'Tell me about Alaska,' Sharon said that evening as she and Steve relaxed in their living room.

'It's quite a state,' he replied, his eyes lighting up enthusiastically. 'It's big. You really have a feeling of bigness when you're up there. And openness. You can travel for hundreds of miles between towns, and you can go all day without seeing another person. The scenery is great. But, man, is the weather cold!'

'I'll bet,' she said. 'Tell me about the little town you stayed in.'

'Well, it wasn't a town, really. It was a base camp for all of us who were working on the oil-company project – the survey crews and engineers. The nearest town was seventy miles away.'

'Did you go there often?'

'I went a few times.'

'What did you do?'

Steve looked closely at his young wife.

She smiled disarmingly. 'I want to know all about your life up there, darling. What you did for fun. You know.'

'Well, there wasn't much fun,' he said carefully. 'You must have had some kind of recreation.' He shrugged. 'There was some gambling. I won a little, lost a little. I probably came out a few bucks ahead.'

'Did you drink much?'

This question surprised Steve, because he and Sharon had never drunk together. He had never even taken a drink in her presence. She had given him the very clear impression when they first began going together that she didn't approve of alcohol, and he hadn't wanted to offend her.

'You know I don't drink,' he said.

'Oh, come on,' she chided gently. 'Up there, with all those other men, living under rough conditions, you must've taken a few drinks. I wouldn't blame you.'

'You wouldn't?'

'Of course not.'

He hesitated for a moment, then said, 'Well, I have to admit I did drink a little.'

He watched for an adverse reaction but noted none. This pleased him, though he wondered what accounted for his wife's change of attitude on the subject. She used to be dead set against booze.

'They must have had some wild saloons in that town,' she commented.

'Well, yes… they did.' He continued to watch her closely, wondering what she was leading up to.

'Is that where the prostitutes worked?' she asked.


'The prostitutes that you mentioned in one of your letters. Did they work in the saloons?'

'Some did. There were a couple of cat houses too.'

She laughed. 'Cat houses? Is that what you call them?'

'Mm-mmmm. Hey, what're you so curious about?' he asked with a grin.

'I just want to know what kind of place it was. Did you ever visit the cat houses?'

'So that's it!' he said with amusement. 'You're trying to trap me into admitting I had something to do with another woman.'

'I'm not tying to trap you at all,' she said pleasantly. 'But you were away from me for so long. You must've, well, needed someone.'

He got up and walked over to the sofa where she was seated with her shoes off and her legs curled up underneath her. Grinning, he sat down at her side.

'I've got pretty good self-control,' lie said, 'except when you're around. Then I keep getting sexy thoughts.' He ran his finger along her bare calf.

'Tell me about your sexy thoughts,' she urged. 'Well, I look at you and I want to do things.'

'Such as… You know.'

'Tell me,' she urged, snuggling closer.

'You didn't use to dig sexy talk,' he replied as he nuzzled her neck.

She felt encouraged to become bolder. She placed her hand in his lap.

'Heyyy…' he said.

'What's the matter?' she murmured, grazing his cheek with her moist lips. 'That make you nervous?'

'You didn't use to come on so strong.'

'I've been without you for a long time,' she said as she began to caress his cock intimately through his pants.

His prick immediately responded.

'Oooh, that's what I like,' she purred. 'Come on – get hard for baby.'

'Sharon!' he said in a slightly shocked but pleased whisper.

'Tell me more about Alaska,' she coaxed.

'Well, I told you… it's, uh, cold and…' He was finding it difficult to talk as she caressed his stiff cock.

'Tell me about the warm things,' she said as she continued to stroke his tool.

'You want me to talk about the… girls?'

'Yesss. Tell me about them.' Her lips grazed his ear, and one of her tits was shoving against his arm. She kept fondling his privates, reaching deeper into the crotch of his trousers to caress his balls as well as his rod.

He continued to be amazed by the change that had taken place in his sweet little wife, and it stimulated him. But he kept his guard partially up.

Most of the guys fooled around, he said, finding it increasingly difficult to speak because of what she was doing.

'Were you with them?'

'Well… sometimes.'

'Just what did they do?' she asked as she began to toy with the tab of his zipper.

He wondered if she actually intended to open his pants and take out his bare cock right there. She was acting as if that was what she had in mind. He became increasingly aroused and nervous.

'Well, tell me,' she urged, still fiddling with his fly.

'Well, in the bars… they… uh… I mean, they danced with the girls… and…'

'Took them to bed?' she prompted, lowering his zipper an inch.

His throat began to feel very tight. His cock throbbed harder than ever.

'I… I guess.'

'Did any of the girls in the saloons solicit you?'

'Well, sure. I mean, they approached all the men.' His voice was turning hoarse.

'What did they say?' she asked, and slid his zipper down another inch or so.

'You really want to know? I mean, you want to know the exact words?'


'Well, they… uh…' He cleared his throat. 'They said, 'Hello, honey – do you want to fuck'?'

He held his breath for fear he had offended her badly. But she showed no adverse response. She just kept gazing warmly at his fly, and she slid his zipper a little lower.

'What did you tell them?' she asked.

'NO of course.'

'Oh, come on…' As she snaked her hand into his pants and touched his bare prick the most wonderful thrill went through him, and he jumped. It was one thing just to go to bed and screw, as he and Sharon had done many times before he went away and as they had done just a few hours ago – but it was even more exciting, in a sense, to play at sex like this.

She was like a different girl. He couldn't understand it.

She daringly pulled his prick out of his pants and asked, 'Didn't you give in just once? Didn't you ever take one of the bar girls to bed? Or did you go to a cat house?' She began to stroke the foreskin up and down on his bone- hard, thrusting rod.

'Do you want me to say I did?' he asked, dumfounded.

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