together. It would take a while but it wouldheal.

‘Free … free atlast!’ said a voice of immense power into his head.

‘Now let’s seewho has managed this great feat.’ and Aquitain felt himself liftedoff the throne’s head by an invisible hand and held dangling infront of the dragonhead. Two eyes as deep as an ocean bore into himfixing him in a gaze so intense that he felt he would melt.

‘I am Aquitain,the new Warden of Moonmist.’

‘Well bless me.It’s a Warden of Moonmist. How appropriate. Tell me Lord Warden ifyou are a friend why do you hide your aura?’

Moments laterRat Catcher appeared and transformed into the shape of a largebrown bear, mind speaking with the voice of Terrin.

‘I know youGranite. You have not earned the right to question the new LordWarden. Return to Crystalhaven and witness the destruction yourecklessly brought upon it.’

‘How dare youspeak to me in that tone K’wala! I am the Lord High Protector ofCrystalhaven. If you have caused any mischief there then you willanswer to me!’

‘This is notCrystalhaven! This is Moonmist. Go to Crystalhaven and weep and ifyou wish to return then give me forewarning as I may be busyhelping him to fix the mess you created here.’

‘How long haveI been trapped here?’ asked Granite suddenly becoming worried.

‘Hundreds ofyears.’ replied Terrin.

‘By the Powers,what has happened!’ said Granite suddenly teleporting away andreleasing Aquitain to drop onto the hard floor.

‘Oh no!’ yelledTerrin as Aquitain fell and shattered into a thousand pieces ofgreen crystal and a small diamond shaped heart.

‘By the Powers,now I know why you let me do all the talking. You have no charisma,no charm, no idea how to converse with people and you’ve justdestroyed my body!’ complained Aquitain.

‘What was thatcreature you called Granite. It was more powerful than anything Ihave ever seen. It felt like it could have killed us with a merethought.’

‘That was thespirit of Granite. He is an elemental dragon. It was his job toprotect Mudrun from harm. He failed and the Great Storm was theresult. He is vain and arrogant and can read our minds. Your fatherwould not want him to do that. I was trying to protect you.Thankfully he could not see through the pure heart shield.’

‘Oh!’ repliedAquitain suddenly struck with awe.

‘Can we affordto insult elemental dragons with impunity?’

‘No. Not reallyI suppose. Seeing him just made me really annoyed.’ replied Terrin.‘Anyhow it worked he’s gone and hopefully won’t return for a while.I guess we better fix this body.’

‘I’m notsupposed to teach you any powers but if I happen to use a couple torepair your body and you saw how I did it then perhaps I’m notteaching you.’

‘I guess not.’replied Aquitain suddenly very attentive.

Bellen ran upto the line in front of one of the statues. He watched the bearshape change into a small grey and black striped cat and thenstared at the pieces of shattered crystal all over the floor with avery worried look on his face.

‘Hello Bellen,I am a friend of the Lord Warden. He just had a slight accidentwhile fixing the dragon throne. He will fix himself. Watch thegreen crystal pieces on the ground.’ said Terrin.

His face lit upwith the most glorious smile and he sank to his knees.

‘Yer’ve fixedthe throne. Oh thank yer, thank yer, thank yer Lord Warden.’ hesaid as he waited expectantly looking at the broken crystal.Aquitain moved his vision so that he was looking though Bellen’seyes.

There was asmall surge of magic energy and a shard of green crystal lifted offits resting spot and began spinning in mid-air. Moments laterhundreds of other shards including the little crystal heart flewtogether like a glittering cloud of dust in front of the dragon’sface. It then began to compact then reformed into a separate butcracked crystal.

There was afinal pulse of energy and the cracks disappeared leaving a perfectgreen crystal body spinning in mid-air, which then flew up to thedragon’s head and his vision returned to his body.

‘Thank youBellen you can get back to your duties now.’ said Aquitain andBellen scurried off to tell his colleagues that the new Lord Wardenhad fixed the throne.

‘Now you try itAquitain with the other broken crystals to get some practice.’

Aquitain feltthat he knew how to do it and he did. It drew on a range ofknowledge about crystals and some extra skills that he knew Terrinmust have implanted. He now knew how to use the power oftelekinesis, the ability to move objects with his mind.

First youselected a shard then using telekinesis you lifted it into the airand spun it. When crystals shattered for a short time after theevent each shard had a memory of the parts that they were joinedto.

The trick wasto use each shard to call to another to join the group as if itwere a part of the whole. The telekinesis then lifted the shards upand created the swirling cloud of bits. The swirling helped thesmall bits to find their way together. Finally when they weretogether you used a mend crystal power to seal the cracks. This wasa variation of the mend item power widely used by magic instrumentmakers.

He repeated thewhole process with the fragments of the broken crystal and thememcrystal from the crown and then, very pleased with himself flewthem through the air into their sockets in the crown.

Terrinteleported up to the crown moved his spirit from Rat Catcher intothe dragon throne and Rat Catcher teleported away.

‘This is agreat place to watch the Queen’s Ball why don’t we stay here. I’llplay the part of the talking throne. There’s no urgency and perhapswe can relax after all the excitement we’ve had.’ said Terrin.

‘I guess you’reright.’ replied Aquitain. ‘I have lots to think about’ but hedidn’t get the chance he suddenly went to sleep..

Several hourslater Aquitain awoke and said ‘I feel different. What have you beendoing?’

‘Yes sorry.When Llanlorian separated our spirits she didn’t know whichmemories were mine or yours so she left mine in with yours. I havebeen busy sorting them out and taking mine. It would be dangerousfor you to know some of them.’

‘That’s a bitunfair. You might have told me in advance what you intended to do’replied

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