Vanechka – the kitten explained, sitting down next to a huge mushroom with a

wide brown cap that could easily serve the kitten an umbrella in case of rain.

Luckily, the rain didn’t come. However, the mushroom appeared to be not an

ordinary one. That’s because while the kitten was talking, the mushroom

suddenly opened his eyes and straightened, facing the kitten. It turned out that

wasn’t a mushroom at all, but a short whitebeard with a huge hat.

The fireflies giggled looking at a surprised kitten and flew away in different


Borovichok smiled to the kitten gladly.

- Wel , good evening, Murzkik, - he said with a clap and a bowl with milk

appeared in front the kitten.

- Good evening, Borovichok-Lesovichok. Thank you, - and the kitten

started to lap. After quenching his thirst he thanked a whitebeard one more time

and a bowl disappeared.

- Your story about poor Ivan has already gone around the whole forest, -

an old father addressed to the kitten. – I know that you’re looking for Truth to help

your friend too. It’s amazing! It’s difficult to find such a friend that can go to a dark

forest because of you and is not afraid of danger. – A whitebeard with a huge

brown hat said and looked at the kitten.

Murzik too thought for a minute.

- Vanechka would go to a forest for me as well, - the kitten added finally. –

What’s more, I met very kind and good griends on my way. A chick would stand

up for a duckling, old father Pinestry – for aunt Water, Hedgehog - for Titmouse

and Owl with a bear cub for Squirrel.

Starichok-Borovichok clapped his hands.

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