
‘If it wasn’tswirling around so violently could you modify its memory?’ shesuggested

‘Perhaps, buthow do we slow it down?’

‘I have acalming song that I’ve used to calm patients overcome with madness.Let me try that.’ And she began to sing a magical song throughtheir mindlink. Aquitain redirected the song to the trapped spiritbut nothing happened.

‘I might beable to freeze it.’ she offered then directed a power at thetrapped spirit and it worked , it froze.

Aquitainmagnified the detail of the spirit’s spirit aura so that he couldsee its memory bubbles and sent the images to Yllandril as well.They saw almost no memory bubbles. It had forgotten its past life.There were however lots of small bubbles containing a bluecrystal.

‘What’s thatblue crystalline stuff?’ asked Aquitain.

‘I don’t know.I’ve seen it before but don’t know what it is.’

Aquitain beganchanting the sixth mantra to change another’s memory. He asked itabout its mission. A small memory bubble lit up which was partiallytranslucent. He made it opaque. He asked it about magic. A largeclear red walled bubble and several smaller bubbles lit up andbegan to cluster.

‘Take care.’said Yllandril. ‘Those red bubbles are dangerous knowledge. Don’tread them. They may corrupt you.’

Aquitain didn’ttake heed of her warning. He blocked the memory bubbles thendiscretely stole them. Next he wondered how the spirit could soreadily leave a body and possess another.

‘Possession’ hesaid. This time a clear golden bubble that had been hidden behindthe red ones lit up and floated into view.

‘Oh Dear Lady.’stated Yllandril. ‘It’s been using knowledge from a divinity seed.You must block that off.’

Aquitain wasn’tso sure about that. There was some really valuable knowledge inthere. With that knowledge he could block possession. Maybe hecould read it first. He tried to read it but it suddenly wentopaque and then vanished.

‘Great’ saidYllandril. ‘You destroyed it. That type of knowledge is toodangerous.’

Then as theywatched all of the memory bubbles started to vibrate and burstopen. They saw the diamond soul crystal start to glow and heat upas if energy was being released. Aquitain had a bad feeling aboutthis as his whole crystal body began to glow and heat up. He lookedinternally and saw that it was no longer red but orange and gettinghotter.

Llalorax sat upholding his head. ‘What happened?

‘Quick. Get meout of the bottle I think I’m going to explode.’

Llalorax lookedat Aquitain and seeing the light and heat pouring out of him didn’twait for answers but leaped up, ran to the food preparation areaand returned with a frying pan and placed it on the ground forAquitain to step into.

Aquitaincouldn’t help thinking of the humour of this situation. Normally itwas out of the frying pan into the fire. This time he was the firegetting into the frying pan. Llalorax wasn’t amused. He picked upthe frying pan with Aquitain in it and ran to the teleport circlein the cellblock. They instantly appeared in the crypt room. Themage ran through the crypt and up some stairs down a corridor upmore stairs and finally burst out the front door of the crypt intoa darkened hillside.

He lay thefrying pan on the ground then ran back into the crypt closing theiron door behind him.

‘Thanks forsticking around to pick up the pieces.’ shouted Aquitain getting alittle worried. This could be a terminal situation. It was his lifespirit that he was using to contain the energy trying to escapefrom the diamond. If it blew up both his new body and his spiritwould be scattered all over the countryside.

Glammerappeared. ‘You’ve done it this time. I don’t think you’ll survivethis. I don’t know why you’re still in one piece. You should havemelted by now. You shouldn’t have taken the divinity seed you know.That’s what caused this problem.’

‘I didn’tpurposely try to take it. I just thought about reading it and itdisappeared.’ said Aquitain desperately.’

At that momentthe light coming from Aquitain changed from a greenish orangecolour to blood red. Glimmer vanished and Aquitain began to panicbut checked the fear by chanting a calming mantra. He wasn’t deadyet. He looked internally and used his crystal sight to look at thecrystal structure of his body. It had changed. It now looked likeBeryl rather than Aquamarine. It’s the heat he thought. Aquamarineand Beryl are made of the same substance but with different crystalstructures and colours. While one was a greenly blue the other wasa dark red brown.

‘We need to getrid of some of this heat!’ he thought. ‘Perhaps I can eject thepart of our body you turned into a soul container?’

He looked atthe illusory diamond soul container. It was glowing white-hot andthere was no evidence of the malign spirit’s spirit aura. His bodyhad turned bright red but it didn’t appear to be affecting histhinking. Why haven’t I melted? Because Beryl has a very highmelting point and so has diamond. If I can get just rid of some ofthis heat I might just survive. If I eject part of my body it mightexplode and that will shatter the rest of my crystal body.’

He moved hismind into the auto-hypnosis state. Chanted a calming mantra againand looked internally. His diamond heart was truly a beautifulsight, his spirit was as bright as the sun on Mudrun. He needed tochannel the power and heat away. He needed to turn the heat tolight. Light will escape much easier from a crystal than heat. Heknew from his training that heat was a similar form of energy tolight.

‘I think I haveit!’ he shouted then used his power to control light to convert theheat to light and sent it out of his body in all directions. Thelight took on the darker blood red colour of Beryl and as more heatenergy was converted to light, it lit up the whole skyline in aspectacular display that could be seen for leagues.

The lightreflected off the clouds down onto the Queen’s castle half a leagueaway, illuminating it in an unnatural bloody light. Animals fled inpanic and children screamed in fear. All at the Queen’s Palace werefeeling very uneasy. It was only two days until the Queen’s Ball.This was a very bad omen in a land of semi-darkness, a sign thatsome terrible disaster was imminent,

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