then switched to the other, her hands, eagerly fondling while her mouth worked, then she began to kiss her way down her niece's smooth tummy, pausing when she reached her navel to tongue there for a few seconds, then her lips were grazing in Jenny's pussy bush, and she saw the girl's crotch opening wide.

At the sight of Jenny's little cunt, Eva felt her heart pounding hard. There was just a faint perfume of musk, and as she inhaled it, Eva felt passion flaring more hotly. The little pink lips looked so soft, so tender and warm. Eva's groan of passion was muffled in Jenny's crotch as mouth and cunt made contact and she sucked greedily while her hands explored silken thighs and asscheeks, and then it was Jenny's turn to groan in passion.

Jenny was overjoyed to see how easily her aunt had been seduced, and how naturally she lapped cunt. She did it so well that it wasn't long before Jenny felt the tension, which told her, she was going to come, and that it was going to be a honey. When the big orgasm came, it was one of those beauties, which went all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes, and left her purring like a very contented kitten.

But one orgasm wasn't enough for Jenny, given her state of arousal, and Eva speed that she could use at least one more.

'Then I'll show you how we can lap each other at the same time,' Jenny told her aunt.

'Is that what's called sixty-nine?'

'That's right, and it's a beautiful number. Here, let me position you, like this, that's it. Now I'll put my crotch in your face, like uh this and I'll get your cunt in my mouth, like this,' she said, and then their sighs were muffled as they sucked and lapped each other's cunts while their hands played other games and silken thighs rubbed warm faces.

Both women came at almost the same time, and wet crotches rubbed on flushed faces as their naked bodies jerked through strong orgasms until the final spasms passed and left them both glowing.

Although she wanted more of the same, Eva decided they should go back upstairs before the boys became so curious that they would come looking for her, so they got dressed, shared one more kiss, then went upstairs where, despite her best efforts, Eva couldn't hide her glow of happiness, a look her sons had never seen on her face before.

'Why don't you invite me to live with you for a while, Eva?' Jenny asked.

'You must be kidding. You wouldn't give up your plush, sexy life at the farm to live in this dump.'

'Then why do you think I suggested it? We don't have to live in this house. I'm just months away from coming into tons of money. We can get a bigger place, one that would give us all the privacy we need.'

'My God, Jenny, that sounds so beautiful, especially after what you just showed me, but why would you do such a thing?'

'I don't know, because I like you, I guess, and because I hate to see you in the mess you are. I'm not saying I'll stay forever, but let's just say we'll live together as long as it suits the two of us.'

'Oh, Jenny, I can't believe it! I don't think he's going to like that very much. It's obvious he doesn't like it.'

'It doesn't matter what Cyril thinks about it. I'm a big girl now. Besides, for a long time now, he's been determined td get his cock up my ass, and I don't want it that way. It frightens me. If I stay there much longer, I'm afraid he's going to force…'

'Jenny, you're an angel. How beautiful life could be if you'd come to live here. You're sure the kids won't bother you?'

'I'm positive,' Jenny said, and recalled how sex had delighted her at eighteen, and thought of how she was going to seduce the two boys and, if her plans worked out, get them into their mother's bed as well, into her bed and her cunt too.

On the way back to the farm, Jenny said nothing of her plans, but Cyril sensed that things were happening, things he was not going to like. He had observed that she had been perspiring when she returned to the hotel, and her cunt had been very moist when he felt it.

Since Jenny didn't know anyone else in that city, he could only suppose that she had been for a ramp in the hay with the widow, but that struck him as being unlikely, especially since it was the day of her late husband's funeral.

'What did you two find to talk about that took so long?' Cyril asked as he drove the car at a steady eighty miles an hour.

'Oh, just things. I like Eva a lot, and I can't understand why you don't.'

'It's not that I don't like her, dear. I've hardly met her. Remember, I rarely saw Dwight either, even though we were brothers. Could it be that you're thinking of leaving your happy home?'

'I'm thinking of going to live with Eva for a while.'

'Oh, Jenny, don't do that,' her brother said with obvious feeling.

'It doesn't have to be forever, and it's only a few hours by car,' Jenny told him. 'Right now she's broke and lonely and I think I could help her a lot.'

'She invited you?' Cyril asked, suspicious.

'No. It was my idea. It happened while I was seducing her.'

'Christ, so I was right in my guess about you having gotten into her panties,' Cyril said in surprise, and slowed the car to a stop, then asked John to take over the driving while he sat in back with Jenny. 'I never dreamed pious-looking Eva was a swinger. How was she?'

'Yummy. She had never swung that way before. She seemed upset, so we talked about a lot of things and it just happened gradually. Once I felt it going that way, I played it slow and easy. We went to a bedroom and it was all rockets and beautiful music from there on. She told me she'd never even had her cunt kissed by a man, let alone sucked by a woman. She's really hooked on it.'

'Christ, what a horny bitch you are, Jenny,' Cyril said, and reached under her dress to feel his way up to her crotch where, he found her panties were still moist.

'Please reconsider, Jenny,' John asked. 'I'd really hate to see you leave.'

'Thanks, John, you're sweet and I love you, but Eva really needs someone right now, someone like me. If you wish, all of you, I could bring her to the farm from time to time and we could all fuck.'

'Including those two little boys?' Cyril asked.

'Probably. Mind you, once she finds out that I've fucked her little dears, she may get mad and throw me out of the house.'

'Or call the cops and have you put in jail,' Cyril told her.

'I doubt that very much, Cyril. I think that before very long, she'll be opening her pussy for their hard little cocks. I think I have her hooked enough so that she'll want to try anything and everything.'

'And you think she'll go as far as incest?' Cyril asked.

'That isn't really so far out, is it, Uncle Cyril?' she asked, and grinned.

When they reached the farm, Greta took the news of Jenny's, impending departure gracefully. Like the others, she expressed a wish that Jenny would change her mind, but sensed that it wasn't going to happen.

'You have your own life to live, Jenny,' Greta told her, and put an arm around her waist. 'I'll miss you and I want you to know I'll always be glad to see you come back, whether to visit or to stay. I imagine your uncle feels the same way.'

'Of course I do,' he said promptly, and then he went to pour drinks for them, ending the conversation.

A little later, Cyril announced that he was too tired for sex that night and went to bed. Jenny gave John and Greta a detailed description of her seduction of Eva, and answered all their questions.

Story telling led to other thing, and then the three of them were naked and fucking. Before they decided to call it a night, John had proven himself the perfect stud again by fucking both of them.

Cyril woke with a hard-on in the morning, and he looked at Greta's big, white ass as she lay partially face down beside him. He felt an urge to wake her and slip his cock between the big cheeks of her ass, but he turned it off. In just a little while, he promised himself, he would get his cock up a beautiful ass, but it would be Jenny's. He had let her keep her asshole virginal for too long, and now that she was leaving, it was time to change that. Admiring Greta's ass as she slept, he thought of Jenny's, and of how he was going to get his prick into it. Slipping silently out of bed, he walked softly to the room where the twins were still sleeping. As he drew the sheet back, he was delighted to see that Jenny was lying face down, her head resting on her arms. It was a strange position for sleeping, he thought, but it displayed her lovely ass excitingly, and his hard prick throbbed as he gazed fondly at her crack, and thought of how it was going to feel when he ass-fucked her for the very first time. She would be tight, he told himself, and would perhaps cry and beg for mercy. That would make the act even more

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