‘He’s done it!The throne is talking again; Aquitain’s okay and he told Bellen toget on with their preparations for the Spring Ball.’
‘This isextraordinary news.’ said Llalorax. ‘I can’t even begin to guesshow the Queen and the Elendari Lords will react when they find out.This should be the most interesting Spring Ball for decades andthere will be trouble without a doubt. I had better round up theguardians and put the reserves on standby.’
‘Yllandril, mylove, how would you and Miranda like to visit some of our peopleand tell them what’s happened. Tell them I might need some help onthe night of the ball.’
Miranda andYllandril spent the next day teleporting from one Llanllean villageto the next. They were overjoyed to meet Yllandril again even ifshe was in a strange body. She had been one of the most reveredhealers among the Llanlleans. Miranda was fascinated with them. Shewould never have imagined that spiders could ever create lovingpeaceful social communities. They in turn were astounded to meet aNewman woman who had no fear of them, one that would pick up aLlanllean child and cuddle it.
After meetingMiranda and watching her for a few hours, Somanller calledYllandril aside and said.
‘This druidwoman Dragonfly and her partner Aquitain are remarkable?
‘Yes.’ saidYllandril ‘I think these two are exceptions. They have a specialquality that seems to be lacking in the rest of the world. I’m gladthey have each other for I’m afraid their future will be a hardroad. Unlike us, they have to save our world. We only have to livein it.’
Later that daywhen Yllandril was alone with Miranda she couldn’t help asking.‘How do you act as if my people are your family? How do you makethem feel like you are a long lost relative and so glad to seethem? I have never ever witnessed this in my entire life.’
‘I am a druidand a servant of The Lady.’ replied Miranda.
‘To us alllife, in all its diversity is beautiful and precious. Your peopleare proof yet again that beauty lives in the spirit rather than theform. If I had the choose to live the rest of my life with yourpeople or the Elendari I would gladly choose yours.’
‘Do manynewmans see life through your eyes?’ asked Yllandril quiteastonished.
‘No. Thedruid’s path is long and lonely. We spend most of our time alone inthe wilderness. Most of us will never have a home or family. We arethe guardians of nature. We watch, listen, help and heal. Tomaintain the balance we tolerate both order and chaos. However,there are times when we must be judge, jury and executioner. Thatdoes not fall easily with many of my people.’
‘So you have ahidden dark side.’
‘Perhaps,depending upon your point of view.’ replied Miranda.
‘I willimpartially kill any Newman, Llanllean or any other rogue creaturethat threatens to destroy the balance whether ordered orchaotic.’
‘What ifAquitain threatened the balance?’
Miranda smiledand replied.
‘The worldexists because of a myriad of small changes. Often it is difficultto know where the balance lies. I believe that there are those inthe world that The Lady ordains to cause change to move the balanceone way or another. At times it is difficult for us to see thedifference between those that would move the balance and those thatwould destroy it. These are difficult decisions and not to be madelightly. They can only be made after considerable time andobservation. Quite possibly a lifetime.’
‘A fairanswer.’ said Yllandril.
‘I think I willremain a healer. Let’s go back and see what my husband has been upto in our absence.’
It was the afternoon ofthe day before the Spring Ball was to be held. When they arrivedback in the prison bottle Llalorax was sitting where they had lefthim, looking into his scrying pool bucket.
‘Why don’t youladies visit the trixies and find out what they are thinking. Ihave collected a bag full of healing and disease cure potions inthe hut. I suggest that you take them with you. From what I can seethey might be needed.’
When theyreturned with the bag, he said. ‘I think that I’ll teleport youboth to the maze garden so that you can get the feeling of thepeople as well. I’ll bet the rumours are running wild. Listen inbut try to avoid direct conversation. I’ve modified your braceletof return to come here Miranda. If you get into trouble don’tforget to use it.’
‘Are you alwaysthis bossy? I’m not used to being ordered around like a child.’complained Miranda a little annoyed at being treated like one ofLlalorax’s staff.
‘We’re eventhen. I’m not used to people questioning my instructions. Now areyou ready to go?’
Yllandril casta mindlink between her and Miranda, who perched the little stonespider on her shoulder like a pet. A minute later they appeared inone of the dead-ends in the thorn bush maze. The moon was brightbut cold as was the norm for such a dark world. Being well pastmidday the moss beneath their feet was turning black with shadow.Miranda was admiring the beautiful iridescent flowers growing alongthe edge of the maze as markers when they heard a pleading noiseand gruff laughter just around the corner.
She quietlycrept to the corner and looked around. There were three guardswearing the livery of one of the minor lords standing with theirbacks close to the maze wall and one in the middle of the pathwayholding a trixie upside down by the ankles. Even though shecouldn’t understand the trixie language it was obviously pleadingto be released. The others according to Yllandril who didunderstand the language were competing for the best way to punishthe little cockroach for not getting them more brew.
Miranda steppedaround the corner and repeated what Yllandril said through themindlink.
‘Why don’t younice boys leave the little fellow alone?’
The nice boysshouted a few obscenities that Yllandril translated as no.
One startedpulling out a dagger so Miranda sang a prayer of entanglement onthe thorn bush behind the row of three. Immediately the thorn bushlashed