that he had a sparebracelet of emotion with six buttons on it. If she wished she couldfeel the feelings of any of the six animals in the game just bypressing the appropriate colour button. This way she could feel thefeeling of either the victims or victors.

This interestedher as no one would know which animal or player she was feeling soshe agreed and a chair was brought to the edge of the arena for herto get the best view of the game.

The gamestarted with four rodents and two foxes. The rodents screamed infear and ran in all directions, the foxes ran after one but thenchanged their minds as another seemed closer. Soon the two foxesturned into leer cats and the rodents into foxes and the scramblewas on again. Then disaster happened. The Queen suddenly jumped up,cast off her snake guardian and leapt out of her chair into thearena and as she hit the floor she changed into a rodent.Immediately all six slaves turned into foxes. They saw the dazedrodent and charged. She didn’t have a chance. One grabbed her bythe neck another grabbed her by the rear and they tore her in two.The other four foxes all barged in for a share of her as well.

Women screamedand looked away in horror. Men shouted then there was absolutesilence. It all happened so fast that the audience was stunned intodisbelief. Several lords cast lethal powers into the arena killingthe foxes but it was too late for the queen. She was dead.

Two of herpersonal guards jumped down into the arena as pieces of her bodytransformed back to their Elendari shape. They took off theircloaks and covered her remains.

There wasabsolute silence as everyone tried to comprehend what had happened.Was it an accident or planned?


‘Queen Aurorais dead, long live Queen Gemelica.’ And all eyes turned to PrincessGemelica who was standing with Lord Darkmantle looking shocked.

Darkmantlequickly went down on one knee and pledged his allegiance toPrincess Gemelica. Many of the other Lords did the same but abouthalf were not so ready to concede this swift change of power.

Llaloraxappeared stunned for a moment but not for long. Queen Aurora wasdead. He was freed from his blood oath to her. He was quickly goingthrough the possibilities.

Darkmantleappeared to have engineered the Queen’s death probably withPrincess Gemelica’s agreement. With the Queen gone Gemelica couldassume the throne and select a new Royal Wizard, a new RoyalChampion and a new Royal House. If Darkmantle became engaged to heras whispered or became the new Royal Champion, a position that hecoveted, then the Llanlleans, his people would be in a veryvulnerable position. They would have to go into hiding. They wouldbe hunted and harassed as in times before. They could be wiped out.He had to avoid that at all costs.

He turned toMiranda and said. ‘Would you like to have the power to get yourmother’s gate world back again and stop the Newman slaves beingkilled in those games.’

She looked athim a little unsure as to what he was meaning.

‘Of course Iwould. It goes without saying. How do you know who I am?’

‘I know manythings. You’re Princess Miranda of Argenta and this is a chance toget your home back.’

‘She’s PrincessMiranda?’ exclaimed Yllandril quite shocked.

‘Yes, nowfollow me quickly.’ he replied. ‘We have about ten minutes whilethey argue about protocol,’ and he raced off to the hut. Mirandagrabbed Yllandril and followed wondering what he was planning.

When shearrived in the hut, Llalorax was emptying a bag of magic items ontothe table. He then grabbed another bag and tipped it on thefloor.

‘This is yourmother’s spare set of armour and I have a brand new Grand Druidstaff that your mother commissioned to be made but never actuallyused. I think you have to load powers into it somehow. I also havea collection of old druid scrolls in that cupboard which may or maynot be useful as I can’t read them.’

‘Get dressedand arm yourself. We’re going to the ball.’

‘If I’m goingto the ball I want to go as Miranda not Dragonfly.’ statedMiranda.

‘Good idea.’replied Llalorax and he picked up a rod of greater dispel andpointed it at her. Moments later there was a surge of magic, herglamour vanished and she turned from ugly Miranda back to beautifulMiranda. She quickly donned her mother’s golden armour then sortedthrough the scrolls selecting several. She leaned the staff againstthe wall and cast the powers held in three of the scrolls at thestaff, which soaked up the magic. She then reached for the goldenmask of chaos and asked Llalorax who was loading up with severalwands what the mask did.

‘I don’t knowbut Aquitain said that it was the mask that he had been searchingfor. It apparently talks to him.’

Yllandril atfirst stood in awe. This woman was an exact replica of Sindelbefore she had died and become Snowbelle. She knew Sindel was quiteruthless and had coveted the throne. If Miranda was anything likeher mother in temperament she would have no problems stepping intothe Queen’s shoes. Was this one of Llalorax’s plans shewondered?

‘I feeluseless.’ said Yllandril suddenly. ‘What can I do?’

‘Mindlink usall together my sweet.’ replied Llalorax and watch our backs.

Mirandastrapped on the mask and mentally asked it what it did. No reply soshe verbally asked it what it did and to her surprise it answeredusing mindspeak and told her what it could do. Doesn’t sound veryuseful for the current situation she thought but it would cover herface until she wished to reveal it. So she kept it on.

Llalorax handedher a cloak that was glowing radiantly with multiple shimmeringbands of colour rippling over its surface.

‘It’sbeautiful.’ she said dazzled by its brilliance. ‘What does itdo?’

‘I don’t knowbut it looks powerful doesn’t it. It should make a favorableimpression.’

She put on thecloak and asked it what it did both mentally and verbally butreceived no answer then asked Llalorax what the plan was.

‘Agree witheverything I say, if it comes to a fight then kill everyone againstus, if I die or we look like losing use the amulet of return toteleport back here if you’re still alive, then you’re on your own.How’s that sound?’

‘Not quite aspositive as I’d

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