into her belly, filling her pussy with delightful heat, increasing the dimensions of her own orgasm.

Almost immediately some of the white cock cream came seeping out of her cunt and Gail began eagerly swallowing it as she continued feasting on her sister's burning cunt.

Now it was Gail's turn. As Bernadette continued gobbling, thrills began building inside her twat, especially since she was able to taste Dave's delicious sperm seeping out of Bernadette's cunt. Sperm had always aroused her, but the knowledge that it was Dave's own, and the feeling of her sister's tongue on her inflamed cunt made Gail come like never before. She began bucking up and down, hitting the mattress alternately with her heels and her ass, pulling Bernadette's cunt-lapping tongue with her as she moved. It was as if a cataclysmic tidal wave had washed over her, drowning her instantly, giving her no chance to think.

She rolled from side to side, her thighs still tightly gripping her sister's face as spasm after spasm slammed into her. It was all too fantastic to believe.

Ultimately the feeling passed, and her thighs loosened, letting Bernadette up for air, just as Bernadette's thighs opened, and both she and Dave pulled away. They lay near one another on the bed, and Dave decided it was only the beginning for them.


There was no use keeping secrets from anyone in the family any longer. Bernadette told Dave about Alvin and Ron. She expected he might be horrified, but after the fucking and sucking he'd enjoyed with both sisters, Dave felt there was no reason to condemn her. It was better to have it out in the open, he reasoned. This way, if the girls were willing, the brothers could be put on a regular schedule.

Bernadette felt guilt, but at the same time she felt desire. There was no way she could control her inner emotions, and now she was no longer worried about having to limit herself to Alvin. If Ron eventually married and left, Dave would still be there, along with Alvin. For some reason, as good a lay as Alvin had become, Bernadette had experienced much more satisfaction getting fucked by Dave that first time. Maybe it was because her sister had been there, too.

Deep down, she wanted that separate life of her own. But she wanted it with a man who could give her the total satisfaction she needed.

'What can I do?' she asked when she went to see Dr. Fischer again. 'I'm getting more and more involved with my own family. I have more pleasure from my sister than I've ever had from any outside male. I'm not a lesbian. I don't enjoy the idea of swinging with a woman more than a man. But I do enjoy my sister more than any non- related man.'

'Did you make that list I requested?' Fischer asked.

'It's right here,' she told him, taking it out of her purse and giving it to him. 'I did it as honestly as I could.'

'All right,' Fischer nodded, taking the list and looking at it. 'Let's see what we have here.'

'To be honest, Doctor, I can't see anything there myself.'

'No? That's strange, because I can.'

'What is it, Doctor? Tell me, please.'

'Not yet, Miss Reese. What I believe I see in looking at this list is still only an opinion. For instance, your father was handsome, understanding, gentle, and always ready to help you with any problem you couldn't solve. Your middle brother, Alvin, is dull, simple, fairly obedient, and overly protective of everyone in the family. Ron, according to what you have written, is nice looking, fairly intelligent, and almost worships you, takes the dominant role as a sex partner, yet is always solicitous of you and interested in your orgasm as much as his own. Your sister Gail is hungry for love, wanting to give it as much as receive it. And finally there is Dave, the shy big brother, properly delegating family duties, seeing everyone does his share, yet making sure no one is overburdened.'

'That's what I wrote,' Bernadette admitted. 'But I don't see why I'm attracted to them sexually. They're no different from a million other men.'

'Now let's see. You wrote on two others as well. There's this young neighbor, Drew, who is young, well built, a bit of a braggart, but extremely shy. You felt you were the first woman with whom he ever had intercourse. He wasn't overbearing, or dominating, but gentle in his own way. Yet you felt uncomfortable with him. And finally there's this Bob, whom you allowed to pick you up in a fancy restaurant bar. He was an expert in every way, yet almost wore himself out in an attempt to make you come satisfactorily.'

'They were no less masculine than my brothers,' Bernadette admitted. 'In fact, none of my three brothers has the build of either of these outside men. Both had firm, solid bodies, like Greek Gods. And Bob was very solicitous of me. He tried everything he knew to help me get a full orgasm, and yet I couldn't do it. I know the block is mental, but I can't figure out what it is.'

'Ah,' Fischer nodded. 'You recognize the fact that it's a mental block and not something physical. That's another step forward. Excellent. You see, little by little you're perceiving the solution without my having to tell it to you. And that's the most important thing, for if I were to tell you what I believe, your mind might not be willing to accept it, and the problem will remain.'

'Yes, but until I'm able to realize what it is that keeps me from enjoying myself with other men I'll go on sleeping with my brothers and sister.'

'Who is being hurt by it?'

'Well, no one, not really. My sister and I both take the Pill, so neither one of us could conceive unless we forget to take it.'

'Well then, for a little while, in order to alleviate your frustration, may I suggest you continue what you are doing. Once you realize the answer to your problems yourself, it is very probable all desire for your brothers will eventually disappear.'

'At times I wonder if I want that desire to disappear. I mean I wonder if I want to leave my brothers. At times, I think my place should be with them no matter what.'

'You're getting closer and closer to the solution, Miss Reese. I feel it is only a matter of a little time before you realize what your problem is.'

They continued talking that way until Bernadette's hour was up. Then she rose from the overstuffed chair and once more shook the doctor's hand. The feeling she got at that instant was overpowering. Unable to control herself, she squeezed his hand, feeling a wonderful thrill course through her body. It was so strong she saw Fischer react as well. He had felt it, too. The question was, did he feel her reaction alone, or did he experience something similar? He said nothing as he led her from the office, but Bernadette knew he had felt something. His eyes showed it.

Once outside, Bernadette felt a warmth course through her body and first realized she had experienced a kind of orgasm. Her entire insides tingled, only it wasn't the physical kind of orgasm she'd known with Starker and Mannetto, lacking the emotional sensations. Rather it was quite the opposite. It had been an emotional orgasm without a physical come. This was another first for her because as she got on the bus she realized she had a yearning for physical contact with Herb Fischer. How many other women fell in love with their doctors? she wondered. Her experience was obviously not unique.

Shrugging, Bernadette went home and prepared supper. Gail was there to help her, having become very solicitous of her older sister. She had stopped letting schoolboys pick her up. And she didn't bring any more boys home to her bedroom at night. She had found something for which to save herself. It was a Biblical crime, and it was even against present-day law. Yet Gail was happier than she had ever been since her father died.

Suddenly Bernadette realized her sister's problem. The girl had been looking for love. She hadn't found it in her family when their parents had died, and so she began looking for it outside. Could that be her problem, as well?

No. Definitely not. Bernadette had never felt unloved. She had known her brothers would always love and protect her, no matter what. She even knew Gail would protect her, even though Gail was the younger sister. And because of it, she felt protective toward every one of them, loving them even more than she had prior to the death of her parents.

When supper ended, Bernadette cleared away the dishes and watched as Dave and Gail wandered off to

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