
“Big Red here.”

Jaden grinned. If anyone could break into Charles’s files it would be Robin’s pet gremlin. “Hey, Red. This is Blackthorn. I have a job for you.”

“Bring it on.”

He made sure the computer was running before giving Big Red the information he needed to begin rifling through the hard drive. Files began to open and close faster than should be possible, the gremlin’s magic touch working on the electronics.

Jaden kept one eye on the dancing files and another on the door, a sense of satisfaction purring through him.

“Hey, Blackthorn? You’re not going to believe this.”

Jaden checked the file that opened in front of him. He smiled when he saw what Big Red had highlighted. God, I love my job. “Download it all and send it to Robin. Hey, Red? Thanks.”

“My pleasure. Good luck, and happy hunting.”

Jaden hung up the phone and began to make his way out of Charles’s house. There was no way the would-be Lord Malmayne would be able to get out of this one.

Akane pulled up outside the quaint farmhouse. It was an old Victorian, with white gingerbread accents and a wide front porch. It was difficult to tell the color in the dark, but she bet it was a soothing blue color, the trim a blinding white. It would suit the landscape around it. A huge wrap-around porch with a real porch swing gave the old Victorian a homey feel. A place like this in San Francisco would go for millions.

Out here in the sticks? Probably worth less than a hundred grand.

“Personally, I think it’s worth a bit more than that.”

Akane didn’t blink. How the fuck had the stranger come up on her that quietly? She smiled, pulling out all the charm at her disposal. “Hi. I’m lost.”

The man smiled down at her, his expression knowing. “I don’t think so, darlin’. I think you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.”

That slow, deep drawl did some strange things to her insides. Blue eyes gleamed down at her, the most dazzling she’d ever seen, like the finest of sapphires. His light hair looked like spun gold in the moonlight. He had to be the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on, but she couldn’t let that distract her. She had a job to do, a family to save. “Can you tell me how to get to Highway Nine?” There was always a Highway Nine somewhere around these types of places.

The son of a bitch had the gall to lean his hip against the door of her car. “Now you and I both know you’re not looking for Highway Nine.”

She blinked up at him, trying to look small and unthreatening. She’d always succeeded in the past. Big lugs like these would fall into the palm of her hand, ready to be crushed into pulp. “Of course I am. I need to get to Omaha.”

His lips twitched. “Of course you do.” His hand reached out, his fingers tipping up her chin. He studied her face. Something about his close scrutiny had her squirming in her seat like a nine-year-old in front of the principal. “You don’t need to lie to me. In fact, I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”

She laughed, hoping it sounded as confused as she actually was. “Okay. I need to go now.”

“Why? You’re only going to pull over about a mile away and fly back here. Why not come in for a cup of tea?”

Her jaw dropped. “Excuse me?” Who the hell was this guy?

“Shane? Are you out there?”

His eyes twinkled down at her. The lilting tongue of the Sidhe dripped from his firm lips. “I’m busy, Da. Give me a few minutes, please. And can you put on a pot of tea? It seems we have a guest.” He stood tall and held out his hand, switching back to English. “Come along, Akane Russo. We have a few things to discuss. Wouldn’t it be more comfortable inside, where it’s warm?”

You’re Shane Dunne?” She let her pupil expand, and her Sight along with it. What she saw had her blinking in shock.

No wonder she’d been fascinated by the power she’d felt. The man was a hybrid! One of the rarest of the rare, with powers not even Oberon himself could comprehend, and here he was on a little Podunk, Nebraska farm. What a waste. Her mother would have a fit when she found out. Hybrids were something of a hobby for her.

Akane tried her best to hide her wince. Yeah right. Just a hobby.

He looked down at her as if he knew every single one of her secrets and liked what he saw. “To some.” His grip on her hand tightened, his lips just brushing the backs of her knuckles. “I’ll be someone else to you.”

Her belly flopped, but she got out of the car anyway.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Chapter Seven

Moira blinked sleepily, smiling at the sight of Duncan’s tired face. He was standing by the side of the bed, stroking her hair to wake her. “Hey.”


“Is he back yet?”

“Nope. And the sun is coming up.”

She threw back the covers. “Do we need to go get him?”

Duncan nodded and handed her a pair of jeans. “He hasn’t contacted me in about half an hour.”

Shit. That couldn’t be good. “Where was he last?”

“Gloating over the fact that some gremlin named Big Red was rifling through Charles’s files like a sailor through a whore’s panty drawer.”

She stumbled, one leg in her jeans. “What?”

“His words, not mine.” Duncan sat down and began pulling on his boots. “We’ll need to be careful. If Charles has Jaden he can hurt him badly.”

Moira scrambled into the rest of her clothes. She ran to the closet and pulled out the cowgirl boots her father had bought for her. “Ready.” The polished iron toe on the outside wasn’t enough to bother her even with skin to skin contact, but a full-blood Sidhe she kicked in the nuts would feel it for days.

Duncan eyed those boots warily. “Um. I’d ask, but I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Have you tried contacting him?” She grabbed a pair of leather gloves and pulled them on. She planned on bringing a little back-up to the party.

“Yes. I’m pretty sure he’s unharmed, but he’s still not answering.”

She practically ran down the stairs, grabbing her coat once she hit the foyer. “Let me try. Maybe you haven’t been using the right tone of voice.”

He eyed her dubiously. “Whatever you say.”

She cocked her hip. She knew exactly what tone of voice to use. It had always worked on her brothers when her mother had used it. She figured it would work on one pain in the ass vampire. “Jaden Blackthorn! You answer me right this minute!”

“Yeowch. What? Daddy’s busy.”

“Are you fighting?”

“Some might call it that.”

“What do you call it?”


She dug the heels of her hands into her eyes. “Jaden.”

“Yes, dear. I’ll put down the nice redcap and be home before you know it.”

“It’s almost sunrise.”

“Yeah. I kinda noticed that, being a vampire and all.”

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