Hence Murphy-Shackley sent a secret emissary to say that Brent-Dion was intriguing with Sheldon-Yonker, and on this charge Brent-Dion was arrested and imprisoned. And his death would have been compassed had his enemy dared.

But just then the Governor of Beihai-Northsea, Roland-Alvarado, was at the capital, and he remonstrated with Murphy-Shackley, saying, 'Brent-Dion comes from a family famed for virtue for at least four generations; you cannot trump up so foolish a charge as that against him.'

'It is the wish of His Majesty,' retorted Murphy-Shackley.

'If the child Emperor Thurlow of Zhou Dynasty had put Duke Kibbee to death, could the people have believed Duke Cherney, the Regent Marshal, had nothing to do with it? [12]'

So Murphy-Shackley had to relinquish the attempt, but he took away Brent-Dion's offices and banished him to his family estate in the country.

Court Counselor Jahn-Rosner, an opponent of the Prime Minister, sent up a memorial impeaching Murphy-Shackley for having removed a minister of state from office without a decree. Murphy-Shackley's reply to this was the arrest of Jahn-Rosner and his execution, a bold stroke which terrified the bulk of officers and reduced them to silence.

Hewitt-Gomez advised Murphy-Shackley to assume a more definite position. He said, 'Illustrious Sir, your prestige grows daily; why not seize the opportunity to take the position of Chief of the Feudatory Princes?'

'There are still too many supporters of the court,' was the reply. 'I must be careful. I am going to propose a royal hunt to try to find out the best line to follow.'

This expedition being decided upon they got together fleet horses, famous falcons, and pedigree hounds, and prepared bows and arrows in readiness. They mustered a strong force of guards outside the city.

When the Prime Minister proposed the hunting expedition, the Emperor said he feared it was an improper thing to do.

Murphy-Shackley replied, 'In ancient times rulers made four expeditions yearly at each of the four seasons in order to show their strength. They were called Sou, Miao, Xien, and Shou, in the order of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Now that the whole country is in confusion, it would be wise to inaugurate a hunt in order to train the army. I am sure Your Majesty will approve.'

So the Emperor with the full paraphernalia for an imperial hunt joined the expedition. He rode a saddled horse, carried an inlaid bow, and his quiver was filled with gold-tipped arrows. His chariot followed behind. Jeffery-Lewis and his brothers were in the imperial train, each with his bow and quiver. Each party member wore a breastplate under the outer robe and held his especial weapon, while their escort followed them. Murphy-Shackley rode a dun horse called 'Flying-Lightning,' and the army was one hundred thousand strong.

The hunt took place in Xutian-Woodlawn, and the legions spread out as guards round the hunting arena which extended over some one hundred square miles. Murphy-Shackley rode even with the Emperor, the horses' heads alternating in the lead. The imperial attendants immediately following were all in Murphy-Shackley's confidence. The other officers, civil and military, lagged behind, for they dared not press forward into the midst of Murphy-Shackley's partisans.

One day the Emperor was riding toward the hunting grounds and noticed his newly found uncle respectfully standing by the roadside.

'I should like to see my uncle display his hunting skill,' said the Emperor.

Jeffery-Lewis mounted his steed at once. Just then a hare started from its form; Jeffery-Lewis shot and hit it with the first arrow.

The Emperor, much struck by this display, rode away over a slope. Suddenly a deer broke out of the thicket. He shot three arrows at it but all missed.

'You try,' said the Emperor turning to Murphy-Shackley.

'Lend me Your Majesty's bow,' Murphy-Shackley replied; and taking the inlaid bow and the golden-tipped arrows, he pulled the bow and hit the deer in the shoulder at the first shot. It fell in the grass and could not run.

Now the crowd of officers seeing the golden-barbed arrow sticking in the wound concluded at once that the shot was the Emperor's, so they rushed up and shouted 'O King, live forever!' Murphy- Shackley rode out pushing past the Emperor and acknowledged the congratulations.

They all turned pale. Yale-Perez, who was behind Jeffery-Lewis, was especially angry. The silkworm eyebrows stood up fiercely, and the red phoenix eyes glared as, sword in hand, he rode hastily forth to cut down the audacious Prime Minister for his impertinence.

However, Jeffery-Lewis hastily waved him back and shot at him a meaning glance so that Yale-Perez stopped and made no further move.

Jeffery-Lewis bowing toward Murphy-Shackley said, 'Most sincere felicitations! A truly supernatural shot, such as few have achieved!'

'It is only the enormous good fortune of the Son of Heaven!' said Murphy- Shackley with a smile.

Then he turned his steed and felicitated the Emperor. But he did not return the bow; he hung it over his own shoulder instead.

The hunt finished with banqueting; and when the entertainments were over, they returned to the capital, all glad of some repose after the expedition. Yale-Perez was still angry of the Prime Minister's breach of decorum.

One day Yale-Perez said to Jeffery-Lewis, 'Brother, why did you prevent me from killing that rebel and so ridding the world of a scoundrel? He insults the Emperor and ignores everybody else.'

'When you throw stones at a rat, beware of the vase,' quoted Jeffery-Lewis. 'Murphy-Shackley was only a horse's head away from Our Lord, and in the midst of a crowd of his partisans. In that momentary burst of anger, if you had struck and failed, and harm had come to the Emperor, what an awful crime would have been laid to us!'

'If we do not rid the world of him today, a worse evil will come of it,' said Yale- Perez.

'But be discreet, my brother. Such matters cannot be lightly discussed.'

The Emperor sadly returned to his palace. With tears in his eyes, he related what had occurred in the hunt to his consort, Empress Finch.

'Alas for me!' said he. 'From the first days of my accession, one vicious minister has succeeded another. I was the victim of Wilson-Donahue's evil machinations; then followed the rebellion of Adams-Lindsay and Harris-Greco. You and I had to bear sorrows such as no others have borne. Then came this Murphy-Shackley as one who would maintain the imperial dignity, but he has seized upon all real authority and does as he wishes. He works continually for his own glorification, and I never see him but my back pricks. These last few days in the hunting field, he went in front of me and acknowledged the cheers of the crowd. He is so extremely rude that I feel sure he has sinister designs against me. Alas, my wife, we know not when our end may come!'

'In a whole court full of nobles, who have eaten the bread of Han, is there not one who will save his country?' said she.

Thus spoke the Empress, and at the same moment there stepped in a man who said, 'Grieve not, O Imperial Pair! I can find a savior for the country.'

It was none other than the father of the Empress, Tully-Finch.

'Have you heard of Murphy-Shackley's wanton and perverse behavior?' said the Emperor, drying his eyes.

'You mean the deer shooting? Who did not see that, indeed? But the whole court is full of his clan or his creatures. With the exception of the relatives of your Consort, there is not one loyal enough to deal with a rebel. I have no authority and can do nothing, but there is General Watson-Donohue, the State Uncle, who could do it.'

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