Christopher Blattman et al., “Building Women’s Economic and Social Empowerment Through Enterprise. An Experimental Assessment of the Women’s Income Generating Support (WINGS) Program in Uganda” (April 2013)
https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/17862/860590NWP 0Box30ySeries№ 10Ugandaohr.pdf? sequence=1&isAllowed=y.
См. также: Isobel Coleman, “Fighting Poverty with Unconditional Cash”,
Christopher Blattman et al., “The Returns to Cash and Microenterprise Support Among the Ultra-Poor: A Field Experiment”. http://sites.bu.edu.neudc/files/2014/10/paper_15.pdf
Далее приведена подборка исследований влияния условных и безусловных «денежных грантов». В Южной Африке: Jorge M. Aguero and Michael R. Carter, “The Impact of Unconditional Cash Transfers on Nutrition: The South African Child Support Grant”, University of Cape Town (August 2006). http://www.ipc- undp.org/pub/IPCWorkingPaper39.pdf.
В Малави: W. K. Luseno et al., “A multilevel analysis of the effect of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Pilot Scheme on school-age children’s health”,
Также в Малави: Sarah Baird et al., “The Short-Term Impacts of a Schooling Conditional Cash Transfer Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young Women”.
http://cega.berkeley.edu/assets/cega_research_projects/40/Short_Term_Impacts_of_a_Schooling_CCT_on_Sexual_Beh avior.pdf
Charles Kenny, “For Fighting Poverty, Cash Is Surprisingly Effective”,
Joseph Hanlon et al., “Just Give Money to the Poor” (2010), c. 6
Armando Barrientos and David Hulme, “Just Give Money to the Poor. The Development Revolution from the Global South”, Presentation for the OECD. http://www.oecd.org/dev/pgd/46240619.pdf