- Therefore, you need to learn to wait from day til night to see the stars

and sunrise. Everything is good in its season. – Borovichok said looking closely at

a curious kitten that was listening carefully to an old man and admiring both

fireflies and stars at the same time.

- It means that if Vania didn’t find Truth, our Goodness has moved to

another house? – The kitten asked frightenedly.

- Not yet –the old man answered. – Given that you went to the forest

because of your friend and Vania himself wants to find Truth to bring back his

mother her good mood, Goodness stil lives in your house. But hurry up to invite

Honesty and then these three wil keep Happiness in your house.

- But where should I look for Honesty? – The kitten kept asking.

- Truth is where the candy wrappings are…- Borovichok answered with a

mysterious smile. – And now hurry up, otherwise your mother wil worry. The

fireflies wil lead you so you won’t get lost in a dark forest.

- Thank you, uncle Borovichok! – The kitten cried out at last and rushed

after the fireflies.

The road turned to be not so long as it seemed when Murzik was looking

for Borovichok. Soon the kitten found himself near the pond. He gladly thanked

aunt Water and uncle Pinestry for their help and told them how he found

Borovichok and what advise he gave him. The forest creatures wished the kitten

luck and he went home briskly. There his worried mother-cat was waiting for him

with his friend Vanechka beside her.

The kitten stretched with pleasure and sat himself on boy’s knees. He was

stroking kitten’s head and back and the kitten started purring his mother-cat about

the things he found out in the woods. Mother-cat was listening to him carefully

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