I’m immune to magic inthis body. So leave me alone or I’ll tell more people aboutyou.’

‘You’reungrateful. I won’t help you anymore.’ she shouted angrily.

‘That’s yourchoice.’ replied Aquitain. ‘Now no more interfering with my memoryor I’ll work out a way to read some of your secrets.’

Glammersuddenly vanished as Llalorax came back into the room cradlingYllandril in his arms. Aquitain was left wondering if she leftbecause of what he said or because of Llalorax returning. Yllandrilhad formed a mindlink with Llalorax and they were talkingprivately, so he just stood there on the floor facing the doorthinking about Glammer and waiting for them to finish.

It was quiteboring standing in a room with two others totally immersed incatching up with what happened to each other so he decided toinvestigate his new body. How could solid crystal move? He lookedinternally using his crystal vision. It seemed that the crystalwasn’t rigidly structured as he expected but more like thick honeythat had stood in a jar for a long time and had begun tocrystallize. He moved his arm and could see the crystals flowingsmoothly over each other.

For curiosityhe withdrew his spirit out of one of the arms and saw the crystalthere suddenly go rigid. So it was the interaction between hisspirit and the magically primed crystal that allowed it to flow. Hecontinued experimenting fascinated by his new creation.

After about tenminutes there was a knock on the door and Aquitain turned hisattention to the door. Llalorax called ‘Come in.’ without evenbothering to look at the door. It opened slowly revealing one ofthe guards standing there but as Aquitain looked at him and saw thetortured angry face and glassy eyes, he knew that trouble in theform of the angry malevolent spirit had found them.

A dreadfulvoice mouthed a word of power. Out of habit Aquitain put up amental defence but the word wasn’t meant for him but for Llalorax.It hit him like a sledgehammer. He was instantly unconscious. Hisarms flew outwards hurling Yllandril across the room and his bodycrashed to the floor in a dishevelled heap.

Aquitainimmediately created an air shield barrier across the doorway toprevent the guard from entering. Using mindspeak he shouted toLlalorax and Yllandril that they were under attack by the spirit.Llalorax didn’t reply and Yllandril still in shock at what hadhappened simply muttered a few incomprehensible words. It was up tohim alone.

He suspectedthat the spirit would try to possess Llalorax before he came to hissenses. It also made sense, as it wouldn’t guess that the two smallconstructs actually housed Yllandril and himself. He had to buytime. He probably couldn’t kill it but Llalorax might be able toonce he regained consciousness. He blacked out the room.

‘What’shappening Aquitain? What are you doing?’ screamed Yllandril, almostdeafening him.

‘I don’t knowhow to fight this thing but Llalorax should. He needs time torecover. I’m going to attract it into my crystal body and try tohold it there until Llalorax becomes conscious again. When he doesyou must ask him how to destroy it.’

‘Now to testthe hypothesis that illusions on Moonmist are almost like reality.’he thought. He shrank his spirit aura and moved it inside the headpart of his body. The rest of his body went rigid and its crystalstructure solidified. He created an illusory sphere in the centreof his body and inside it he put an illusory spirit aura which wasthe same as that of Llalorax but brighter. He added blurrinessaround the edges as if some type of magic protection surrounded it.This was the bait. He was going to try to use the idea that themoth gets attracted to the brightest light.

It took themalign spirit inhabiting the body of the guard about half a minuteto realize that it wasn’t going to get past the wall unless itbecame incarnate. It left the body and passed through the wall asif it wasn’t there and headed for the mage’s spirit aura, which wasunusually bright in the darkness. All the better, it thought. Itpassed into the mages body easily enough then saw the mage hadcreated some type of defence. It was excited, a new challenge, whatfun.

It swirledaround the spherical shaped shield that protected the mage’s spiritaura. Curious? It felt like the mages body was much more dense thanit should have been. What was the mage up to? Never mind, it wouldsubdue it like it had all the countless others. Suddenly thefuzziness around the sphere disappeared and it took the shape of adiamond that had the feel of a soul container. The spirit wassucked inside the diamond. No. No. It thought. This can’t be. Notme. It can’t happen.

Aquitainquickly flowed his spirit throughout his body engulfing the regionof the illusory diamond. He now had it trapped in a sphericalregion of solid crystal surround by his honey-like liquid crystalbody. It was mainly contained by the illusion that it was trappedin a diamond soul crystal. What would happen if it suddenlyrealized that it wasn’t he didn’t wish to think about.

‘Got it.’ heshouted to Yllandril. ‘How is Llalorax?’

‘What did youdo to it?’ asked Yllandril at last realizing what had happened.

‘I created aillusory soul crystal to catch it.’

‘What are yougoing to do now?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know.’Aquitain replied. ‘This is about as far as my plan went. How’sLlalorax.’

‘He’s stillunconscious.’

He felt themalign spirit begin to push at the walls of its container as if itwas trying to find a way out. He looked internally at it using hiscrystal vision. Its spirit was swirling violently around. He couldimagine it at first panicking and then began thinking about whathad happened. Sooner or later it would realize that it had beentricked. He mindlinked with Yllandril and sent a mental picture ofit to her.

‘Any ideaswould be welcome. I don’t think the container will hold up too muchlonger.’ he said.

When Yllandrilsaw its spirit aura she nearly died of shock. She recognized whatit was immediately. She had been shown one before. Had she been inher normal body she might have panicked but she was in her bodymade by Aquitain. He would be up to the task. If he could create abody for people then he could destroy the spirit of a

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