'You are faster than I thought,' I said.
Our blades swiftly met, a moment of testing. Then we stepped back, retaining our guard position.
'Some think the caste of assassins performs a service,' I said, 'but I find this difficult to take seriously. I suppose they could be hired in the service of justice, but it seems they could be as easily hired in the service of anything.' I looked at him. 'Do you fellows have any principles?' I asked.
He moved in, swiftly, too swiftly. I did not take advantage of it.
'Apparently staying alive is not one of them,' I said.
He stepped back, startled.
'You were open there for a moment,' I said. He knew it and I knew it, but I was not sure those in the tiers knew it. It is sometimes difficult to see these things from certain angles.
There were jeers from the tiered benches. They did not believe what I said.
I now stalked Drusus. He kept a close guard, covering himself well. It is hard to strike a man who elects defense. He limits himself, of course, in adopting this strategem.
Now jeers against Drusus came from the benches. He began to sweat.
'Is it true,' I asked, 'that you, in attaining the black of your caste, once slew your friend?'
I pressed the attack, but in a courteous fashion. He defended himself well.
'What was his name?' I asked.
'Kurnock!' he suddenly cried out, angrily, and rushed toward me.
I sprawled him into the sand at my feet, and my blade was at the back of his neck.
I stepped back.
'Get up,' I said. 'Now let us fight seriously.'
He leaped to his feet. I then administered to him, and to those in the tiers, a lesson in the use of the Gorean blade.
They sat in silence.
Then, bloodied, Drums, unsteadily, his sword arm down, wavered before me. He had been cut several times, as I had pleased.
He could no longer lift the blade. Blood ran down his arm, staining the sand.
I looked up to the mirror in the wall, that which I was confident was in actuality a one-way glass. I lifted my sword to that invisible window, in the salute of a Gorean warrior. I then turned again to face Drusus.
'Kill me,' he said. 'It is twice I have failed my caste.' I lifted the blade to strike him. 'I will be swift,' I told him.
I poised the steel.
'Let it be thus that an old debt owed to one named Kurnock is repaid,' I said.
'That is the first time I failed my caste,' said Drusus.
I regarded him.
'Strike,' he said.
'I do not understand,' I said.
'I did not kill Kurnock,' he said. 'He was no match for me. I could not bring myself to kill him.'
I handed the sword to the third man on the sand.
'Kill me!' cried Drusus.
'Do you think a warrior can show less mercy than an Assassin?' I asked.
'Kill me,' wept Drusus, and then, from the loss of blood, fell into the sand.
'He is too weak to be an assassin,' I said. 'Remove him.'
Drusus was drawn from the sand. The man who had been in charge of the combat then released Arlene from the iron post.
Proudly she stepped down from the platform and stood before me.
She said nothing, but removed her jewels and necklaces, and the coronet she wore, dropping them into the sand. She then slipped the gown from her body. She then stood befor me, proud and beautiful, and absolutely naked. She then turned and went to the foot of the small, round platform, picked up the opened slave collar, with the bit of silk wrapped about it, and returned to the place on the sand before me. She then knelt before me and lifted the collar and silk. 'Collar your slave, Master,' she said.
I locked the slave collar on her, throat, not gently. I then took the bit of pleasure silk and, rather than throw it on her, tied it on her collar, at the side.
She would, by my will, wear only her collar on the sand. She turned, still kneeling, to the tiers. 'He is my master!' she cried, proudly.
I was then ringed with the dart-firing weapons.
'Return to the cage,' said the man who had controlled the combats.
'Wait!' said a man on the tiers. 'Look!'
We looked up, and saw a light, red, flash once below the mirror.
'Excellent,' said the judge, or controller of the combats.
Ram's cage was opened and a sword was again placed In his hand. My sword, too, was returned to me.
Ram threw down his sword. 'He is my friend,' he said. 'I will not fight him!'
'Pick up your sword,' I told Ram. I looked about the tiers.
'I will not fight you,' he said. 'They must kill me first.'
'I am sure they would be willing to do that,' I said. 'Pick up your sword.'
Ram, too, looked about the tiers. 'I see they wish to see more bloodshed,' he said.
'Let us not, then, disappoint them,' I said.
Ram looked at me, and then, to the pleasure of the crowd, picked up his blade.
'You must not fight him, Master!' cried Arlene. 'Do not fight!' cried Tina.
Arlene was dragged to the iron post and knelt beside it. Her wrists, rudely, were lifted and snapped into the slave bracelets dangling at the ring. Then she knelt as did Tina, as what she was, as a slave girl, at the post, with her hands lifted and fastened above her head to the ring.
'Please, Masters!' they cried.
'Be silent, Girl,' said Ram to Tina.
'Be silent, Girl,' I said to Arlene.
'Yes, Master,' said Tina.
'Yes, Master,' said Arlene.
Ram and I met, as we had with our previous antagonists, in the center of the oval.
Then, after a moment or two, the man with us in the center of the sand withdrew.
'Place each of you your right heel on the wooden rim of the sand oval,' he said, grinning.
I looked about the tier,s. There were some six of the tubular weapons in evidence. Most of the men, however, were armed, as were Ram and myself, with the short sword.
I looked across the sand to Ram. We lifted our blades to one another, in salute.
'Fight!' cried the judge, or controller of the combat.
I leaped into the tiers, slashing and striking. I sped toward those who held the tubular weapons. Ram, on his side of the room, cut his way upward, buffeting and kicking. There was much screaming, and blood. I shook loose from two men. I stabbed another. Two of the tubular weapons clattered down. I cut the neck of a man who reached for one. I kicked a fellow in the face who reached for the other. Two men leaped on me, causing me to fall down the tiers. I heard blades leaving the sheaths. The girls screamed. More men fell, struggling to rise and draw their weapons. I heard a fearsome hiss and something smoked past my head, sinking into the sand. A moment later there was a burst from under the sand and sand and wood splinters blasted upward. I freed myself from the men with whom I was entangled, and slipped the blade through one. I shielded myself from one fellow with a tubular weapon while striking at another. I met two men with blades on the sand, felling one and slashing another, who reeled away. I leaped to the side to hack down at four men who were struggling with Ram. He leaped up, freed of them. He had lost his sword. Another hiss smoked past me and I saw, across the room, almost at the same instant, a six-inch dart sink part way into a steel wall and part of the wall, screeching, burst back, a four-inch hole, blackened, in it. I kicked a sword to Ram, and he seized it, meeting and defending himself against an attack. I passed my sword through the body of the man who had been in charge of the combats. I heard two