But there is also something else — especially in the politics there is often something else, another view to the things — bad or not, bully or not, with ideas or without such, only speaking and often contradicting himself or not, but he

quietens the masses

, because we (and all other nations) are like horses, we want to hear the whip to snap and then we pull the cart, but otherwise resist. In this sense he is

also embodiment of the strong hand

in the government, what neither is a new idea, nor is valid only for our country, nor will some time disappear (on this is based the right-wing government, as I mentioned). And note the precise (in order not to use the same epithet again) matching of other big political figures around him: the mayor (or rather "mayeress", for it is "she") of Sofia now is one modest and mild-looking woman; almost all other persons from the government (with the exception, maybe, of the foreign Minister) are also dull, unpleasant, and /or featureless; and our new President is "berry of the same field" ("bird of a feather" for you), too, absolutely faceless, no matter that he is man and President. For the reason that — it is so, isn't it? — the "Duce" (in order not to say again the other word) can be only one, and the others must only listen and execute. Well, I don't say that it is easy for him, "the royal crown is heavy", as the folks say (and he, really, looks in the recent time somehow wearied and bored by the power — if he does not play all this on purpose, yet even if so), but it isn't easy only with bare words — well, almost — to keep the entire nation in subjection.

     (I can add a pair of sentences more about our current President, "


" how is said in Bulgarian (what means fresh and with dew), and he, either is from town Pleven, or his great-great-grandfather has had somewhere


-barn — really, because he is named Rosen Plevneliev — but sometimes, it depends on the angle, he has a bit, hmm, moronic view. Apologies to him, for I have no intention to offend him, but he is so confused with his new position, and how he was used till the elections only to stand to attention, like the dogs, and now can also command, then he just looses himself sometimes; he could have been good "chef de salle", how "Haiduk Sider" says, but to be President is too much for him in the beginning. But he is not at all silly, because have learned very well the science to

speak much and say nothing

. This definitely isn't easy, I'll tell you, because myself, for instance, no matter how I have tried to say empty words, still, will sometimes make an error and blurt something reasonable. Generally said, he is a good example of Latin proverb "

Ars est celare artem

.", what means "Art is in this, to hide the art.". Well, he at least does not treat all people like retarded, which was the manner of our former President "George the First" (Georgi Parvanov in Bulgarian, and


is first). So that "the guy" is confused, has not at all suitable for the post appearance, but ... he will justify the confidence, almost sure, and in all probability will be not worse than out former Presidents.)

     But the curiosities does not end with this, because his people are


rulers, they perform their work, at least about the mayer


nothing bad can be said and the people have reelected her, and the Government is also good, for despite the protests of opposition (especially of that who "already-become-boss" — I mean Stanishev, the head of BSP, due to my funny observation that his name splits in


-become +


-boss), and this, mark, in conditions of crisis! It turns out almost so that

we "function"


better under conditions of crisis

, than under normal conditions, because the whole Western Europe has suffered, to say nothing about ever discontented Greece, or about classical (now) discontented between the ex-communist countries, Poland and Ukraine. It is true, there are objective reasons for this: we are living so miserably, that there is nowhere worse (at least in the Euro-Union), so that this, that now also others are in bad conditions, as if pacifies us and we "pull our cart" still and quiet, but who knows how much quiet we would have been if we were still governed by the old coalition (having in mind that people don't like the socialists, and that they do practically nothing in really socialist spirit)? And in addition to everything else this real "Duce" as if has pressed the self-proclaimed "Haiduk Sider", because the "shares" of the latter have significantly sunk.

     So that I personally may not esteem "phallic" politics, but it works by us and I accept it. In spite of his feverish and incompetent at first sight governing he, as is said, is

the most suitable for the time and the place politician

in Bulgaria. He draws funds from here or there, builds highways in order to do, still, something, to reduce the unemployment, and on the West nobody criticizes him, and, to all appearances, he will be reelected. Well, but till here, no more. I give him 5 to 10 years of reign, and after this —


ensign (i.e. "





! Because it isn't possible that a party without ideas (practically, as I've said), built around a


, has existed for a long time; a personality, sooner or later, becomes exhausted. There will remain only some succeeded to push themselves up persons (in order not to say antipodes of the phallus, have I said it?), how it has happened with NMSS (the King's party). This isn't, say, liberal, or Christian, or conservative, etc., party, there is nothing else that can remain after it (except if they will not form some dynasty, but as if there are no such

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