25. At the Helmet and Sword («One evening the Fork said to the Knife…»), 1995 (CPE)

*26. «At twenty two she met her Bill…», нач. 1990-х (Old Box 5:28)

27. A Swedish Miss («A Swedish Miss / – глаз голубой – / Alone in Nice! / Oh boy, oh boy!..», 1992 (Box 55:988–989)

28. A quatrain («Spotting a bird, at the end of a day…»), без даты (Box 66:1644)

29. A Valentine («You are so young, and I am scared to touch you…»), без даты (СРЕ)


30. «Baby, what an awful weather…», без даты (Box 55:1021)

31. «Be happy in your worthy flat…», February 18, 1972 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

32. Belfast Tune («Here’s a girl from a dangerous town…»), 1986 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; TU; CPE)

33. «Beware the young girl called Amanda…» (Из архива Рады Аллой)

34. Blues («Eighteen years I’ve spent in Manhattan…»), 1992 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

35. Bosnia Tune («As you sip your brand of scotch…»), 1992 (CPE)

36. «Bottles are 8 rubles each…», без даты (Box 55:1043)

37. «Bright little tear…», без даты (Box 63:1464)


38. Cafe Trieste: San Francisco («To this corner of Grant and Vallejo…»), 1980 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; TU; CPE)

39. «Coincidence creates a shock…» (Box 56:1065)

40. «Control yourself, don’t pity…», 1972 (РНБ, ед. хр. 360)


41. «Days pass…», без даты (Box 56:1066)

42. «Deliver this faber to Faber and Faber», 18.04.69 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

43. Discovery («In the beginning there were just waves…»), 1995 (Box 56:1082–1083), вариация стихотворения «Кто открыл Америку», вышла отдельной книжкой с иллюстрациями В. Радунского (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999)

*44. «Doesn’t matter if the pitch is black…», без даты (Old Box 5:25)

45. «Don’t talk about / your losses…», April 18, 1969 (Box 56:1086, РНБ, ед. хр. 354, в архиве Фейт Вигзелл и в архиве Лосева)

*46. «Dreams of what it feels like when the door opens…», без даты (Old Box 2:19)

47. Dutch Mistress («A hotel in whose ledgers departures are more prominent than arrivals…»), 1981 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; TU; CPE)


48. East 89th («Homeless dogs become wolves in Harlem…»), 1974 (The Ghent Quarterly, Summer 1975)

49. Elegy for a Traveller («He wasn’t a highbrow and couldn’t read Hebrew…»), без даты (Box 57:1118; Box 58:1146)

50. Elegy: For Robert Lowell («In the autumnal blue…»), 1977 (СИБ-4; PofS; CPE)

51. Elegy: to W. H. Auden («The tree is dark, the tree is tall…»), 1973 (W. H. Auden: A Tribute. L.: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974; also in «The New York Review of Books» (December 12, 1994)

52. Elegy («Whether you fished me bravely out of the Pacific…»), 1995 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

53. Epitaph for a Centaur («To say that he was unhappy is either to say too much…»), 1988 (CPE-4; SF; CPE)

54. Epitaph for a Tyrant («He could have killed more than he could have fed…»), без даты (CPE)

55. Epitaph to a Tyrant («He was in charge of something large…»), 1982 (CPE)

56. Exeter Revisited («Playing chess on the oil tablecloth at Sparky’s…»), 1988 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

57. Ex Voto («Something like a field in Hungary, but without…»), 1983 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; TU; CPE)


58. «Family reunion, habeas coitus…», 1971 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

*59. «Fewer people each year…», набросок, без даты (Old Box 55:1)

*60. «Flat on her back she resembles an aircraft in profile…», 1981 (Old Box 56:3)

*61. «Flowers with their mind-boggling belief in contours…», набросок, 1995 (Old Box 49:9)

62. For Andrew Q. Blaine on his Sixtieth Birthday («Let us praise a Southern dandy…»), набросок, March 16, 1989 (Box 60:1259)

63. For Ed and Jill («I did some calculating…»), стихи на случай для Эда и Джил Клайн, December 1993 (Box 59:1174)

64. For Lydia Rubin on her Birthday («Emerging from the lands of hammer…»), November 15, 1975 (Box 57:1121)

65. For Masha upon her Birthday («Happy Birthday, dear Sparrow…»), February 18, 1995 (Box 59:1170)

66. For Roger Straus on his 79th Birthday («Life is tough…»), January 3, 1996 (Box 60:1266)

67. For Roy Kjellberg, upon his recovery («I heard once Brain speaking to Tummy…»), September 7, 1993 (Box 59:1176)

68. For Sara Jangfeldt on her her 13th Birthday («Sara dances. Sara sings…»), 1989 (Box 65:1606)

69. For Nobel Prize («I am in a warm arm-chair with a short hairy nail…»), 1978 (РНБ, ед. хр. 351); см. также – For the Nobel Prize («Prix Nobel? / Oui, ma belle»), шуточное стихотворение, 1970-е (Мильчик, 90)

70. Fossil Unwound («6 p.m. Curling his upper lip…»), 1992 (CPE)

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