Rodney Needham. Chicago; London.

The Nuer conception of spirit in its relation to the social order // American anthropologist. 55: 201–214.

The sacrificial role of cattle among the Nuer // Africa. 23 (3): 181–198.


The institutions of primitive society: a series of broadcast talks. Glencoe HI.


Nuer religion. Oxford.


The organization of a Zande kingdom // Cahiers d'études africaines. 1 (4): 5-37.

Religion and the Anthropologists // Blackfriars. 1960.

The intellectualist (English) Interpretation of Magic // Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Egyptian University. Cairo.


Essays in social anthropology. L.

Les anthropologues face a l'histoire et a la religion. P.


A further contribution to the study of Zande culture // Africa. 33 (3): 183–197.

Anthropology and history: a lecture. Manchester.


Social anthropology and other essays: combining «Social anthropology» and «Essays in social anthropology». N.Y. Four zande tales //Anthropological quarterly. 37:157–174.


A final contribution to the study of Zande culture // Africa. 35(1): 1–7.

La femme dans les sociétés primitives et autres essais d'anthropologie sociale. P.

La religion des primitifs a travers les théories des anthropologues. P.

The position of women in primitive societies and other essays in social anthropology. L

Theories of primitive religion. Oxford.


The Zande trickster. Oxford.


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Sources, with particular reference to the Southern Sudan // Cahiers d'études africaines. 11:129- 179

The Azande history and political institutions. Oxford.


Man and woman among the Azande. L.


The political system of the Anuak of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. N.Y.


A history of anthropological thought. London; Boston.

Литература, посвященная творчеству Эванса-Притчарда

Никишенков 2003 — Никишенков А. А. Эдвард Э. Эванс-Притчард в истории антропологической мысли // Э. Эванс-Притчард. История антропологической мысли. М, 2003.

Елфимов 2003 — Елфимов А. Л. Комментарии // Э.Эванс-Притчард. История антропологической мысли. М., 2003.

Barnes J. A. Time flies like an arrow // Man. 6: 537–552.1971.

Beidelman Т. О. Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard (1902–1973): an appreciation //Anthropos. 69= 553– 567.1974.

Borel M.-J. La schématisation descriptive: Evans-Pritchard et la magie zandé // Le discours anthropologique: description, narration, savoir / J.-M. Adam., [et al.]. P., 1990.

Burton J. W. An introduction to Evans-Pritchard. Fribourg; Switzerland. 1992.

Byer D. Begegnung im Abseits: Evans-Pritchard und Bernatzik im Sudan 1927: Annotation zur Kommunikationsstrategie der Scientific Community. Stuttgart, 1996.

Douglas M. Thirty years after «Witchcraft, oracles and magie» // Witchcraft: confessions [and] accusations / Ed. by M. Douglas. L; N.Y., 1970.

Douglas M. Evans-Pritchard.Sussex. 1980.

Geertz C. Works and lives: the anthropologist as author. Cambridge, 1988.

Geertz C. Iciet La-bas: l'anthropologue comme auteur. P., 1996.

Heinz A. Savage thought and thoughtful savages: on the context of the evaluation of logical thought by Lévy-Bruhl and Evans-Pritchard // Anthropos. 92 (1–3): 165–173.1997.

Hutnyk J. Comparative anthropology and Evans-Pritchard's Nuer photography: photographic essay // Critique of anthropology. 10 (1): 81-102.1990.

Kuper A. Evans-Pritchard et l'histoire de la pensée anthropologique. // L'Ethnographie. 79 (90/91): 69–74. P. 1983.

Lienhardt G. E-P, a personal view: Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard, 1902–1973// Man. 9:299–304. 1974

MacKennon S. Domestic exceptions: Evans-Pritchard and the creation of Nuer patrilineality and equality // Cultural anthropology. 15 (1): 35-83-2000.

Merten V. Eine gezielte Beschreibung: Edward E. Evans-Pritchards Beitrag zur Théorie der Magie. Zurich, 1996.

Morinis E. A. The perils of anthropological misdiagnosis: new look at Evans-Pritchard theory of witchcraft // L'Uomo. 6 (2): 345–361.1982.

Rosaldo R. I. From the door of his tent: the fieldworker and the inquisitor // Writing culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography / Ed. byj. Clifford, G. E. Marcus. Berkeley, 1986.

Stevenson R. F. Population and political systems in tropical Africa. N.Y.; L, 1968.

Studies in social anthropology: essays in memory of E. E. Evans-Pritchard by his former colleagues / Ed. by J. H. M. Beattie, R. G. Lienhardt. Oxford, 1975.

The translation of culture: essays to E.E. Evans-Pritchard / Ed. by Т. O. Beidelman. L, 1971.

Ulin R. C. Anthropological ancestors and interpretation theory: Boas, Malinowski, and Evans-Pritchard // Understanding cultures: perspectives in anthropology and social theory. Austin, 1984.

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Российский государственный гуманитарный университет

Институт высших гуманитарных исследований

Центр типологии и семиотики фольклора

Edward E. Evans-Pritchard


Clarendon Paperbacks Oxford 1965

Эдвард Эванс-Притчард


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