of a certain Eleanor Bull, widow; & there passed the time together & dined & after dinner were in quiet sort together & walked in the garden belonging to the said house until the sixth hour after noon of the same day & then returned from the said garden to the room aforesaid & there together and in company supped; & after supper the said Ingram & Christopher Morley were in speech & uttered one to the other divers malicious words for the reason that they could not be at one nor agree about the payment of the sum of pence, that is, le recknynge, there; & the said Christopher Morley then lying upon a bed in the room where they supped, & moved with anger against the said Ingram ffrysar upon the words aforesaid spoken between them, and the said Ingram then & there sitting in the room aforesaid with his back towards the bed where the said Christopher Morley was then lying, sitting near the bed, that is, nere the bed, & with the front part of his body towards the table & the aforesaid Nicholas Skeres & Robert Poley sitting on either side of the said Ingram in such a manner that the same Ingram ffrysar in no wise could take flight; it so befell that the said Christopher Morley on a sudden & of his malice towards the said Ingram aforethought, then & there maliciously drew the dagger of the said Ingram which was at his back, and with the same dagger the said Christopher Morley then & there maliciously gave the aforesaid Ingram two wounds on his head of the length of two inches & of the depth of a quarter of an inch; whereupon the said Ingram, in fear of being slain, & sitting in the manner aforesaid between the said Nicholas Skeres & Robert Poley so that he could not in any wise get away, in his own defence & for the saving of his life, then & there struggled with the said Christopher Morley to get back from him his dagger aforesaid; in which affray the same Ingram could not get away from the said Christopher Morley; and so it befell in that affray that the said Ingram, in defence of his life, with the dagger aforesaid to the value of 12d, gave the said Christopher then & there a mortal wound over his right eye of the depth of two inches & of the width of one inch; of which mortal wound the aforesaid Christopher Morley then & there instantly died; And so the Jurors aforesaid say upon their oath that the said Ingram killed & slew Christopher Morley aforesaid on the thirtieth day of May in the thirtyfifth year named above at Detford Strand aforesaid within the verge in the room aforesaid within the verge in the manner and form aforesaid in the defence and saving of his own life, against the peace of our said lady the Queen, her now crown & dignity; And further the said Jurors say upon their oath that the said Ingram after the slaying aforesaid perpetrated & done by him in the manner & form aforesaid neither fled nor withdrew himself; But what goods or chattels, lands or tenements the said Ingram had at the time of the slaying aforesaid, done & perpetrated by him in the manner & form aforesaid, the said Jurors are totally ignorant. In witness of which thing the said Coroner as well as the Jurors aforesaid to this Inquisition have interchangeably set their seals. Given the day & year above named &c.

'by WILLIAM DANBY Coroner'.

— http://www.rey.myzen.co.uk/inquis~2.htm


Эжени де Кальб следует, видимо, признать основательницей "партии ликвидации": она первая аргументировала гипотезу о преднамеренном и загодя спланированном убийстве Марло (заказчиком сама она сочла Одри Уолсингем).


Чтоб не ходить далеко за примерами: в 1735 году в знаменитом театре Друри Лейн двое знаменитых актеров повздорили в гримерной из-за парика, и Чарльз Маклин нечаянно убил Томаса Халлама, ткнув тому тростью в глаз; тростью! — где и острия-то толком нету. Вообще, что-то везет английскому театральному сообществу со смертельными ранениями в глаз...


По части ран Фрайзера ему вторит представитель "партии ликвидации" Дэвид Риггс: "Коронер Данби говорит, что Марло атаковал своего компаньона острием ножа. Показания, однако, скорее свидетельствуют о том, что Марло (или кто-то еще) колотил Фрайзера по скальпу рукояткой его кинжала. Это было общепринятой практикой в драках Елизаветинской [эпохи] и имело четкий смысл. Такие побои означали, что вы хотите унизить противника, а не убивать его. Если бы Марло хотел убить Фрайзера, он должен был пырнуть того в шею. Раны на скальпе Фрайзера возникли в результате ударов, а не порезов (Riggs, 2004: p.334)".


т.е. Марло держит кинжал прямым, а не обратным хватом — авт.


цитата из майского доноса на Марло — авт.


sic! — авт.


"Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith &c To our well-beloved William Danby, Gentleman, Coroner of our household, greeting. Wishing for certain causes to be certified upon an indictment made in your presence concerning the death of Christopher Morley, upon view of the body of the same Christopher, at Detforde Strande in our County of Kent within the verge lying dead and slain, whence a certain Ingram ffrysar, late of London, Gentleman, is indicted (as by the record thence remaining with you it fully appears) And whether the same Ingram slew the aforesaid Christopher in self-defence, &

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