we were telling paleontologists that we had solved a problem that had eluded them for over a century. It’s not terribly surprising that they didn’t embrace it immediately.” As Luis Alvarez joked: “We were caught practicing geology without a license.”

But there was also something much deeper and more fundamentally abhorrent in the impact theory. The belief that terrestrial processes were gradual had been elemental in natural history since the time of Lyell. By the 1980s, catastrophism had been out of fashion for so long that it had become literally unthinkable. For most geologists the idea of a devastating impact was, as Eugene Shoemaker noted, “against their scientific religion.”

Nor did it help that Luis Alvarez was openly contemptuous of paleontologists and their contributions to scientific knowledge. “They’re really not very good scientists. They’re more like stamp collectors,” he wrote in the New York Times in an article that stings yet.

Opponents of the Alvarez theory produced any number of alternative explanations for the iridium deposits-for instance, that they were generated by prolonged volcanic eruptions in India called the Deccan Traps- and above all insisted that there was no proof that the dinosaurs disappeared abruptly from the fossil record at the iridium boundary. One of the most vigorous opponents was Charles Officer of Dartmouth College. He insisted that the iridium had been deposited by volcanic action even while conceding in a newspaper interview that he had no actual evidence of it. As late as 1988 more than half of all American paleontologists contacted in a survey continued to believe that the extinction of the dinosaurs was in no way related to an asteroid or cometary impact.

The one thing that would most obviously support the Alvarezes’ theory was the one thing they didn’t have-an impact site. Enter Eugene Shoemaker. Shoemaker had an Iowa connection-his daughter-in-law taught at the University of Iowa-and he was familiar with the Manson crater from his own studies. Thanks to him, all eyes now turned to Iowa.

Geology is a profession that varies from place to place. In Iowa, a state that is flat and stratigraphically uneventful, it tends to be comparatively serene. There are no Alpine peaks or grinding glaciers, no great deposits of oil or precious metals, not a hint of a pyroclastic flow. If you are a geologist employed by the state of Iowa, a big part of the work you do is to evaluate Manure Management Plans, which all the state’s “animal confinement operators”-hog farmers to the rest of us-are required to file periodically. There are fifteen million hogs in Iowa, so a lot of manure to manage. I’m not mocking this at all-it’s vital and enlightened work; it keeps Iowa’s water clean-but with the best will in the world it’s not exactly dodging lava bombs on Mount Pinatubo or scrabbling over crevasses on the Greenland ice sheet in search of ancient life-bearing quartzes. So we may well imagine the flutter of excitement that swept through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources when in the mid-1980s the world’s geological attention focused on Manson and its crater.

Trowbridge Hall in Iowa City is a turn-of-the-century pile of red brick that houses the University of Iowa’s Earth Sciences department and-way up in a kind of garret-the geologists of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. No one now can remember quite when, still less why, the state geologists were placed in an academic facility, but you get the impression that the space was conceded grudgingly, for the offices are cramped and low- ceilinged and not very accessible. When being shown the way, you half expect to be taken out onto a roof ledge and helped in through a window.

Ray Anderson and Brian Witzke spend their working lives up here amid disordered heaps of papers, journals, furled charts, and hefty specimen stones. (Geologists are never at a loss for paperweights.) It’s the kind of space where if you want to find anything-an extra chair, a coffee cup, a ringing telephone-you have to move stacks of documents around.

“Suddenly we were at the center of things,” Anderson told me, gleaming at the memory of it, when I met him and Witzke in their offices on a dismal, rainy morning in June. “It was a wonderful time.”

I asked them about Gene Shoemaker, a man who seems to have been universally revered. “He was just a great guy,” Witzke replied without hesitation. “If it hadn’t been for him, the whole thing would never have gotten off the ground. Even with his support, it took two years to get it up and running. Drilling’s an expensive business-about thirty-five dollars a foot back then, more now, and we needed to go down three thousand feet.”

“Sometimes more than that,” Anderson added.

“Sometimes more than that,” Witzke agreed. “And at several locations. So you’re talking a lot of money. Certainly more than our budget would allow.”

So a collaboration was formed between the Iowa Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey.

“At least we thought it was a collaboration,” said Anderson, producing a small pained smile.

“It was a real learning curve for us,” Witzke went on. “There was actually quite a lot of bad science going on throughout the period-people rushing in with results that didn’t always stand up to scrutiny.” One of those moments came at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in 1985, when Glenn Izett and C. L. Pillmore of the U.S. Geological Survey announced that the Manson crater was of the right age to have been involved with the dinosaurs’ extinction. The declaration attracted a good deal of press attention but was unfortunately premature. A more careful examination of the data revealed that Manson was not only too small, but also nine million years too early.

The first Anderson or Witzke learned of this setback to their careers was when they arrived at a conference in South Dakota and found people coming up to them with sympathetic looks and saying: “We hear you lost your crater.” It was the first they knew that Izett and the other USGS scientists had just announced refined figures revealing that Manson couldn’t after all have been the extinction crater.

“It was pretty stunning,” recalls Anderson. “I mean, we had this thing that was really important and then suddenly we didn’t have it anymore. But even worse was the realization that the people we thought we’d been collaborating with hadn’t bothered to share with us their new findings.”

“Why not?”

He shrugged. “Who knows? Anyway, it was a pretty good insight into how unattractive science can get when you’re playing at a certain level.”

The search moved elsewhere. By chance in 1990 one of the searchers, Alan Hildebrand of the University of Arizona, met a reporter from the Houston Chronicle who happened to know about a large, unexplained ring formation, 120 miles wide and 30 miles deep, under Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula at Chicxulub, near the city of Progreso, about 600 miles due south of New Orleans. The formation had been found by Pemex, the Mexican oil company, in 1952-the year, coincidentally, that Gene Shoemaker first visited Meteor Crater in Arizona-but the company’s geologists had concluded that it was volcanic, in line with the thinking of the day.

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