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Избранная библиография работ Эванса-Притчарда (1902–1973)


Heredity and Gestation As the Azande See Them // Sociologus. 1930 (reprinted in: Essays in Social Anthropology. 1962).


Lévy-Bruhl's Theory of Primitive Mentality // Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Egyptian University. Cairo.

Zande Therapeutics // Essays Presented to CG. Seligman. L

Essays presented to CG. Seligman / Ed. by E. E. Evans-Pritchard, R. Firth, B. Malinowski. L


Science and Sentiment. An Exposition and Criticism of the Writings of Pareto // Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Egyptian University. Cairo. 3.1936.


Sorcellerie, oracles et magie chez les Azandé / Avant-propos du professeur С G. Seligman. P.

Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande (with a foreword by С G. Seligman). Oxford.


Nuer time-reckoning. Indianapolis.


Les Nouer du Soudan méridional // Systèmes politiques africains. P.

African political systems / Ed. by M. Fortes, E. E. Evans-Pritchard. Oxford.

Les Nuer: description des modes de vie et des institutions politiques d'un peuple nilote. P.

Systèmes politiques africains // Études de Max Gluckman, I. Schapera… [et al.]; publiées sous la dir. de M. Fortes et E. E. Evans-Pritchard. P.

The Nuer: a description of the modes of livelihood and political institutions of a Nilotic people. Oxford.

The political system of the Anuak of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. L. Obituary: Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, 1939 // Man. 27.


The Sanusi of Cyrenaica. Oxford.

Anthropologie sociale. P.

Kinship and marriage among the Nuer. Oxford.

Parenté et mariage chez les Nuer. P.

Social anthropology. Westport Conn.


Parenté; et mariage chez les Nuer. P.

Social anthropology. Westport Conn.

Anthropologie sociale. P.


L'Essai sur le don / Marcel Mauss. Aberdeen.


Nuer Spear symbolism // Right and left: essays on dual symbolic classification / Ed. and with an introd. by

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