118. Monument to the Leader («Here is the first monument to man / on a car…»), 1969–1972 (Box 61:1310; РНБ, ед. хр. 354; Box 193 f-2. 4240)

119. «my constancy I give to East and West…», набросок, без даты (РНБ, ед. хр. 355)

120. «My Roman jacket and Bundes-shoes…», 1969–1972 (РНБ, ед. хр. 355)


121. «Nasty destiny (dusty nestiny)», December 21, 1970 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

122. «New quality creates some new reunions…» (РНБ, ед. хр. 352)

123. New York Lullaby («Buenas noches. / Don’t mind the roaches»), без даты (CPE)

124. «Nobody rides on a horse besides / Czars (if King if you more…» (РНБ, ед. хр. 158)

125. «North is South and another couple…», 1973–1975 (Box 62:1371; Box 66:1679), The Chent Quarterly (Summer 1975), pp. 65–66

126. «Now that I have a minute», без даты (Box 62:1385)


127. Ode to Concrete («You’ll outlast me, good old concrete…»), 1995 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

128. «Old Europe looks quite boring…», стихи на открытке, посланной поэту и переводчику Полу Цвейгу (Paul Zweig), 1974 (Из архива В. Полухиной)

129. Once more by the Potomac («Here is a Jolly Good Fellow…»), 1995 (CPE)

130. «Once upon a time there was a cat…», 1990s (Box 38:776)

131. «Only the union of unlike…», 1969 или 1970 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

132. «Our Russia’s country of birches…» (РНБ, ед. хр, 356)

133. Oysters («Oysters, like girls, like pearls…»), без даты (СРЕ)


134. Pacific Rim («At first, a week of torrential rain, and the afterwards, an earthquake»), 1992 (Agni, no. 43, 1996)

135. «Possessor of luxurious, luscious form…», стихи на случай Эллендее Проффер, без даты (Box 66:1641)

136. Postcard from Iceland («In general, the place is rather bleak…»), July 1978 (Box 64:1522)

137. Postcard from the U.S. («I’ve seen the Atlantic…»), без даты (CPE; Box 64:1524); опубл. в: «The Sophisticated Traveller» (NY Times Supplement), March 18, 1984


138. «Reporters are heavy to curry…», August 1, 1977 (Box 3:64 and in Losev Archives)

139. Reveille («Birds acquaint themselves with leaves…»), 1996 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

140. Rio Samba («Come to Rio, oh come to Rio…»), 1978 (СРЕ)

141. «Robert Silvers’ editor’s scissors…», без даты (Box 65:1583)

142. «Rome, the Old Hemisphere…», February 11, 1981 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)


143. Seaward («Darling, you think it’s love, it’s a midnight journey…»), 1983 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

144. Set piece, отрывок («Why couldn’t his body avoid the bullet…», 1995 (Box 65:1613–1614)

145. «Sextet», 6-я часть: «And I dread my petals’ joining the crowned knot…», написана на английском, 1976 (СРЕ)

146. «Shadow, forgive me for / disturbing your peace…», без даты (Box 67:1718)

147. «Slave, come to my service!» «Yes, my master. Yes?», 1987 (CPE)

148. Slim Towers, 1995 (Box 66:1627), то же как «Elegy» («Whether you fished me bravely out of the Pacific…»), 1995 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

149. «Sitting in the native city, / waiting for a Nobel Prize», 7.10.69 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

*150. «Some day the sea…», 1976 (Old Box 41:25)

151. Song of Welcome («Here’s your mom, here’s your dad…»), 1992 (СИБ-4; SF; CPE)

152. «Soul wherever you are…», без даты (Box 66:1643)

153. «Spotting a bird, at the end of a day…» (Box 66:1644)

154. Square dance («In march the soldiers…»), без даты (Box 66:1645)

*155. «Still others thus shuffle across…», 1990s (Old Box 5:28)

156. Swiss Blue («The place is so landlocked that it’s getting mountainous…»), June 1990 (?) (CPE)


157. Tampa, FLA, набросок («This is a posthumous country…»), 1973 или 1974 (Box 37:767; Box 66:1679)

158. «That compactness of grief exceeds the ground…» (РНБ, ед. хр. 352)

159. The Berlin Wall Tune («This is the house destroyed by Jack…»), 1980 (СИБ*-3; СИБ-4; TU; CPE)

160. «The bird without a nest…», February 12, 1972 (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

161. «The day which efforts change one season…», March 31, 1970 (Box 66:1686) и «The day which tries to change one season…» (Из архива Фейт Вигзелл)

*162. «The ear (of wheat) slowly ripened around the eyes…», 1995 (Old Box 12:11)

163. The Emperor («The Emperor said to his Minister…»), July 19, 1995 (Box 57:1122–1123)

*164. «The evening braintree consumed by the fire…», 1981 (Old Box 56:3)

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