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бачиш ти?

Angelina Kriheli

(перевод с украинского языка - Anhelina Krikheli)

How a kitten looked for Truth

Translator – Veronika Pisarieva

Instead of a prologue…

One my very close and dear person to me believes that good books can

be divided into two types – informative/useful and interesting ones. I hope that

this fairytale wil be at least a little bit useful and interesting for you at the same

time. For that to happen it is translated into Ukrainian (indeed, everyone should

have a right to choose), contains an interactive component (questions and pages

to draw fairytale characters as a reader sees them) and it is adopted for both

young readers and their parents.

Every fairytale is not just a book, where an author shares his view of the

world, the light of his soul and thoughts… It is something priceless, that units the

whole family while evening reading of fairytales before going to bed.

And thereby let every child on the Earth, as well as this kitten, finds his

own beautiful and inimitable Truth…

To my mother,

brothers and every

reader, who takes this

book in his arms.

- Vanechka! Vanechka, tell me, sonny, didn’t it you drop a vase from a

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