Ring-a-ring of little boys,
Ring-a-ring of girls,
All around – all around,
Twists and twirls.
You are merry children!
"Yes, we are."
Where do you come from?
"Not very far."
"We live in the mountain,
We live in the tree."
And I live in the river-bed,
And you won't catch me!
Молодцы шагают,
Весело идут,
В дудочку играют,
Песенку поют.
«Эй вы, Молоденьки!
Здорово живешь!
Живете даленько?»
«Далече не найдешь!
Мы живем под горку,
Позади плетня!»
А я в Лукоморье!
Не догнать меня!
I climbed up on the merry-go-round,
And it went round and round.
I climbed up on a big brown horse
And it went up and down.
Around and round
And up and down,
Around and round
Вы читаете Ослик Лайли