Beyond this wall throbs a local flag / against whose yellow, red, and black / Compass and Hammer proclaim the true (CPE, 236; TU, 28)
like Chinaman scanning the yellow pages, / stalling dreams (CPE, 488)
he’s painted the White House yellow (CPE, 494)
«A Chicken Clucks. In the Yellow House…», повторяется 4 раза (Box 65:1614; Box 68:1799)
Yolk 1
A hard-boiled egg cupped by the marble cold / cracks, showing its evening yolk (CPE, 488)
Variation in V, 1983; A Song, 1989; Epitaph for a Centaur, 1988; «What is it, Walcott, that one hear…», 1990 (Box 68:1792); Transatlantic, 1991; Anti-Shenandoah: Two Skits and a Chorus, 1992; Ab Ovo, 1996; Song of Welcome, 1992; Elegy (Whether you fished me bravely out of the Pacific…), 1995; Anthem, 1995; Ode to Convrete, 1995; A Postcard (The country is so populous that polygamists and serial…), 1994; At the Lecture, 1994; To My Daughter, 1994; Rio Samba, 1978; Postcard from the USA(I’ve seen the Atlantic…), 1984; Lines for the Winter Recess, 1992; Fossil Unwound, 1992; Bosnia Tune, 1992; To Present-elect, 1992; «… as for your enemy, may I suggest the following…», 1996; «A Postcard from France» («Now that I am in Paris…»); «Coincidence creates a shock…» (Box 56:1065); Elegy for a Traveller («He wasn’t a highbrow and couldn’t read Hebrew…»), без даты (Box 57:1118; Box 58:1146); «G.K. is turning seventy…», 1991(?) (Box 58:1148); «Meet Robert Benjamin Silver…», без даты (Box 61:1288); The New York Lullaby («Buenas noches. / Don’t mind roaches»), без даты (CPE; Box 62:1366); «Now that I have a minute», без даты (Box 62:1385); «Soul wherever you are…», без даты (Box 66:1643); «Spotting a bird, at the end of a day…» (Box 66:1644); «This is a letter from Harris…» (Box 193:4245–4246); «What is it, Walcott, that one hear…», 1990 (Box 68:1792); When asked for the origin…», без даты (Box 66:1794); «When a bomber drops its load…», без даты (Box 68:1793); «When Jill and Ed first went to bed…» (Box 61:1305); «When Slava lays on his big baton…» (Box 68:1795–1796); «Who cares in what language one says “it rains”…», без даты (Box 68:1798).
Не включены: «свет» в значении «мир» – «некий швед / спасет от атомной бомбы свет» (2, 72); «И я, писатель, повидавший свет» (2, 213); «…ты прожила на свете» (2, 236); «Тут, Господи, прости, / считая, что тот свет необитаем» (2, 270); «так как стороны света / сводятся к царству льда» (3, 184); «тот свет, кислород, азот» (4, 190). Таких употреблений «света» чуть более 70.
Стихи, написанные на английском
1. Ab Ovo («Ultimately, there should be a language…»), 1996 (СИБ-4; SF; SPE)
2. Abroad (Tickets are expensive. So are the hotels…), 1991 (СИБ-4; SF; SPE)
3. «Across the ocean / and into the palm trees…» (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)
4. A French postcard, 1990 (Box 58:1146), в CPE как «A Postcard from France» («Now that I am in Paris…»)
*5. «After so many drinks one counts…», без даты (Old Box 56:3)[20]
6. Allenby Road («At sunset, when the paralyzed street gives up…»), 1981 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; TU; CPE)
7. «All that’s for you who are beyond, above…» (РНБ, ед. хр. 352)
8. A Martial Law Carol («One more Christmas ends…»), 1980 (СИБ-3*; СИБ-4; TU), 1981 (CPE)
9. «America first was discovered by fish…», без даты (Box 55:999); наброски к Discovery или отрывки автоперевода «Кто открыл Америку»
10. «An introduction to a book / of poetry must have a look…», Foreword to Peter Viereck’s new book «Tide and Continuities: Last and First Poems» (Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press, 1995), May 1993 (Boulevard, vol. 10, no. 3. Fall 1995. P. 114–116) (Box 193:2.4247)
11. Anthem («Praised be the climate…»), 1995 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)
12. Anti-Shenandoah: Two Skits and a Chorus (I. Departure («Why don’t we board a train and go off to Persia?..»). II. Arrival («“What is this place? It looks kind of raw…”…»). III. Chorus («Here they are, for all to see…»), 1992 (СИБ-4; SF; SPE)
13. A Postcard from France («Now that I am in Paris / I wish I were where my car is»), без даты (CPE); a longer version under the title «A French Postcard» с тем же началом (Box 58:1146)
14. A Postcard («The country is so populous that polygamists and serial…»), 1994 (СИБ-4; SF; SPE)
*15. A Quatrain («Maybe you are dead, but your cigar still burns…»), 1981 (Old Box 56:3)
16. «Are those people running, or are they flying…», May 1995 (Box 49:9); это 2-я часть наброска «Set Piece» (Box 65:1614)
17. «Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? / I am dreaming of a white mistress», 1987, шуточные стихи на открытке Д. Уайссборту
18. «Art is long. / Life is short…», January 1996 (Box 55:1008)
19. «…as for your enemy, may I suggest the following…», без даты (Agni, no. 43, 1996); also included in: Agni, no. 56, Anthology (2002)
*20. «Ask light what it wants to be…», без даты (Old Box 55:1)
21. A Song («I wish you were here, dear…»), 1989 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)
22. At a Lecture («Since mistakes are inevitable, I can easily be taken…»), 1994 (СИБ-4; SF, CPE)
23. A Tale («In walks the Emperor, dressed as Mars…»), 1995 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)
24. At the City Dump in Nantucket («The perishable devours the perishable in broad daylight…»), 1995–1996 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)