Duncan sat in the dark for another half an hour, pondering his next move. Jaden had every intention of investigating Charles along with the rest of the clan. What other avenues were open to them? He had to stop the fall of the clan, because he refused to bow before the Dark Queen. But how? He rubbed his forehead, all of the problems he’d had before Jaden came back home descending once again on his shoulders. Hell if he’d be able to sleep now.


He started and looked over his shoulder. Moira stood there, rubbing her eyes, her gloriously nude body outlined by the moonlight. “Hey. Go back to bed, amoureaux.

She smiled and stepped into the room, padding silently across the carpeted floor. “I can hear you thinking. What’s wrong?”

“Shane called. He had a message for me, and an offer of help. He’s going to call a family meeting to see what they can do for us.” He pulled Moira into his lap, settling her head in the crook of his neck. He closed his eyes and nestled her close, letting some of the tension out. He had to release some of the burden to his mates or he’d lose his mind. “I’m not sure what to do.”

“I fight.” He looked over to find Jaden standing there, an odd, green glimmer in his black eyes, barely there before it was gone again. Duncan frowned, concerned. Where had that strange light had come from? There was nothing green in the room; it was done completely in whites and silvery blues. “I’ve been sanctioned to do whatever is necessary to prevent the Malmaynes from falling. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Duncan winced. If those were Jaden’s orders, someone would die. “I want you to be careful.” I don’t want to live without you again.

Moira’s fingers brushed his cheek. “We’ll help him.”

“Oh no you won’t.” Jaden’s back went rigid, his expression hard. “You keep your pretty asses out of this.”

Moira managed to beat him to the punch. “Excuse me? This is my family now, and I fight for my own!” The Irish was back in her voice, but this time it was full of outrage.

“I am a Blade, Moira. A fully trained Knight of the Gray Court, one of Oberon’s hand-picked warriors. I work directly for Robin Goodfellow, who, by the way, is scary beyond all sanity. Trust me, I think I can handle Charles Malmayne.”

“You think I can’t?”

Jaden’s eyes narrowed. “No. I have something else in mind for you to do.”

Duncan sat up at that. “Now wait a moment, Jaden.”

He would have said more except Moira’s hand covered his mouth. Now he was getting pissed at both of them. “What?”

“I know there are things you can do that a full-blooded leprechaun can’t. Use that to your advantage to protect yourself and Duncan. Let me deal with the outside threats. You take care of our home.”

Duncan’s eyes flashed. He removed Moira’s hand and let his magic seep into the air. “And what will I be doing while you two are combating the rest of the family?”

Jaden smirked. “What a son of the Tuatha De does best. Fuck with their minds.”

Moira kissed his cheek. “You’re the only one who can contact Glorianna about this. She’s not going to listen to me, and she certainly won’t listen to Jaden.” Moira shrugged. “Maybe if she knows what’s going on she’ll send help.”

Duncan almost snorted. He had a pretty good idea how Glorianna was going to react to his mating with Jaden and it wouldn’t be pleasant. Unfortunately he wasn’t ready to go to war with Charles. He’d been a warrior once, long ago, but his skills were rusty from disuse. That was something he could begin to rectify immediately. He narrowed his eyes at Jaden, hoping the vampire would know exactly how irritated he was at being left out of the fight. “I want you to spar with me.”

Jaden blinked. “Of course.”

“Me too.”

Jaden threw up his hands. “Oh no, Tiger. I’m still recovering from the last time you kicked my ass.”

Moira snorted. “I don’t need to be able to take you out. I need to be able to take Charles out.”

Jaden snorted. “I’ve fought you, sweetheart, and that’s not a problem. You could do that now as long as he doesn’t get into your mind.”

“That is going to be a problem,” Duncan muttered. He began drumming his fingers on Moira’s thigh. “Charles is strong, even stronger than I am. He could roll my mind without breaking a sweat.” In fact, he wasn’t entirely certain he could take Charles’s.

“Then we need to figure out a way to protect you.” Jaden frowned. “Thing is, I don’t know what will work against a Sidhe bent on a serious mind fuck.”

The three lovers exchanged a look. “We need to avoid him.” Duncan patted Moira’s hip, urging her off of him. “We need help.”


Duncan smiled. “I think we should start with Shane Joloun. He knows something about what’s going on. I intend to find out all of it.” Even if it meant rolling his brother-in-law’s mind. “Let’s go back to bed. We have to be at your parent’s house some time tomorrow.” He took Moira’s hand and held the other out for Jaden. “Coming?”

Jaden grinned. “Nah. You two go ahead. I have something I want to take care of first.”

“Jaden.” Duncan’s muscles tightened in instant denial. He hadn’t finished Binding the vampire to him. Jaden could still leave them.

“Don’t worry, old man.” He pressed a soft kiss to Duncan’s lips. “I’ll be back.” Jaden walked back toward the bedroom. “I just need to find something out.”

“Can it wait?”

Jaden’s eyes flashed that eerie green again, there and gone so fast Duncan wondered if he’d imagined it. Was there a light in the yard reflecting through the trees or something? “Nope.” He entered the bedroom. “Moira? What happened to my briefs?”

Moira rolled her eyes and stomped into the bedroom. “On the floor, like everyone else’s.” Duncan could hear the worry in her voice, but what could he do?

Jaden was a Blade. There was nothing that could protect them from that.

Akane shivered and climbed back into her car. She felt numb. How had Jaden resisted them for so long? The love that flowed between the three of them was so strong she was surprised any of them survived the separation. Why hadn’t she known what Jaden was really like? He was extraordinarily good at hiding those white knight tendencies of his. That explained why he was one of Robin’s favorites. Robin had a real soft spot for the noble ones. She snorted. It was probably the Hob’s only soft spot.

Now that she realized what Jaden was facing, and who some of the players were, it was time to make herself known. But one thing remained unclear to her. A player she didn’t recognize. Something about the power there tempted her like nothing else ever had. The taste of it was earthy and exotic, calling to her dragon senses the way no other ever had. Not even the Hob.

Not even Oberon.

She had to meet whoever it was.

Akane was a dragon who trusted her instincts, and those instincts were screaming at her that the unknown, powerful entity would profoundly impact her life. She hopped back into her car and started it, smiling at the purr of the powerful engine. She put it in gear and roared into the night.

First order of business: find out who the hell Shane Dunne was.

Jaden slipped into the darkness surrounding the house. He lifted his head and scented the air, his mind sifting through the information gathered. He sensed nothing out of the ordinary. He scented no watchers, heard no human or fae heartbeats. So, Charlie-boy isn’t watching the homestead. Jaden grinned headed for the garage. “Duncan? Mind if I borrow the car?”

There was pause. Duncan had been half asleep. “That depends. Which car?”

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