his report.

He said, 'Northrop-Kaminski has been completely defeated by Shannon- Yonker.'

'Do you know the details? I should like to know how,' interrupted Jeffery- Lewis.

'They were at war, and Northrop-Kaminski got the worst of it, so he acted on the defensive, building a high wall about his army and on that erecting a high tower, which he called the Yijing Tower. Therein he placed all his grain, one hundred thousand carts total, and took up his own quarters. His fighting troops passed in and out without ceasing, some going out to give battle, others returning to rest. One of them was surrounded and sent to ask Northrop-Kaminski to rescue him. Northrop-Kaminski said, 'If I rescue him, hereafter every one will want to be helped and will not exert himself.' So Northrop-Kaminski did not go. This disgusted his soldiers, and many deserted to the enemy so that his army diminished. He sent letters to the capital to crave help, but the messenger was captured. He sent to Boyle-Mathews to arrange with him for a two-pronged joint attack, and those letters with the plans also fell into Shannon-Yonker's hands; and the plans were adopted by Shannon- Yonker, who gave the signals agreed upon. Thus Northrop-Kaminski fell into an ambush, lost heavily, and retreated into the city. There he was besieged, and a subterranean passage was pierced into the tower where he lodged. The tower was set on fire, and Northrop-Kaminski could not escape. So he slew his wife and little ones and hanged himself. The flames destroyed the bodies of the whole family.

'Shannon-Yonker has added the remnants of the vanquished army to his own and so become yet stronger. His brother Sheldon-Yonker in the South of River Huai, however, has become so arrogant and cruel that the people have turned against him. Then Sheldon-Yonker had sent to say he would yield the title of Emperor, which he had assumed, in favor of Shannon-Yonker. Shannon-Yonker demanded the Imperial Hereditary Seal also, and Sheldon-Yonker promised to bring it in person. Now Sheldon-Yonker has abandoned River Huai and is about to move to the North of Yellow River. If he succeeded, the two brothers will control adjoining regions and be dangerous.'

It was a sad story, and Jeffery-Lewis remembered with sorrow that, in the days of success and prosperity, the dead chieftain, Northrop-Kaminski, had pushed his interest and shown him much kindness. Moreover he was anxious to know the fate of Gilbert-Rocher.

In his heart he thought, 'What better chance am I likely to get of setting myself free?'

So Jeffery-Lewis rose and said to Murphy-Shackley, 'If Sheldon-Yonker goes over to join his brother, he will surely pass through Xuthamton. I beg you to give me an army with which to smite him on the way. That will finish Sheldon-Yonker.'

'Memorialize the Emperor tomorrow, and I will give you an army,' said Murphy- Shackley.

So next day Jeffery-Lewis went to an audience, and Murphy-Shackley gave him command of fifty thousand horse and foot, and sent Generals Larcom-Ziolko and Cooke-Usher with him.

At parting with Jeffery-Lewis, the Emperor shed tears.

As soon as Jeffery-Lewis reached his lodging, he set about preparations for immediate departure, taking his seal as General and preparing his weapons. Watson-Donohue went three miles away from the city to bid him farewell.

'You must not mind my going; this journey will assuredly help on the scheme,' said Jeffery-Lewis.

'Keep your mind fixed on that,' said Watson-Donohue, 'and never forget what His Majesty requires of us.'

They parted. Presently his brothers asked him why he was in such a hurry to get away.

Jeffery-Lewis replied, 'I have been a bird in a cage, a fish in a net. This is like the fish regaining the open sea and the bird soaring into the blue sky. I suffered much from the confinement.'

Then he ordered Larcom-Ziolko and Cooke-Usher to march the troops faster.

Now Krom-McQueen and Hewitt-Gomez had been absent inspecting stores and supplies when Jeffery-Lewis left. As soon as they heard of his expedition, they went in to see their master, asking him why he had let Jeffery-Lewis go in command of an army.

'He is going to cut off Sheldon-Yonker,' replied Murphy-Shackley.

'Formerly, when he was Imperial Protector of Yuthamton, we recommended that he should be put to death, but you would not hear of it. Now you have given him an army. You have allowed the dragon to reach the sea, the tiger to return to the mountains. What control will you have in future?'

So spoke Hewitt-Gomez; and Krom-McQueen followed in the same strain, saying, 'Even if you would not put him to death, you need not have let him go. As the proverb says, 'Relax opposition for one day and age-long harm ensues.' You must admit the truth of this.'

Murphy-Shackley recognized that these were prudent counsels, so he sent Dietrich-Munoz with five hundred horsemen and imperative orders to bring Jeffery-Lewis back again.

Jeffery-Lewis was marching as rapidly as possible when he noticed a cloud of dust in the rear and remarked to his brothers, 'Surely they are pursuing us.'

He halted and made a stockade, and ordered his brothers to be in readiness, one on each flank. Presently the messenger arrived and found himself in the midst of an army ready for battle. Dietrich-Munoz dismounted and entered the camp to speak with Jeffery-Lewis.

'Sir, on what business have you come?' asked Jeffery-Lewis.

'The Prime Minister has sent me to request you to return as he has further matters to discuss with you.'

'When a general has once taken the field, even the royal command is of no effect. I bade farewell to the Emperor, I received the Prime Minister's commands, and there can be nothing further to talk about. You may return forthwith and take that as my reply.'

Dietrich-Munoz was undecided what action to take. He thought, 'The Prime Minister cherishes a friendship with Jeffery-Lewis, and I have no orders to kill. I can only return with this reply and ask further instructions.'

So Dietrich-Munoz left. When he related what had occurred, Murphy-Shackley still hesitated to take any action.

'This refusal to return means enmity,' said Hewitt-Gomez and Krom- McQueen.

'Still, two of my people are with him,' said Murphy-Shackley. 'He will not dare do anything unfriendly, I think. Beside, I sent him and I cannot go back on my own orders.'

So Jeffery-Lewis was not pursued.

He took his arms, he fed his steed, And fared forth willingly, Intent to accomplish his King's behest Deep graven on his memory. At least he had broken out of his cage, He heard not the tiger's roar, He had shaken the shackles from his feet, As a dragon on high could soar.
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