No serpent gave that apple, but / He lived inside the fruit (Faith Wigzell’s archive; Box 193:4244)
for the earth’s an apple / with a permanent black-and-white / taste whichever side you bite (Box 62:1371; Box 66:1679)
The postcard sky is always blue (Box 193:4240)
Ash 1
the light is more grey / than ash (Box 56:1066)
Auburn 1
And at night the stubborn / sun of her auburn / hair (CPE, 417; SF, 89)
Biege 1
The bed is king-size and its sheets are beige (Box 66:1687)
Birches 1
Our Russia’s a country of birches (РНБ, ед. хр. 360)
Black 9
And the black / cadillac sails / through screaming police sirens (CPE, 148; PofS, 136)
Beyond this wall throbs a local flag / against whose yellow, red, and black / Compass and Hammer proclaim the true (CPE, 236; TU, 28)
He leaves a vacuum and the black Rolls-Royce (CPE, 463)
you don’t call a black guy «schwarz» (CPE, 473)
«Schwarz» sounds shoddy and worse than black (CPE, 473)
suffragettes poke their black / umbrellas at Whitehall and cry Alack! (CPE, 481)
the white’s worth seeing / against the black… (Box 56:1066)
for the earth’s an apple / which has a permanent black-and-white / taste whichever side you bite (Box 62:1371; Box 66:1679)
«Doesn’t matter if the pitch is black…», без даты (Old Box 5:25)
Bleach 1
Future at last! That is, bleached debris / of a glacier amid the five-letter «never» (CPE, 310; TU, 97)
Bleak 2
meandering through these bleak parts which act / like your mirror, cracks (CPE, 237; TU, 29)
In general, the place is rather bleak (Postcard from Island) (Box 64:1522)
Blond 4
the angelic curls / grow more blond (CPE, 239; TU, 30)
An angle resembles in the cloud a blond / gone in an Auschwitz of sidewalk sales (CPE, 318; TU, 105)
While the shades of blond, / Swedes and Norwegians (CPE, 473)
Let them (waves) be dark, red, chestnut, blond (CPE, 479)
Blood 3
they won’t resemble larks / but a demented bloodhound whose maw devour / its own traces (CPE, 312; TU, 99)
For dreams here aren’t bad: just wet with blood / of one of your like who’s left his pad (CPE, 327)
Blood as a liquid / shows no spilling limit (CPE, 424)
Blue 22
In the autumn blue / in your church-hooded New / England (CPE, 147; PofS, 135)
Still, if it comes to the point where the blue acrilic / dappled with cirrus suggests the Lord (CPE, 266; TU, 56)
She sings «Blue Swallow» (CPE, 417; SF, 90)
Deep dig new hermits / sporting blue helmets (CPE, 424; SF, 97)
Still, the surplus of the blue / up on high supplus a clue (CPE, 446; SF, 120)
Money is green, but it make you blue (CPE, 448; SF, 122)
It’s not the color blue, it’s color cold (CPE, 450; SF, 125)
And all day long we will keep our eyes on each other / instead of the police-blue horizon / marred by your father (CPE, 465)
In a Catholic country where the sky is blue (CPE, 470)
Pablo Picasso depicts his Boy / with Pipe in blue (CPE, 473)
the eyes grow blue, the heart sincere (CPE, 481)
the index finger / of the assassin! Ah, white puffs in the blue acrilic!.. (CPE, 484)
«The window with its blue and green…», без даты (Old Box 55:1)