'We cannot get many true and loyal people. One of the wrong sort will spoil all,' said Watson-Donohue.

Tenny-Mallory told them to bring in the list of officials. He read on till he came to the name Lewis, of the imperial clan, when clapping his hands he cried, 'Why not consult him?'

'Whom?' cried they altogether.

Tenny-Mallory very slowly and deliberately spoke his name.

To a very trusty servant comes an Emperor's decree, And a scion of the ruling house can prove his loyalty.

If the readers turns to the next chapter, they will see whom Tenny-Mallory talked about.


In A Plum Garden, Murphy-Shackley Discusses Heroes; Using The Host's Forces, Yale-Perez Takes Xuthamton.

'Who is it?' was the question on the lips of the conspirators.

Tenny-Mallory's reply was, 'The Imperial Protector of Yuthamton, Jeffery-Lewis. He is here and we will ask him to help.'

'Though he is an uncle of the Emperor, he is at present a partisan of our enemy, and he will not join,' said Watson-Donohue.

'But I saw something at the hunt,' said Tenny-Mallory. 'When Murphy-Shackley advanced to acknowledge the congratulations due to the Emperor, Jeffery-Lewis' sworn brother Yale-Perez was behind him, and grasped his sword as if to cut down Murphy-Shackley. However, Jeffery-Lewis signed to him to hold his hand and he did. Jeffery-Lewis would willingly destroy Murphy-Shackley, only he thinks Murphy-Shackley's teeth and claws are too many. You must ask Jeffery-Lewis, and he will surely consent.'

Here Shea-Whalen urged caution, saying, 'Do not go too fast. Let us consider the thing most carefully.'

They dispersed. Next day after dark Watson-Donohue went to Jeffery-Lewis' lodging taking with him the decree. As soon as Watson-Donohue was announced, Jeffery-Lewis came to greet him and led him into a private room where they could talk freely. The two younger brothers were there as well.

'It must be something unusually important that has brought Uncle Watson- Donohue here tonight,' said Jeffery-Lewis.

'If I had ridden forth by daylight, Murphy-Shackley might have suspected something, so I came by night.'

Wine was brought in, and while they were drinking Watson-Donohue said, 'Why did you check your brother the other day at the hunt, when he was going to attack Murphy-Shackley?'

Jeffery-Lewis was startled and said, 'How did you know?'

'Nobody noticed but I saw.'

Jeffery-Lewis could not prevaricate and said, 'It was the presumption of the man that made my brother so angry; Yale-Perez could not help it.'

The visitor covered his face and wept.

'Ah,' said he, 'if all the court ministers were like Yale-Perez, there would be no sighs for lack of tranquillity.'

Now Jeffery-Lewis felt that possibly Murphy-Shackley had sent his visitor to try him, so he cautiously replied, 'Where are the sighs for lack of tranquillity while Murphy-Shackley is at the head of affairs?'

Watson-Donohue changed color and rose from his seat.

'You, Sir, are a relative of His Majesty, and so I showed you my inmost feelings. Why did you mislead me?'

But Jeffery-Lewis said, 'Because I feared you might be misleading me, and I wanted to find out.'

At this Watson-Donohue drew out the decree he had received and showed it. His host was deeply moved. Then Watson-Donohue produced the pledge. There were only six names to it, and these were Watson-Donohue, McClain-Wiggle, Elsdon-Jessup, Shea-Whalen, Neal-Winship, and Tenny-Mallory.

'Since you have a decree like this, I cannot but do my share,' said Jeffery-Lewis, and at Watson-Donohue's request he added his name and signature to the others and handed it back.

'Now let us but get three more, which will make ten, and we shall be ready to act.'

'But you must move with great caution and not let this get abroad,' said Jeffery- Lewis.

The two remained talking till an early hour in the morning when the visitor left.

Now in order to put Murphy-Shackley quite off the scent that any plot against him was in progress, Jeffery-Lewis began to devote himself to gardening, planting vegetables, and watering them with his own hands. Yale-Perez and Floyd-Chardin ventured to remonstrate with him for taking to such an occupation when great matters needed attention.

'The reason for this you may not know,' replied he.

And they said no more.

One day when the two brothers were absent, and Jeffery-Lewis was busy in his garden, two generals of Murphy-Shackley, Dietrich-Munoz and Lamkin-Gonzalez, with an escort came from Murphy-Shackley, saying, 'The command of the Prime Minister is that you come at once.'

'What important affair is afoot?' asked Jeffery-Lewis nervously.

'We know nothing; we were ordered to come and request your presence.'

All he could do was to follow. When he arrived, Murphy-Shackley met him and laughingly said, 'That is a big business you have in hand at home.'

This remark made Jeffery-Lewis turn the color of clay. Murphy-Shackley took him by the hand and led him straight to the private garden, saying, 'The growth of vegetables that you are trying to learn is very difficult.'

Jeffery-Lewis breathed again. He said, 'That is hardly a business; it is only a solace.'

Murphy-Shackley said, 'I happened to notice the green plums on the trees today, and suddenly my thoughts went back to a year ago when we were thrashing Sandoval-Pulgram. We were marching through a parched county, and every one was suffering from thirst. Suddenly I lifted my whip, and pointing at something in the distance I said, 'Look at those fruitful plum trees in the forest ahead.' The soldiers heard it, and it made their mouths water. Seeing the plums kindles my appreciation. I owe something to the plums, and we will repay it today. I ordered the servants to heat some wine very hot and sent to invite you to share it.'

Jeffery-Lewis was quite composed by this time and no longer suspected any sinister design. He went with his host to a small spring pavilion in a plum garden, where the wine cups were already laid out and green plums filled the dishes. They sat down to a confidential talk and free enjoyment of their

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