sky. The kitten was following him with his eyes trying to trace a big wise bird but

he didn’t see anything but the darkling sky above the crowns of the old pines. He

sat down by a tree and began to wait.

Owl was back shortly – he dived down with a gentle flap, folded his wings

along his strong body and landed steadily. A din of voices was heard from a tree

and by the next moment squirrel kits went down one by one with their mother

Squirrel behind. Kits were chatting cheerfully, looking at the kitten and hiding

behind old Owl.

The kitten admired funny switches on their ears, golden tint of their hair

and enormous fluffy tails. He unwittingly waved his tail to see it better and grew

sad as it wasn’t so fluffy. Squirrel passed her kids paying attention to everyone

and turned to the kitten.

- They say you went bravely into the deep dark forest to find Truth for your

friend… - Squirrel started speaking.

The kitten nodded humbly, standing in front of two adults and the whole

brood of playing squirrel kits.

Squirrel smiled to the kitten encouragingly.

- Why does your friend need Truth? – she asked little Murzik.

- Aunt Squirrel, my friend Vanechka got into trouble. His mother is very

upset because of a broken vase and he needs to bring back her good mood

badly. He said that Truth could help him. I heard it and went to look for her. On my

way I met a chick and a duckling, kind Water from the pond, the old father

Pinestry, Titmouse and Hedgehog. Then, Owl flew away to find you, because

you’re said to know for sure where to find Lesovichok-Borovichok, who knows

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